Chapter 9: An Invitation in the Dark

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My eyes were awakened by harsh morning light. Brynn and I had stayed up late into the night, drinking many bottles of wine, as I told her of my travels. "Two attacks near the entrance roads to the stretch?" She would say, and all I could do was nod in agreement. I felt to the space next to me in the inns bed. Empty space greeted my hand. My eyes popped open in surprise, how had I slept through Brynn getting up. I was usually a very light sleeper. Consolidating myself to get up and go look for Brynn, I stretch my sore muscles and head towards the bathing room.

The water warms quickly and I soak in the layered heat of the water. Oh, how I had missed this. Remembering my mission, I get out of the long cooled water and change into some of Brynn's spare clothes. I was far skinnier than her well-nourished frame, so the clothes were slightly baggy. Stepping into my mud-spattered boots, I trekked downstairs and ordered some hot coffee and ice cold water to ease my hangover. Alternating between the two drinks helped to ease my hangover ever so slightly. With a now clearer head than I had woken, I asked the matron of the inn if she had seen Brynn leave. My question was written on a napkin, of course. The matrons response was, "Miss Brynn said that you'd be askin' about her dearie. She said to meet her at the orphanage." Nodding my head in thanks, I headed towards the sound of playing children.

The orphanage was a well-kept building near the center of town. Brynn volunteered there every time she could to help those in need. The orphanage had been quite populated these past years. The number of bandit attacks, with the death of the orphans former parents, had increased over the years, with little aid from the high king. The Mountain Stretch was well known for taking in the orphaned children from every country, land, or province across the continent. The children were well cared for and taught in schools. All was funded by the abundant silver and gold veins in the mountains that ran through the mountain stretch.

I approached the orphanage slowly. Many children, young and older, had learned to be wary of strangers. I volunteered here as much as my responsibilities would allow, but I was not familiar enough for them to recognize me as they recognized Brynn. I smiled tentatively at the frolicking and laughing kids. Similar smiles were returned before Brynn appeared from the interior of the building. "Hey, Aeri, over here!" Trusting Brynn's choice of company, the children went back to their games, albeit quieter than before. I approached Brynn a true smile gracing my face.

Hey, just came to check in you.

Ignoring my sad attempt to steer her mind away from my awkward encounter with the children, Brynn says, "You know if you weren't so apprehensive around them, they wouldn't be so tense around you."

I like children, Brynn. But it's ones that I know that I won't be do awkward around.

"You know these children, Aeri" she pauses, "and how are you going to get to know children if you're all tense around them all the time?"

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