Chapter 53: Sparring in the Dark

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We had stayed up late into the night trying to come up with a plan. Every idea they had come up with was immediately shot down. The Grand Assassin had prepared for everything and had taught me how to take down each of their defenses. Frustrated and tired, the inner court went to bed with the intention of thinking of new ideas on how to keep their lives. On how to survive. I didn't tell them that it was useless to do so. But as truthful as I usually liked to be, I couldn't break their spirits by telling them that it was no use. I would let them scheme and plan because, to be perfectly honest, it was all they could do. In the end, they would be killed and I would be left to clean up the mess that their deaths would make.

Instead of wasting my time trying to think of a solution, I went to the place where my solutions came to me. The training yard. The hard sand pit let you drown in the misery of physical exertion, allowing for all your worries to leave you and all your ideas to come to the forefront of your mind. Starting my drills, I didn't notice that I had a visitor. It was Azazel that joined me. Stripping off his shirt, he grabbed a sword and walked toward me in the ring. I struggled not to stare at the ripped abs and muscles arms that swayed with every one of his movements.

"Figured since we couldn't beat them for long tactically, maybe we can beat them physically," he says as she stretches and starts his movements. Not wanting to burst his bubble, I say nothing and continue my exercises as before. Azazel starts a few movements of his own. I struggle not to stare at his well muscles ass as he trains in the pit next to me. Once finished stretching, Azazel and I circle each other on opposite sides of the training circle. The sand is hot underneath my feet, but it is nothing compared to the tense and heat filled stares Azazel and I throw at each other.

Becoming tired of posturing at each other, I close the distance between us. Reluctantly Azazel does the same. Our steel swords ring against each other as we yeast each other's strengths. Azazel had more muscle and therefore more force being able to be used in his swings. I on the other hand am quicker on my feet and doubly more practiced at swordsmanship than Azazel. We are evenly matched. Well, as evenly matched as we're able to be. As we finally learn each other's moves, our moves become trickier and the steel of our swords sings even faster. Neither wants to lose this. We're both too competitive and stubborn for that. Our breaths become labored in tune with each other as we taunt, trick, and generally do anything necessary to win this duel.

I tire faster than Azazel. Knowing this, he increases the fervor and power of his attacks, hoping to tire me out before I can think of how to outmaneuver him. Using a maneuver the Grand Assassin had taught me himself, I trapped Azazel's sword in a tight lock and kicked punched him hard in the chest. The actions caused his arm to spasm which led to him inevitable letting go of the sword. Pointing my sword at his chest, I merely sign, You give up?

"That was dirty." He says , seeming slightly amused with another disconcerting note to his voice. One I unfortunately couldn't detect.

You thought an assassin was going to play fair? Oh, no, Azazel. I will not play fair and neither will an assassin sent for you. I walk backwards a few steps allowing for Azazel to pick up his sword once more.

"It was you that killed the Lord of Endale weren't you?" He asks as he readjusts his grip on the practice sword.

I hadn't thought he would be able to figure that out. What a surprise. Regarding him carefully, I sign, How'd you know?

He shrugs his shoulders as he starts to advance on me, his sword held aloft and in front of him, "It was quite inconvenient that he died. I needed him to better control the drug trade in and around Endale. He was my one shot. Luckily enough, his nephew was even more amicable to ending the drug and trafficking trades under his sphere of influence. I suppose I should probably be thanking you for that, but it instead made me curious."

Our swords meet. How so?

"I thought you weren't an assassin anymore?" He asks carefully.

Someone with my skill set can only do so much to make a living. I kill fae for money and I will continue to do so when I leave the Capital city. I sign this so calmly that I think my lack of emotion shocks him.

"You kill anyone?" He pauses, "For money?" I expect him to be horrified but instead he sounds intrigued.

That's what I said. Whoever offers me the most coin, will earn the pleasure of a dead enemy. Our swords start their wicked rhythm even faster now. Azazel says nothing more. We're both now too focused on trying to win again. This time Azazel is the first to move. His leg sweeps out trying to trip me. I dance back a few steps and then advance on him once more. Azazel locks my sword in the same hold I had held his and kicks me in the knee. I land hard on my knees, but I still manage to hold on to the handle of my sword. In the commotion I manage to grab a handful of hot sand.

Azazel levels his sword at my exposed throat and says, "And the pleasure of much more, I'm guessing?" He says, referring to our previous conversation. Oh now he's done it. Smiling wickedly, I throw the handful of sand in his victorious face and launch my body weight against his. He topples over as my unexpected weight and his sudden blindness cause him to lose balance. I land on him with an umph and I quickly start to pummel him with my fists. Instinctively his arms come up to shield his face, but he then tries to grab my wrists. My punches land even harder until he yells, "Alright, I concede!" My fist pauses inches from his face.

Now that I'm done kicking his ass, the reality of what we are doing finally settles in. What the duck am I doing punching the shit out of the High King of Altreya. Furthermore, what am I doing sitting on his stomach. I can feel his ripped and muscled form every place that we touch. Azazel seems to notice it as well, for a sly smile creeps into his face. Giving him a severe look, I get up off of him and dusty my sandy self off. I reluctantly hold out my hand for Azazel to grab so I can lift him up. Azazel dusts himself off and rubs his eyes. He winced at the grainy sand still in them and says, "Damn Aerilynn, I knew you would fight dirty, but not that dirty." I only shrug and go to pick up the practice swords that we had dropped. Setting them on the rack, I begin my stretching before I start my long run for the day. "What are you doing?" Azazel asks.


"You've been out here for hours, I thought you were done for the day?" He says quietly.

No Azazel. I've still got to run. It helps with my stamina.

A sly smile appears on his face, "You can increase your stamina with more than just running, you know?"

I put a coy expression on my face. Oh so he wants to play. Alright then I'll play. Slowly approaching Azazel, I sign, Oh yes. You can increase your stamina with many activities. Like swimming. I run one of my hands up his arm as I circle him. Or riding.

"Riding?" He says tension in his voice. I can practically feel the full force of his will stopping him from moving.

Oh you know. Horseback riding. I say nonchalantly as I flick an imaginary fleck of dust off his shoulder. Well, I'd better get going. I've got running to do. Stamina to build. You know, the like. I sign as I brush another fleck of dust off his other arm and turn my back to him. I can practically feel the heat in his stare between my shoulder blades as I walk away. It is taking everything in him not to say anything more. I don't acknowledge him as he quickly exits the sparring ring and goes to put his shirt back on. Aerilynn one. Azazel zero.

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