Done Being Subtle

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Katara's POV

This was it. This was the day that we were going to show the headmaster that we were not to be overlooked. We were beginning the day with written exams, and the physicals would be in the afternoon. I felt confident in myself and the others, but I was still hadn't heard from Zuko. I knew about the guy at the phone company, so I expected at least a text. There had to be something, or someone, that was preventing him from reaching out. As far as I knew, his family still thought we were dating though I wasn't sure what he told him, so I didn't want to risk messaging him myself. 

I walked to the common room in a daze and surprised at how quiet it was; everyone was either studying a textbook, notes, or flashcards. I looked around and saw Zuko standing with the same firebender from yesterday. As soon as I found him, he looked up, and our eyes connected. Zuko said something to the firebender and began walking towards me in that stupid Prince façade. Luckily, I saw the complete opposite in his eyes. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to act, but I was annoyed he hadn't messaged me all day yesterday, especially of what happened between us at sunrise. Any girlfriend would be annoyed with a boyfriend who didn't text back, so I went with that.

"Aw, what's with the grumpy face?" Zuko asked when he reached me.

"You never texted me back," I answered and crossed my arms. Zuko gave me a slight nod, so I knew I was on the right track by acting annoyed. He wrapped his arms around me, and I forced myself to keep my arms crossed.

"I know. I had some business with my father." He replied, looking me straight in the eyes. I nodded and placed my arms around his shoulders. "You should start heading to class."

"I will. I just want to get some breakfast-"

"You don't want to be late. I grabbed you a bagel." Zuko interrupted me. He handed me a paper bag. I looked at him in surprise. "It has everything you need." He kissed me and walked over to his sister. She was staring at me as if waiting for me to open the bag to see what was inside. When I opened it, I saw the bagel along with a note. Since Azula was watching I reached in and pulled both out before tossing the bag in the trash, the trick was covering the paper, so all she saw was the bagel. Zuko was smirking at how hard Azula was concentrating on the bagel even though I knew exactly why I pretended to look confused at her staring at me and gave an awkward wave before taking a bite.

"What are you doing?" Sokka asked as he came up to me with Aang.

"Just enjoying my breakfast. Zuko brought it for me." I told them. Sokka rolled his eyes as if he were mocking us, but he knew there was something else with my bagel. I dropped the napkin, as if it were an accident, along with the note. Luckily, it fell on the right side so we could see what Zuko wrote.

Get to class ASAP—time switch. Recheck schedules.

Aang quickly grabbed the napkin and threw it in the closest trash bin. Right afterward, multiple people threw in more trash. There was no chance of Azula getting caught going through the garbage. I pulled out my phone and noticed I had a new email, but I didn't open it right away. I scrolled through my phone and pretended to show Sokka and Aang something funny before opening the email. It was a message from the school with a new schedule for finals. I quickly texted people to check their email, pass the news along, and make sure not to act any differently. Aang calmly went to find Toph while Sokka walked along with me.

"I have my battle strategies final in an hour instead of at one," Sokka said after he checked his email. "I better go grab my stuff."

"Go kill it," I said, causing him to laugh. I already had my bag, and my written exam for History of the Elements was in half an hour with my Waterbending in Battle right afterward (instead of the other way around). I took in a deep breath and walked out of the common room with my head held high.

Zutara- Fire, Water, Steam ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon