Happy At First

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Katara's POV

My mind is still reeling from what Zuko said last night. I understand more about his family and that not everything as prefect as others believe. The school knows him as the spoiled Prince but anything that he gets comes with a string. A present from his Father is never just a present and I couldn't imagine my father doing the same. Even the stupid or major arguments we've had, have never ended it in a battle against each other. The most would be Gran-Gran hitting us both on head for being ridiculous.

As I turned the corner, I saw two guys from my water bending class arguing with a representative from the fire element classes. We were standing outside the water bending practice arena and it seemed as if there were trying to get in.

"You have got to be kidding me!" One of the guys were getting really pissed off. He turned and saw me staring at them.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"They're not letting us into the arena for practice." The other boy spoke, calmer than the first.

"He's from the fire element, why would he have anything to do the water bending arena?"

"Exactly my point!" We all turned to face the representative, waiting for an answer. He remained solid in the doorway, his face stone-cold.

"I am just listening to my orders." He responded.

"This is a school not the army." I said. "Who are your 'orders' coming from?"

"Not really any of your concern."

"It is when you are keeping us from practicing for our final exams. Since this is a school with the purpose of education and the Headmaster 'orders' us to do our best so he looks good. And I think we all know that my Father cares very much about his reputation." We all turned and saw Zuko staring at the representative. When we looked back the guy seemed scared and nodded at Zuko but didn't move.

"Get out of the way!" Zuko snapped. The guy jumped and walked away. Zuko walked to the door and tried to open it but it was locked so he kicked it open. The two boys from my water bending class didn't seem to know what to say. I thought it was pretty obvious.

"You could say thank you." I said to them. They looked at Zuko and the calmer one of the two nodded at him and Zuko nodded back. He walked in and the other followed but not before he gave Zuko a fist bump. Apparently, that was ok with Zuko.

"Wow, I think you guys are going to be great friends." I said to him, sarcastically.

"Considering they are from the water bending element, that was a miracle." Zuko said. His expression was kind of hard to read. He seemed happy at first but then a conflicting feature crossed his face. As if he was almost upset that people were liking him. I could tell he worked hard to get my friends to like him but not really tried with others.

"Well, I think you're amazing." I swung my arms around my shoulders and kissed him right there in the hallway. He put his arms on my hips and pulled me closer.

"Oi! Get your hands off my sister!"

"Seriously? Sokka you have to got to be used to this by now." I turned around, though Zuko pulled me into a hug with my back against his chest.

"I don't need to see my sister making out with her boyfriend in the middle of the hallway."

"You're right man. Sorry." Zuko said before I could speak. He let go of me but still held my hand. The three of us started down the hallway with Sokka keeping up a conversation with Zuko about sword skills class. Apparently, Master Plandau was pushing them hard for finals. Ever since the break-up, Sokka has been slowly rejoining the group with a lot of help from Zuko and I'm extremely grateful. Even Aang has opened up to Zuko and joking around. I think I heard him telling Toph that they were going to the fire arena to spare. I knew Zuko was going but it was a surprise that Aang was involved.

"What up, Sweetness?" Toph walked up with Aang. They were dressed for sparing and since they weren't tired, I'm guessing they were on their way. "Any chance you and Sparky want to spare with me and Twinkle Toes here?"

"Sokka and I were going to work on our sword skills." Zuko said.

"Well I could use the work out so I'm in. Which arena?" I asked. At this Toph looked pissed.

"We can't use the earth arena because some idiot for the fire classes is blocking anyone from using it." At this, Zuko and I looked at each other. I know I seemed surprised but Zuko wasn't. Instead it held a mixture of confusion and frustration.

"How we go use the outside sparing area?" I suggested. Zuko and Sokka headed for the armory and we headed to the back of the school. I changed into the provided work out clothes and we all began stretching.

"Any idea where we should start?" Aang asked once we seemed ready.

"I got one." Toph said with a smile. I ducked a second before Aang so I wasn't hit in the stomach by the flying rocks she sent our way. We both laughed and the match began.


"Glad the school is keeping the dining room open later before finals. We totally lost track of time." Aang said. "I'm starving."

"Turns out Sokka and Zuko did too." I said as I read the text sent from Zuko. We walked into the dining room and made a beeline for the food. The guys were already eating and were so focused that they jumped once we set down our food.

"Guess you two worked up an appetite." I laughed since they were both coughing from almost choking and the other two joined in. We all began eating and joking around and I couldn't be happier.

"Well hello there." And that feeling just disappeared as Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee walked up. Zuko recovered first.

"Azula." He changed into the harden persona with the straight back and stone-cold expression. It was almost as if the relaxed Zuko wasn't with us two seconds ago. After spending time with him, I knew the others could tell.

"Good bye, Azula." Sokka said. 

"Oh what's the matter? Cranky now that your girlfriend left you." Aang held back Sokka who tried to stand up. "I guess so."

"Did you have a reason for being here?" Zuko spoke, his voice strong and steady.

"I just wanted to talk to my big brother. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"And your point?"

"Just wanted to check in, I spoke with our Father. He was curious as well." Zuko clenched his fist. "It seemed as if all of you worked hard to day. You must have had some difficulty finding a place to practice. I heard about the arena shut downs. Lucky, the fire arena was completely opened. We had no issues studying for our finals."

Her voice held so much suggestion you should have just come out and said what she ment. But her being Azula, choice that moment to walked away. Mai followed right but Ty Lee sent a flirty smile and wave towards Zuko before she joined the others.

"I really don't like her. I have no clue how Mai stands either of them." I said and the others nodded in agreement.

"It is weird that she knew the arenas were closed though and that the fire classes had no problem. What's that about?" Aand asked out loud but we all turned to Zuko. It was a bit before he actually answered.

"I stopped questioning Azula's actions awhile back." His fists were still clenched as he spoke. "it will just give you a headache."

I don't know if he was upset just because of Azula or that there was something he wasn't telling us. I was really hoping it wasn't the second option.

We got another dramatic twist! Things jus don't go smoothly for our gang so a quiet dinner was not gonna happen. What do you all think of Azula's cryptic message? There are also Katara's worries about Zuko even though he was finally fitting in. Please hit that star or leave a comment below.

I want to thank @JuliaStielgelbauerfor the stream of likes. This story has been doing better than I ever dreamed of and thats thanks to all of you.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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