Chapter 27: Conversation in the Dark

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Days and days had passed. I had not seen the High Queen since the tasting at the banquet. No doubt she was horrified by my actions and unladylike brawling with the High King. Most in the Capital city would be horrified about learning of it, but strangely no rumors of it had reached my ears. Strange. Most towns would be buzzing with such news were it to occur there. Strange.

The Second Competition had been scheduled to occur in two days time. Karasi and I had little time to ourselves as it was, and now with the second competition approaching, well the High family needed as much help as they could get. Errands and events popped up left and right as the nobility prepared for the new eliminations once the second competition ended. There were favorites of the fae, of course, Lady Calliope and Brynn among them. The competitors made sure to attend these events regularly, so they were often the center of attention. Especially Brynn. I had failed to notice it before, but she had flourished upon coming to the Capital city, as well as continuing  with my absence. We rarely saw each other and when we did interact, I was blatantly ignored and ridiculed by many of the nobility for not speaking. It did not bother me for I had spent long enough around the worst of society that the petty falsehoods of the court did not bother me as they were intended to.

I had taken to hiding myself behind pillars and decoration to get away from the scaring eyes of the court. As cowardly as it was, I didn't mind for it gave me a much needed reprieve. Nursing watered-down wine in a glass as I hid, I observed the court as they mingled. Many sneered at any imperfection they noticed among anybody else while others merely nitpicked at the fae within their own circle. It all seemed very shallow and for the first time in my life, I pitied the court. They had everything. Jewels, money, power, but at the same time they had nothing. For they had not learned, even with all the time they had, that a life lived without friendship and love, was no life at all.

"Miss?" A servant startled me as he held out an invitation. I recognized the paper and the writing immediately. The High King. I knew the contents. It was the same every couple of days. I nodded for the servant to return to the High King. I would be along shortly. Setting down the wine I'd barely touched. I walked the length of the room the court was gathered in. I caught Karasi's attention out of the corner of her eye and nodded towards the door. She merely smiled and nodded her head. I was not needed here, so I could go elsewhere for a while. What a relief.

I arrived at the doors to the High Kings reviving room as they were being pushed open. The High King leaned over a large table with many papers and maps covering it. He looked up with a slight smile on his face and said, "I hope I didn't steal you away in the middle of something." The High King had been calling me to assist him with his affairs after he had interrogated me. He had observed that I had a knack for politics and felt that I would be of great help to him. We had been meeting for several days now.

Not at all, in fact it was a relief to get away.

The High King smiled, "Glad to hear it. I'm not one for those horrible parties myself."

But your the High King. Surely you'd be used yo it by now?

He laughs as I approach the table he was studying. There is an intricate map of Altreya on the top with various reports throughout. "I wish. I would make dealing with those stuffy nobles so much easier."


With that we lapse into comfortable silence, talking only to offer suggestions on realm policies and to make the occasional joke at the expense of a stuff court noble. It was an easy way to pass the time. "A main road between the Red Province and the Water Isles would be of great help for trade, would it not?" The High Kings asks, his finger tracing a drawn path on the map. His finger traces it back and forth, a relaxing motion. The High Kings nail is neatly trimmed and the slim fingers lead to a tattoo of swirling lines and neat dark ink that probably leads up his arm. Where else could that tattoo lead, I wonder? "Lady Aerilynn?"

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