First Real Date

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Katara's POV

"What do you guys think of this one?" I turned around to Yue and Suki. Toph was laying back on my bed, playing with her metal bracelet. Even if she could see not sure she wouldn't really care anyway.

"I think it looks just as good as the other 52 before this." Suki said.

"Oh come Suki." Yue answered. "It's been a 100 not 52."

"Haha very funny." I said sarcastically. "I'm just nervous. This is our first real date. Plus, I don't even know where he's taking me which doesn't help with picking an outfit."

"He said you didn't have to dress that fancy." Toph interjected. "Just stick with jeans and a nice top." The others nodded in agreement. I let out another sigh and turned back to my closet. I settled on a soft, long-sleeved blue shirt and high-waisted white jeans.


"You look beautiful." The first words that came out of Zuko's mouth when I opened the door. He had panda lily in his hand and looked pretty good. He was dressed in dark washed jeans and a red flannel hoodie with a black shirt underneath. Now I'm glad I listened to the girls because my outfit seemed to work with his casual look.

"Thanks." I said as I took the flowers, trying not to blush. Everyone knew what it meant to get panda lilies but it is Zuko so you never know if he knows. "This smells wonderful."

"Ready to go?" As we walked into the common room, I heard people whispering and felt all eyes on us. I snuck a look at Zuko and saw the 'Prince' persona again. His hands in his pockets and a harden look on his face but it changes as soon as we were alone outside.

"No not that way." He said as I began walking to the front of the school. "Being the headmaster's son does have a few perks despite everything else." He still had a smile, but it seemed as if there was more behind his last statement. Once we reached the parking lot, he led me to a black Maserati. I couldn't help but gawk a little even if I knew nothing about cars, though Sokka talks a lot about them. Zuko opened my door when we heard a noise from behind us. We turned around but saw nothing.

"It must have been a squirrel or something." Zuko dismissed it but I wasn't sure. He waited for me to sit before closing the door. 

"So where are we going?" I asked as soon as he was in the car. He had an evil glint in his eye and I knew what was going on. "You're not going to tell me are you?"

"Nope" He laughed as he pulled out of the parking lot. We rode out of town and started towards what seemed as the mountains on the edge of town. Though, as far as I knew, there were no restaurants there.

"Uh, we are going to dinner, right?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yup." Was all he said which was getting on my nerves. I saw an auxiliary cord and had an evil thought of my own. Quickly I pulled out my phone and plugged it in. Soon Baby One More Time was coming out of the radio.


"Tell me where we're going." I knew I had a huge smile on my face but he didn't give in. Next, I played Wannabe by the Spice Girls but still nothing. Damn this guy is like a rock. Defiantly thought I would get him with that one.

"We're here." He said as he pulled over.

"Ok, just so you know I'm kinda hungry and there is nothing here which means there is no food." I said as I looked around. He pulled over at the edge of the mountain.

"Trust me, there is food."

"I like berries, but I don't feel like looking through the bushes for my dinner." Zuko laughed as he grabbed a big picnic basket from the trunk.

"Don't worry, you won't have to do any hunting." He grabbed my hand and led me to a path I hadn't noticed. We kept going until we reached a point where I couldn't see the car. After we turned a corner, my breath caught in my throat. We were at the top and the sun was setting. There were amazing colors and I had no idea what to say.

"So, what do you think?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I felt his warmth as soon as he touched me, and it added to the experience.

"This is amazing."

"What about this?" He turned me around and I saw a blanket spread out. On top was the picnic basket opened, with food placed on top of the blanket.

"This is just as amazing." I pulled him towards the food, so we could start eating and still catch the sunset. As Zuko sat down I saw the real Zuko. The huge smile on his face and all the glow in his eye. When he is like this you barely even notice his scar unlike when he has his 'Prince' persona. The scar helps make him look tougher and intimidating but this was just another teenager. A teenager who seemed to be finally enjoying himself.

We got another chapter, YAY, we got another chapter, YAY!!!! I decided to work on this instead of stuff I should be doing so it came a lot quicker. Glad I did too, it ended up so cute and kinda cliche which is my favorite kind of moment! What did you guys think? What did you think people are thinking when they saw Katara and Zuko walking through the common room? Should it matter? Will it affect them? Was that really a squirrel? 

I wanna thank @Akshi_ketha for the likes given throughout the story. THANK YOU!

If you guys feel the same as they do, just hit that little star. Or you could leave a comment below.

Don'tforget to smile once a day :) 

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