Chapter 114: A Closet in the Dark

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Thank you to @dragon12170385 for your favoriting and support of A Song of Silence!! Your support means the world to me!!!

Also, thank you to everyone for the 34k reads!!! Ahhh!! That is amazing!!! I couldn't have made it this far without each and every one of you!!!!

It is nighttime when I wake next. Wholly nude and sprawled in Azazel's very comfortable bed, my eyes snap open at my unfamiliar surroundings. I instantly relax though, at the sight of Azazel, perfectly naked and slumbering next to me. His arms wrap around me as his warm breath tickles at my neck. By the look of things, we fucked through the day and slept until now. It seemed to be in the wee hours of the morning judging from the few stars I could see out of Azazel's window. I hadn't slept that well in ages, so I comes no surprise to me that I now lie awake as I could ever be.

Carefully detaching myself from his embrace, I sit on the edge of the bed and look back at the male that I now call mine. My mark still looks fresh on his neck and the shadows on my lady parts look darker than ever. Last night we claimed each other in every way that a fae can be claimed. Not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually. We were now mates in every sense of the word. Azazel would no doubt insist on a proper ceremony when he woke so that I was considered the true queen of the realm. Oh fuck. Now that I was married to Azazel, I was now technically the High Queen of all of Altreya. Shit. I really didn't need to think about that right now.

Shaking my head, I got up and headed to the bathroom. When I emerged from the bathroom after my long bath, Azazel was still asleep in the bed. Damn he was a hard sleeper. Putting on one of Azazel's smaller shirts and some of his pressed trousers, I went outside the room and asked the maid to bring us some breakfast. Even though it was early in the morning, cart of bacon, eggs, toast and lots of other delicious breakfast foods entered the room. Shutting the door behind the maid, I turned around to find Azazel blearily rising from the bed and heading towards all the food. "Nuh uh, mister. Shower first." I say to him as I push him towards the bathroom.

"Is that any way to speak to the male that gave you several orgasms last night?" He asks cheekily.

I give him an especially hard shove towards the bathroom as I respond, "I would be making you take a bath anyway, orgasms or no orgasms. Now hurry up or I'll eat everything and you'll be left to starve." Sitting down, i grab a plate and get some of the steaming hot breakfast in front of me. I am finishing up my food when Azazel emerges from the bathroom, a towel around his waist and water droplets glistening in his sculpted muscles. Damn he is a fine piece of male. Quickly looking away before I sprint towards him and ravishing him whole, I quickly discard my plate and grab a stack of papers that looked far too neglected.

"How long have you been putting these off?"
I ask Azazel.

He walks towards me, now in a robe, thankfully, and says, "Not long."

I arch my eyebrow at him, "Really? Not long? You are a terrible liar. No doubt there are even more letters to add to the pile from yesterdays work."

"I could have gotten some done last night if someone hadn't dragged me back to bed to ravish me." Said Azazel arrogantly. My cheeks warmed. Oh yeah. I had done that. A knock at his door had come in the middle of the night when Azazel and I were just laying around. Azazel had gone to answer it, but I had tackled him and ridden him until we were hoarse from screaming in pleasure. Let's just say the mating fever does crazy things to people.

Trying to shrug the memory off, I say, "You're trying to avoid the question. Some of these reports are from days ago. Lady Isidore and Adonis are no doubt pressuring to get them read."

"They knew we were busy," he says cheekily. I roll my eyes and go back to the stack of papers in front of me. "You know," Azazel says nonchalantly, "One of your new responsibilities as High Lady will be to help me with such reports. You're free to look through them to get them done, if you'd like."

"Nice try. I know you're trying to get out of reading them yourself. And besides, technically, I am not ordained yet. Mating or not, I would not technically be recognized as High Queen."

"Anyone who would deny that you are my mate and High Queen would soon find themselves without a head," Azazel says, a threat in his voice, but for once it wasn't directed at me. Rolling my eyes, I go through the stack of papers, letting Azazel eat his breakfast. Most of the papers consist of trivial things. Taxes and proposed laws and the like. It would be necessary to know the contents of most of the papers in meetings, but otherwise the information is largely useless. Once I had gotten through the stack of papers, Azazel had put some clothes on and finished his breakfast next to me. A servant was called to take the leftovers away and Azazel and I were left alone.

"By any chance, would you have saved any of my dresses from our sleepovers and conveniently have one hidden in the back of your closet?" I ask.
Azazel shakes his head, a wry smile on his face, "If I remember correctly most of your dresses were left in tatters by the time I was done with them."


"You didn't seem to mind," he says. Indeed I hadn't. Most of the time I had been to busy trying to get his dick in me to notice the state of my dresses.

"It just might seem strange that I am walking around in your clothes with sex hair as I head back to my rooms."

"Strange to who?"

"Who wouldn't think it strange. Weeks ago you would have rather shadow ported away than be in my presence. Now smelling of you and wearing your clothes might make it seem that you have poor judgement or that I had tricked you into letting me into your bed."

"You have never cared what other people thought of either of us before." He replies.

"Yes, well that was before I had an example to set."

"To who?"

"The entire kingdom. I am not your mate and technically the High Queen of the entire realm. It wouldn't be good if the High Queen went around looking freshly fucked, now would it?"

"I wouldn't mind it. It would show every male in this castle that you are mine." Azazel says possessively.

Rolling my eyes, I sigh, "never mind, you're impossible."

I get up to leave, but Azazel stops me and says, "Wait. Follow me, I want to show you something." Getting up he walks to large double doors adjacent to his bedroom. Pushing them open, he reveals a large, gilded room, sparkling and freshly cleaned. The High Queens bedchambers. "My mother vacated these rooms when my father died. She hoped that it would encourage me to find a wife if there was an empty room next to mine."

"I bet you left it empty just to spite her."

"Indeed i did. It incensed her to no end, but she could do very little other than bothering me every once in a while."

"It is a beautiful room, but I have a feeling it wasn't what you wanted to show me."

"You're right," grabbing my hand, he leads me across the room to another set of double doors. He pushes them inward to reveal a long closet filled to the brim with dresses, shoes, jewelry, and whatever other clothing items a person could think of. It was breathtaking to be sure, but what grabbed my attention the most were the weapons on the far wall. Swords, daggers, bows, knives. They all hung on the wall, pristine and elegantly crafted.

"Oh, Azazel." I whisper, "It's wonderful."

"I'm glad you like it. It took weeks of planning and lots of effort on Xyla's part to put the clothes together and design the weapons. It is a close fit for a Queen, or more appropriately, a High Queen." He says softly. His gesture brings me to tears. Nobody had ever done such a wonderful thing for me before. It seemed impossible, but my love for him grew even further. Turning around, I saw Azazel measuring my reaction, as if committing it to memory. I am too full of emotion for words, so I do the only thing I know how. I show Azazel exactly how much the closet means to me. Let's just say, that bed did not stay freshly cleaned for long.

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