Chapter 57: A Table in the Dark

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*From now on I will be thanking one of my readers in every new chapter that I post until the end of the story. All you have to do is favorite or comment on the new chapter to put yourself in the running to be in the next chapter!!! *

-Thank You @Linalzavel for your continued support of my book! You have been reading and supporting my writing journey throughout the first few chapters and I appreciate it very much!!-

*Thank you all for the 5k reads!!!!!!!!I am in a total writing slump right now, but y'all's support is keeping me going!!!!TYSM!!!*

*Warning! There is sex in this scene. Don't read if triggering or too sensitive for readers! This is one of the first sex scenes I have written, so please be aware that it might not be great!*

Azazel seemed surprised by my kiss at first. Who wouldn't be. I had t exactly made my interest obvious, nor had I ever goaded on his interest in the past. Whatever might have caused his surprise, it didn't stop him from kissing me back. Unknowingly, my hands find their way back into his soft, inky black hair. I can feel Azazel's amusement at the placement of my hands, so I stomp down on his foot and bite down hard on his lip. Drawing blood. Azazel breaks our kiss for a moment as he runs his finger along his bloodied lip, an unreadable expression on his face. Before I can say a snarky comment, he crashes his lips back down on mine and quickly edges me towards the lip of the table in the room.

It isn't enough. I need more. More touching. More kissing. More anything. My hands untangle themselves from his hair and make their way down his muscled chest. Untucking his shirt from his trousers, I slip my hand under the dark fabric to run my hands along his muscked abdomen. Azazel groans and the evidence of his attraction to me becomes much clearer. I can feel him straining through the front of his trousers at I run my hands and scrape my nails across his muscled chest. Breaking our kiss, Azazel begins to lay kisses down the column of my throat. My breathing becomes more rapid and the space between my thighs, even wetter.

My backside hits the edge of the table and Azazel nudges me with his knee to sit on of it. His knee warms the space in between my thighs and I shamelessly rub myself on his leg to get much needed friction. Azazel gets a sense of what I am doing and removes his knee from where I need it. I hid at him. A sultry chuckle is his only response. Stopping for a moment, Azazel looks me in the eyes and says, "I need your permission if you want this to go any further."

Cocking my eyebrow at him, I say, "I thought my kissing you was enough of permission." Azazel only stays silent waiting for my response. Rolling my eyes, I give him the response he wants, "Yes." Faster than I can react, his lips descend on mine once more. His hands go to the laces of my dress, swiftly unlacing them. He's had practice with this. With Roseline. Jealousy forces my body to stiffen for a second before I force it to relax once more. I hope Azazel didn't sense it. Too late. Azazel finishes unlacing the back of my dress and breaks our kiss.

"I didn't sleep with her," he says breathlessly.

Feigning confusion, I say, "Who?"

He doesn't fall for it. His strong hands slip the sides of my dress down my shoulders. The fabric falls until it settles at my waist exposing my lace bra and my peaked nipples. Azazel smirks slightly at the obvious sign of my attraction to him before he takes one nipple in his mouth and palms my other breast with his other hand. I can't help it. A breathless moan escapes out of me as Azazel pushes me down so my back settles on the flat table. "Roseline, I didn't fuck her." He says quietly before resuming his work on my peaked breasts. I hadn't realized how much that thought worried me until my body relaxed at his words.

Azazel's butterfly kisses move from my lace-covered breasts downwards towards where I need him most. He tapes the rest of my dress down with him until he reaches exactly where I want him he to. An amused chuckle makes me snap my head up from the table. Azazel is admiring the black lace thong I wore to match my lace bra. Sitting up slightly on my elbows, I give him a look that says, Is that going to be a problem?

Azazel's only response is to put his mouth over me. A breathy moan rips out of me at the contact. Shit. He really knows what he is doing. His tongue caresses my folds through the black lace. The touch is so light, I start sweating through my teeth at him. He is playing with me. I'm gonna kill him. Just as I am about to move, he parts the lace of my thong and things really start. Azazel's tongue licks, stabs, and laps at the warm heat between my legs. His attentive and thorough touch only makes me squirm more. "Shit," I yell as Azazel laps at me. His answering chuckle sends lighting through my core and only further arouses me. I move to lace my hands through Azazel's hair once more, but shackles made of shadow encircle my wrists and constrain my waist, preventing me from moving from my position on the table. "Goddamn you!" I yell at Azazel. He only continues to feast on me. He sucks lightly on my clit. Teasing me as me brings me closer and closer to the edge. His tongue still teases my finds, even as I threaten and curse at him from my place on the table. I am so fucking close. I know what he wants me to say. I don't beg. To anyone. But would it be so bad, just this once? To get off that edge? Just this once? "Please," I whisper, my voice feather soft. His tongue swiftly stabs through my fold to exactly where I needed it. A rough, keening moan escapes me as my back bows as I go over the edge. Azazel keeps feasting on me as I go over the edge. His skilled tongue keeps my orgasm going and going. With all the pleasure wrung from my bones, Azazel rises back over me and smiles at my satiated body.

"We're not done yet, firefly," he says ravenously. Ugh. That nickname.

Smiling softly at him, I say, "Well we can't exactly continue when my hands are still shackled, can we?" A chuckle is my only response before he snaps his finger and the shackles dissolve. Before he can react, I jump on him and tackle him to the floor. I can feel his length through his thick trousers as I sit down on his muscled stomach. "I don't know why you are still fully clothed." Without waiting for a response, I grab the collar of his shirt and rip down the middle. The buttons holding his shirt together ping on the cold floor as they are ripped alongside the fabric of Azazel's shirt. Azazel flips me, so that I am pinned down underneath his heavy, muscled weight. He places his knee in between my legs as he levers himself up a few inches above me.

"That wasn't very nice, firefly," he says, teasing me, "You could have asked nicely."

Bringing my face close to his from our position on the floor, "You wouldn't like me as much if I asked nicely." A wicked smile promising a sleepless few hours is my only response before he shrugs the remains on his shirt off to reveal his toned abs. My mouth waters before I place my hands on the toned ridges of him in admiration. Yeah, that's right. Admiration. Altreya knows I could never get muscled abs like these. Azazel only smirks at me once more before shadow walking us again. The plush comforter beneath me is my only indication that we had been teleported to a bedroom. Judging by the tasteful decorations and dark draperies, this was Azazel's room. Any further thoughts of Azazel's decor were drowned out my Azazel stripping off the rest of his clothes.

Hot damn. Azazel's trousers hit the carpeted floor to reveal the long, thick length of him. Shit. All of him was toned and muscled. From the sharp v that led to his sick, to his muscled shoulders, Azazel was a masterpiece. He approached me slowly and put his hands on either side of my face, "Are you absolutely sure you want me?" He asks quietly. Surveying all the delicious muscle and desire in front of me, I knew I wanted him. Here. Now. In every which way.

So, as I always did, I gave him the simplified version of my answer, "Yes."

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