Chapter 30: A Recovery in the Dark

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"When will she wake?"

"It's hard to say, the healers say it could be 10 days, 10 weeks, or 10 years. Or perhaps never. It's impossible to tell with basilisk venom."

"Especially with the amount she endured because of that damned spike."

"I hope it's soon."

"Did you know she could speak."


"Then why wouldn't she?"

"She has a good reason. She always does."




"Is she waking?"

"Can you talk to us?"

"How do you feel?"

I can't think through the bombarding voices all around me. I can't open my eyes, let alone communicate with the fae who ambushed me.

"Alright, out!"



The voices recede and I sigh into my pillows at the lack of a headache that follows their receding voices. A cup is placed to my lips. "Drink," a familiar voice says. I'm too exhausted to refuse so I gulp down the liquid at my lips. "Slowly now, dear." I do as she says. The liquid goes down sweet and settles like a blanket in my stomach. "This'll help out sleep so you can recover your strength." I merely sink deeper into my pillows and sink into a deep slumber, glad to let my mind drift.


"It has been four days since she last woke!"

"Don't sass me boy!"

"When will she wake?"

"When she is ready."

"That's all you'll give me?"

"That's all you'll get."

"I should—"

"Out boy!"



I hear steps recede out of the room. My eyelids are heavy enough so I can't open them, but it doesn't stop me from trying. "Don't try to recover until your body's ready girl. You've done enough damage to it as is." A weary smile escapes my lips as I mull over her tone. She sounds tired of dealing with me and my many hostilities. Never thought I'd have a ton of visitors on my sickbed. How times change. "Sleep, girl. Little has changed since you last woke, other than that boys incessant checking upon you." Whoever was being called boy, was not happy about it. Reluctantly I went to sleep.

"Oh, you again." My caretakers voice surprises me as I wake from my sleep. It seemed rude to give no name to someone who had taken care of me for gods know how long. My eyes will still not open, but I manage to move my hands to sign.

Can I have something to write with?

My caretaker shuffles off and returns with a pen and paper. I grasp the pen and start to write. My caretaker answers me to the best of her ability as I write down my questions.

How long have I been out?

"In all? Three weeks." Holy fuck! Three weeks! Why so long?

The basilisk?

"Dead, thanks to you and Lady Karasi. If you had failed, then the beast would have run free to kill as it pleased. I have family in the city that did not have to fight the thing. I have you to thank for that."

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