I Need to Think

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Katara's POV

He's been watching us this entire time? Using our relationship to his father's advantage? I know he said it started out real, but doubt crept into my mind. All the moments we shared and conversations, was he reporting those to his father?

"What exactly have you been telling him?" It was the question weighing heavily on my mind. Zuko hung his head, I hope out of shame. After everything, he should feel ashamed of himself.

"Things that I thought held no real significance. I hoped that if he realized it didn't matter then he would leave us alone."

"What did you tell him?" I asked again but with a harsher tone. He didn't answer the question.

"How I was working to gain the others trust. It was what he wanted but then he asked how. I spoke of talking with Sokka about his struggle in swordsmanship and how we planned to practice. I saw that as just an update on my own studies, not info on Sokka." Zuko answered quickly. I stared at him, without a word, so he took this as a sign to continue.

"I told him of our plans for the Elements festival, the slow success I seemed to be making and how more people from other groups appeared relaxed around me. It all seemed to be good news, but I still didn't understand why. It wasn't until we spoke of the festival did he really give an indication of his plans. That was when I figured it out, but it was too late."

"What is his next step?"

"After finals, he will propose that the students aren't taking their education seriously. The money could be used for those that are."

"How are we supposed to fight that?" I racked my brain but came up with nothing. It's not like studying for finals is much of a battle plan. I looked at Zuko and saw the defeat on his face. He had come to the same realization.

"You knew. It wasn't all just following orders because at one point you knew. You never spoke up, never defended the students." My mouth went dry as I asked the question that scared me most.

"Did you ever even care about me?" His eyes snapped to mine in disbelief.

"Of course, I did! I still do!" He kept defending his feelings but soon it all became a blur. I stood up and turned away. As I took a step, I felt him grab my hand. He appeared as if he was going to fall to the floor and his eyes held what looked like fear. I didn't let go and stared at our hands. Now I was questioning every touched we shared, and I hated that. Zuko seemed to understand and let go. My hand felt cold as soon as he did but I couldn't bring myself to sit back down.

"I need to think." It was all I could say before I left him sitting there.


I wasn't sure what to do. It was the next morning, I was lying in bed, and just tired of thinking. I kept going in circles and could not figure out any real solution. It was obvious how hard it was for Zuko to tell me everything. The fear on his face, when he finished, waiting to see how I would respond kept popping up. He sat there waiting for me to yell at him or maybe even break up with him, but I couldn't do either.

Everyone in this school works hard and deserve their place here. Forcing us to fail just so they can change into an all fire academy is wrong. It would leave the next generations without the proper guidance not just ours. Growing up, I knew I wanted to attend this school. I worked hard to be accepted and I was not going to go down without a fight.

But how do I tell the others?

As soon as that crossed my mind, I could understand the hesitation that Zuko went thru. The difference is I wasn't reporting everything my friends said to be used against them. My hesitation was due to my own wants. I didn't want them to hate Zuko. Even after everything, I don't hate him just disappointed which just made me sound like my father, so it did not help. He has known the whole plan for three weeks without doing much to stop it. The only instance I could think of was the moment with the two water benders. Only now I can't help but think that was him trying to gain favor of the other elements and it hurts me to doubt him.

I stayed in my room until one because I know he likes to get up early, but I was starting to get hungry and already ran out of snacks. Plus, if I don't come out soon I know one of the others will come find me. I dressed in jeans and a hoodie, hoping to blend into the crowd. I didn't want to run into anyone much less Zuko or Toph. She would be able to tell I was lying if I slipped up. I would have stayed in my room but a girl's gotta eat.

As I walked into the common area I kept my eyes on the floor and sped to the exit without running into anyone. I decided it would be better to eat off campus which would mean less chance of interaction with other human beings. I couldn't go to the Jasmine Dragon since Zuko had still been working there and I can't remember if it was his day off.

Once I made it to the pizza parlor, I realized eating off campus didn't help. In the corner were Suki and Toph though they did not look happy. Suki looked towards the door just as I was debating running away and called out my name. Putting on a fake smile, I started towards their table.

"Hey guys." I asked as I sat down. At the last second, I brought my legs up and sat crisscrossed hoping that would dull Toph's lie detector.

"Where did you get that hoodie? That design is amazing!" Suki asked (duh, Toph can't see it). I looked down and my heart sank.

"Oh . . . its Zuko's. Anyway, what's up?"

"Just the same shit that has been going on for the past three weeks." Toph said with a scowl on her face. "Finding anywhere to practice is impossible and now it's even getting difficult to get into the library."

"What do you mean? This is the first I've heard of this." As they both began to rant about everything going on and all the problems they have been facing. They kept getting more frustrated as they spoke, and I started to join them. How could the headmaster do this to more than half his population of students? He even brought his own children into the process, not even caring about their opinions. Although, Azula was probably in on the entire process. I know he never cared about his son's beliefs because I see it every time I look at Zuko. I wonder if he feels any regret when he looks at Zuko's scar or does he simply feel accomplished. That he was able to destroy any real emotion in his son just to fill his own needs.

Was Zuko simply a means to an end?

"Katara?" Suki waved her hand in front of my face. I didn't realize I had stopped talking and zoned out of the conversation.

"Oh sorry. I'm just thinking about the situation and what we can do about it. We need to be able to study. Finals are next week."

"Ugh please don't remind-" Toph was cut off by a loud noise outside. We turned around and saw a merchant kneeling next to his cart but all his supplies appeared to be on the floor.

"Are those cabbages?" I asked.

"That guy is always dropping those things. I don't even eat cabbage and most people buy lettuce so maybe he should reconsider his product." Toph answered before grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Anyway," I turned back to resume our conversation. "I know you don't want to think about it but if we don't start doing something than we could lose more than our good GPA.

"What do you mean by that?" Toph stopped with her pizza in midair. Suddenly, I had both of their attention. They need to know how severe the situation was. I just can't tell them about Zuko.

"Think about it. Only the fire element students have been able get sparing or gym space and even now the library. Our headmaster is obviously not interested in the rest of the school. That has to mean something." They were silent as they thought it over, but Suki reached it first.

"He wants us to fail. Yue had said her father was complaining about the changes to the water department's funding yet the fire administers got whatever they wanted. It's part of the reason he took that new job."

"If he is giving all the school's resources to the fire department then what is the point of having the rest of us." Toph asked, getting angry again.

"I think that is the point." I spoke calmly, but their faces were anything but calm. "He doesn't want us here and that is the goal."

I'm so sorry about the long wait. Life just gets in the way and I was having difficulty writing. Its funny that when my life gets even more crazy is when I finally get back to what I love. Thank you for your patience and for still reading Fire, Water, Steam. It moved and stayed at #1 in Zutara, even during my little break, all thanks to you.

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Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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