Chapter 84: A Confession in the Dark

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Thank You to @Blankslate02 for all your support of A Song of Silence. Any and all support from each and every one of you means the world to me.

Also thank you to each and every one of my readers! We got to 17k views!! Wow that's a milestone!!! I can't believe it!!

The Grand Assassins face paled at my proclamation. I we both knew that there were fae listening and those fae had probably no idea that their leader was magic-less. It had taken me nearly all my life to figure it out. There were more magic-less fae out there than fae liked to believe. They were very rare, but there were enough of them that their presence made magic users uncomfortable, therefore fae without magic were often ostracized and expelled from polite society. They were reviled and would have never reached the amount of power that my father now held. If fae were to learn of it, then my father would be rejected by his own followers and killed. That was why he had spent so much time hiding the fact that he had no magic and killing anyone who even suspected otherwise.

"Well," I drawl, smug at the silence that emanated from my now pale and silent father. "Are you going to say anything?" Still, he said nothing, "Well then, as your spies in the walls will no doubt tell you, you cannot reject my challenge because I am your only known living blood. As the one being challenged, you have the right to choose where, when, and how we will fight." Still, he says nothing. Sighing, k roll my eyes and walk towards the door while saying, "You have one week," over my shoulder.

Just as the doors swing open in front of me, his voice echoes over the smooth marble floor, "How did you figure it out?"

I stop in my tracks and look at him over my shoulder, "Now what would be the fun in telling you that that?" With that, I finish my march towards the doors and they swung open to reveal the shocked gazes of the assassins guarding the door. I walk past them and say, "He's all yours," as the doors slam shut behind me. No doubt the assassins will tell their friends and colleagues of what they heard today. The challenge I issued would be all over the keep by nightfall and the grand assassin would have no choice, but to accept my challenge. The Grand Assassin is many things, but he had always stressed accepting duels under any circumstances to his students. It would be hypocritical and foolish of him to refuse my challenge and it would lose him the support and loyalty of his followers if he chose to ignore it. Essentially, he was trapped and he would lose everything if he did not accept my challenge. That is, if his followers did not turn on him as a result of finding out that their leader was powerless.

The assassins gave me a wide berth as I exited the keep and walked back into the town. The townsfolk seemed to recognize me from earlier because they gave me a wide berth as well. The stable boys eyes widened as I approached him and he fearfully handed me Millie's reigns. It seemed even being escorted by a group of assassins was enough to scare the living daylights out of anyone in town. I didn't blame the townspeople for being afraid, though. No doubt they had been terrorized by the assassins their entire lives and were too afraid of them to stand up to them.

Mounting Millie, I kicked her into a trot as we exited the city gates. I could almost feel the signs of relief that escaped the townspeople once I had left the city. Strange. With my deadline becoming even more limited, I set Millie and I on the road back to the Capital City. Tomorrow the ball would be hosted and it would be my last night to spend with Azazel before I had to break his heart. A hollow feeling in my chest appeared at the thought of leaving my newfound friends and the male I had come to love, but I quickly pushed the feeling back. Nothing good would come from fearing the future. Today and tomorrow we're all that mattered right now. I'd deal with the far future later.


The Capital city was sparkling and shining as Millie and I came upon it in the new morning light. I had to ride day and night to get here and time, though even the many hours ahead of me would not be time enough to get ready for the ball. The servants nodded respectfully as I passed. It was a weird change from their attitude towards me when I left them a week prior. What had changed, or more likely what had Azazel done to that had made their respect now extend to me. I nodded in return and headed to my room as quickly as I could. Their bowing and scraping made me uncomfortable because I wasn't used to such a thing.

I sighed in relief as I reached my rooms. Their pressing stares and respectful demeanors put me on edge. Especially since I wasn't supposed to see any of them after tonight. My dress was displayed in me rooms. An elegant masterpiece, it took my breath away as I gazed at it. The dresses I had worn previously all paled in comparison to the garment in front of me. It was regal. Queenly. I paused at that thought. Queenly? Shit. If Azazel had asked this dress to be made for me, that meant he wanted to propose tonight. He wanted to make me his Queen. Me, a former assassin, an outcast, and the murderer of his father. The hat was why the servants treated me with such reverence. They sensed bay he meant to make me his Queen. Panic encompassed me as I thought of what to do. I couldn't run away. I was tired of running away from my problems. Maybe I could confront him about it? Yeah, that's what I'd do. I talk him out of whatever he had planned for tonight. It was the safest option. For the both of us.

Speaking of, the devil himself appeared out of the shadows in a nearby corner. His liquid mercury eyes catch the light as amusement and relief glints off them. A small smile appears on his face as he sees me taking in the dress. "Well?" He pauses for a second, "Do you like it?"

Still lost for words, it takes me a moment to gather my thoughts, "It's, it's beautiful. I've never seen anything like it."

His expression darkens, "You better not have, I asked your dressmaking friend, Xyla to make it for you. I told her to make it something nobody had ever seen before. I'm glad she was able to deliver."

My hand unconsciously strokes the soft, expensive fabric, "It's truly amazing. Xyla outdid herself. But it seems wasteful for me to wear it. What if we got one of the fairer ladies of the court to wear it."

Azazel tsks his tongue, "It's unlike you to fish for compliments."


Azazel shakes his head, "I did not have it made for one of the other ladies of the court. I hade it made specifically for you and only you. Wear it, firefly. It suits you." I wring my hand in nervousness as I try to gain the nerve to ask him about his intentions for tonight. Azazel seems to notice my hesitance and takes my hands in his, "What is it firefly?"

"Azazel," I pause for a moment gaining my courage, "This is a dress for a Queen."


"I am not a Queen, Azazel. I am the farthest thing from it and it will reflect badly if I dress the part to which I am not."

"And what if I wanted to make you one?" He says quietly. My heart stops in my chest and then quickly starts beating again in an irregular rhythm. Shit. He did not just say that.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"What if I wanted to make you a Queen, Aerilynn. What if I wanted to make you my Queen?" He asks. Shit.

All the reasons that I cannot be his Queen pop to the forefront of my mind, but what comes out is, "What! Azazel, I-I can't. I am not prepared for that kind of responsibility. Not to mention there are so many things you don't know about me!"

"Do you love me?" He asks quietly, interrupting my panicked rant. My heart is deafening in my ears. Do I love him? "You don't have to answer me now. Or even tears from now, But know this. I love you Aerilynn. I have loved you for a long fucking time and I am a fool to wait until now to tell you so.  If you feel any whisper of what I feel, accept my proposal tonight at the ball, I will spend my remaining years making you love me back. Trust me and accept my proposal tonight." With that, he kissed me lightly on the lips and quickly left my rooms leaving me stunned and shocked in the middle of my rooms.

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