twenty eight

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» twenty eight

"Gracie did you know that shit about Rowan?!" I yell through the phone as I approach Rowan's house.

"Honestly, no. He's sober when I'm around, or not?"

"Rowan beats me, Gracie did you know that?" I bite my lip.

"Yeah, it was obvious." My eyes widen. "You knew and didn't do anything to stop it?" I'm getting mad now.

"Let me tell you something Melanie. You were never my actual friend, I never really cared about you. To be frank, you're cool just not my type of cool. I'm sorry about your problems with Rowan but there's nothing I can do. Oh and Jimmy says hey."

My eyes are watering. "Fuck you and Jimmy! I thought you were my friend!" I cry out.

"Yeah, and your old friends thought the same thing about you. See how it feels, bye Melanie."

"Fuck you! Fuck you! FUCK YOU!" I yell into the phone, throwing it onto the ground, sadly breaking it. But I didn't care. I didn't care about anything.

I grab the vodka I was drinking earlier and drown myself in it. The empty class I throw onto the ground. Cars are flying left to right on the road at the moment since it's a Friday evening and I don't hesitate to take a step forward.

I take another step, another step, another step, until I'm exactly in the middle of the road.

I take a full breath and scream, "COME ON HIT ME. RUN ME OVER. END ME. I WANT TO -"



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