Chapter 36: Rage in the Dark

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An eerie silence permeated the air as I approached the inner courts chambers. Fear red and anxiety was obvious on the faces of the guards I passed. Azazel must be really fucking pissed to jet it show this much in front of his subjects. How pissed and why, well that was to be determined. My actions earlier were enough to warrant some anger, but not to the degree that the soldiers reactions were expressing. The doors that led to the chambers of the High King creaked open. Even this time at night, there would be some form of movement, whether it be from servants or court members alike. There was no movement. No fae. Just silence. And that endless silence seemed more defaming than anything else.

I creeped over to the meeting room, where court meeting would be held next. Silence. The kings rooms. Nobody in sight. Finding nobody and nothing, I went to Karasi's rooms instead, hoping she might have an idea of where Azazel might be. I could hear the shouting outside the doors.

"Calm down."

"Where could she have gone?"

"Should we send someone to look for her."

"There is no need to be so angry."

"Where is she!"

Tired of their yelling, I forced the doors open with all my strength, so that they slammed open. Five pairs of eyes looked to me in shock. They scrutinized me from head to toe, taking in the mud still remaining in my hair and the dirt that splattered the bottom of my cloak. The eyes that kept my attention though, were Azazel's, a cold silver that radiated nothing but anger and surprise. What the hell is going on here?

Silence met my question as the inner court looked between Azazel and I. "Get out, all of you. Except Aerilynn." Azazel's voice is barely above a whisper, but it carry's enough weight that it gives no room for argument.

The rest of the court begins to file out of the room, but I stop them with one word, "Stay." They are unused to hearing my voice and the menace that order Carrie's, so they look between Azazel and I once more, wondering whose order to follow. "Shut the door." They do. Speak Azazel. Or you will be made to.

"Do you have any idea how badly you fucked up today?" He asks, dangerous calm in every syllable.

How so?

"Leaving without a trace in the middle of the day. The villagers noticed your absence. Even more so, they noticed how it undermined me." The true expansiveness of his rage begins to fill the room.

I left a note with the stableboy.

"Which I did not receive."

That seems like a you problem.

He stiffens in anger, but manages to keep a note of calm in his voice, "Rumors also started about your untrustworthiness because you were spotted mere miles away, in another village. Not to mention that there were reports of murders in said village."

What the fuck does that have to do with me!

"It has to do with you because I am now having to deal with these rumors and any anger towards you because of the murders will now be directed at the court as well. Not just you!"

Fine. I killed the men. Happy! And just for the record, I would do it again.

"No! I am not happy! This would never have become a problem if you had told me where you were going and I would have stopped you from doing something this idiotic!" He slams his hand on the table in anger.

Everything goes quiet, our angry breaths the only echo in the silent room. I had frozen at this point. Still and cold. Emotionless and angry. How dare he think he has rights to me. The next words I speak are cold and emotionless, my face a cold, hard mask, "You are not my husband, nor my father. As far as I am concerned, giving the note to a stable boy was more than anybody else would get and was more than enough warning. I killed those men because they were going to rape the women and then sell them into slavery. I would do it again and nobody, not even you Your Highness, would be able to stop me." With that I turned on my heel and flung the doors open in front of me. I didn't look back. I didn't need to. The shock in the air was response enough. Azazel had reminded me of one crucial thing tonight. I had no allies. Nor did I need them.

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