Enough of This

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Katara's POV

I kept dancing with Haru (if you call what he was doing as dancing) but looking at Zuko every couple of minutes. He was just standing at the bar serving people and talking to his sister. Not to mention flirting with her slutty friend. I swear I have heard so many stories about that girl that I'm afraid I would get an STD by standing next to her. Suddenly, I felt Haru kiss my neck. It was just so wrong and I never wanted that feeling again. I found Yue in the crowd and sent her a "save me" look. She was by my side in seconds.

"Time's up. It is a girl's night after all." Yue said and we walked away without looking back and headed to Suki and Toph on the side of the dance floor. We all started walking to the bathroom when Toph started laughing.

"I may be blind but even I know that guy was pushing it." She said in between fits of laughter. We all joined in as we entered the bathroom. 

"I know we were trying to get you out there but that was not what I had in mind." Suki said as she fixed her hair.

"Uh, then what were you thinking?" I asked. 

"Hmm, I actually didn't plan that far ahead. I'm surprised you danced with him in the first place." She replied. "I mean you didn't kiss Jet til, what? Like the third date? Nothing wrong with that but you were basically dry humping that guy."

"That's true. What changed your mind?" Yue asked this time. I know what made me flirt with Haru but it's not like I can tell them I was trying to make Zuko jealous. The problem is Toph. She'll be able to tell if I'm lying.

"Well I know I wasn't planning on dating him." True. "And I wasn't expecting him to start the dry humping." Also true.

"Then what made you stay?" Toph asked. She had a small smile like she knew something else was going on. Damn, think Katara!

"I just wanted to not think about what happened the other day and I was hoping this would work." I said. Completely true. The fight with Aang and mostly the kiss with Zuko. They seemed to accept because they nodded their heads in understanding. The important part is Toph seemed to buy it.

"OK, well let's get back out there and save this girl's night!" Yue exclaimed. We made our way out of the bathroom all of us excited. Right as I entered the hall, the first thing I saw was Zuko waiting to get by.

"Excuse me ladies." He said and walked right into what I think is a supply closet. That jerk didn't even look at me. Again! I have had enough of this. I waited for the girls to walk ahead of me and then ran back. I stomped in and slammed the door behind me.

"What the hell is your problem?" I said, trying to stop myself from yelling. Zuko turned around with a shocked look on his face.

"Uh, hi?" He said, confused.

"You have got to be kidding! Hi? That's it?" I asked.

"Well, what were you expecting?" Zuko challenged. He dropped the box he was holding and his hands closed into fists. Good, he's getting mad.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You are just another guy. Kissing a girl is no big deal to you." I said to him.

"What are you talking about?! You're the one dry humping some guy in the middle of the dance floor!" Zuko fought back.

"How would you know that? You haven't even looked at me since I got here. You've just been flirting with every girl that smiles at you." I said. At this, his jaw dropped open.

"You have got to be kidding me? I've been stuck behind that bar watching you and that idiot ever since you wouldn't even look at me when he bought you that drink." He said. 

"Really?" I asked and couldn't help but smile a little.

"Yeah, really." Zuko said while chuckling. "I was also surprised to hear you broke up with your boyfriend." He continued, slowly getting closer. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"That was before I visited you in the infirmary so don't let anything get to that already huge ego." I tod him. At this he just burst out laughing, I just stared at him in shock. It was so weird seeing any emotion on his face, especially happiness.

"I believe that-"

"But I did hear that you and Mai broke up and by how pissed she looked I'm guessing I had something to do with that." I said, interrupting him. Zuko let out a sigh and gave me a small nod.

"Though it should have happened a long time ago. We were mostly together for politics." He explained.

"Politics?" I asked, suddenly confused.

"It's a long story but starts and ends with our fathers. It's also the reason I'm working here but that was a save by my Uncle." He said.

"Your uncle?" I asked.

"Ugh, well he kinda owns this place." Zuko explained.

"Damn, what doesn't your family own?" I said. I was hoping he would laugh again but it was the opposite. He just stared sat down on a crate and stared at the ground.

"Definitely seems that way. It just doesn't seem to be enough." He said. That confused me again but I didn't like seeing him this way. Oh, what the hell, I've already kissed him. I lifted his head to look at me and sat on his lap (I'm wearing a dress after all). Zuko's hands automatically wrapped around me and a small smile making its way onto his face. "If I had known that's what it took, I would have talked to you hours ago."

"The sucky part is I can't even be mad since I was doing the same thing." I laughed. "I guess that's what we get for playing games." 

"I know it sounds cheesy but I like when you smile." Zuko whispered and slid my hair behind my ear. I rolled my eyes but felt a flutter in my stomach anyway. Before I could answer I felt his lips on mine and it was as if it was our first kiss all over again. 

"Oh come on, we can at least check-" Our heads snapped up and saw three people in the doorway. Yup just like our first kiss.

Another chapter and another Zutara kiss! I wonder who's in the doorway this time? Do you think they're going to as mad as Mai or happy? Please let me know what you think or if there is anything you want to see. The best thing would be hitting that little star at the bottom or top if you're reading this on a computer/tablet (I think it's at the top anyway).

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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