Chapter 108: A Vow in the Dark

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Thank you to @unclesnap for your support of A Song of Silence!! Every view and favorite means the world to me!!

Also, thank you to everyone for the 30k reads!!! WOW!!! That is an awesome achievement and I couldn't have gotten this far without each and every one of my readers!!

That was the most badass thing I had witnessed in a while. She we almost made me laugh. The other generals protested her action, but Lady Roseline didn't seem to give a shit. She just leveled an icy glare at them and they quieted down as they looked at the ice statue of their coworker in front of them. "Very well,"
I say when the generals have finally shut up. "What is it that your people want?"


"You'll have to be more specific."

"We want our freedom from the High King and his oppressive rule." She replies.

"You mean, you want independence from the only body of government that is helping your people survive?" I question.

Lady Roseline seems irritated, "What are you referring to?"

Sighing, I ask Isidore, "Lady Isidore, how much of Istlean land is dedicated to or could be used for the production of food?"

Isidore hesitates before responding, "Less than five percent. Even with EarthMovers and WaterCasters keeping the crops alive, the ice would eventually cause its people to starve."

I look back over to Lady Roseline and reply, "We supply your people with all of their food. To stop your rebellion, all I would have to do is stop food shipments from going into the Istlean Ruins. Your army would quickly consume your supply and your people would turn on you before they starved to death. I came here so that a great number of people would not die for no reason. Is there anything else besides independence that you might want for your people?"

"That is all my people want." She responds simply.

"Very well then, what is causing your people to want such independence from the High King?" I ask.

"Your soldiers come into our villages, set fire to our homes, rape our women, and kill all of our children for the sake of bring patriotic and desecrating our lands for the fun of it. Any attempt to stop such things is seen as rebellion and my people have had enough of it. Despite my personal preference for women, I had hoped that I would become the High Kings wife and that would allow me to save my people, but the Kings head was turned by a silver-haired, purple-eyed female. That woman was you Aerilynn and I do not begrudge the High King for falling for you. I had just hoped that he would love me instead, so that I could save my people. What we want is simple, give us our independence or we go to war." She finishes her speech and goes silent. I say nothing. Isidore says nothing. I had known the corruption was terrible, but not to this extent. We go for quite a while in uncomfortable silence as I think of a solution to the corruption.

Finally, after quite a while, it comes to me. "What you ask will take time, but I suggest something else in the meantime. I want you to join the High Kings inner circle as a representative for your people. Give me a month to take care of your corruption problem. If I doesn't work, then I will persuade the High King to give you and your people complete and utter freedom from the continent. In return, you are to disband your armies and send them home."

She thinks over my proposal before responding, "I will send someone I trust in my place. I will not join the inner circle."

"No. Only you can and will join the inner circle."

"I would only send someone I trust."

"It makes no difference because I don't trust them and moments ago your generals were discussing assassination of the High King right in front of me."

"And if I don't join your inner circle?" She asks.

"Then our deal is void and we are back to square one," I respond.

"Why me?" She asks.

"Because I understand your motives and know you will not betray Azazel for your own gain, only your peoples. This arrangement will be for the benefit of your people."

"What makes you think you can stop the corruption in one month?"

"I just will."

"And what if you don't?"

"That is not an option for me."

"And what if you don't?" She repeats her question, harsher this time and demanding an answer.

I look straight into her eyes as I reply, "I won't." The look on my face must have persuaded her because she let it go.

"Fine, but I expect you to keep your word StormBringer." She replies.

"When I give my word, it will not be broken."

"Not good enough. I want a blood bow." She says.


"Aerilynn!" Isidore hisses to me. When I look up at her I see a face full of shock. Blood vows are not made lightly and I just gambled with the fate of an entire sector over my own arrogance. I admit, this didn't seem like a great idea, but it was the least I could do for Azazel to atone for my past actions.

I turn to Isidore and say, "I am willing to get this done to avoid a war. We have no other option."

"There are plenty of other options!" She replies angrily.

"And those options lead to the death of thousands of fae. Are you willing to have the at blood on your hands?"

"Are you? Because that is exactly what will happen if you fail. Do you think Azazel will really let those people go when you fail. Your efforts at peace will be wasted and fae will die anyway!" She retorts.

"So be it," is all I reply before I turn back to Lady Roseline and slice my palm to hold out to her. She slices her own hand and the strength of the blood vow echoes in the room. Shit. I really cannot fuck this up.

With the blood vow sealed, Lady Roseline reluctantly unfreezes the general. He turns a bright shade of red before bursting out a string of profanities that were a shock to my ears and promises Lady Roseline that, "her father will hear of this." Lady Roseline's eyes take on a dangerous gleam as she smirks at him and uses her ice to push him out the door.

Turning back to me, she asks, "When shall we leave?"

"I would prefer in within the hour, My Lady," I reply.

She seems surprised by this, "An hour? But what about all my things?"

"You are free to have them sent to your new rooms in the Capital city, but it is best that we get a move on. We don't want to be traveling at night." I reply.

"I shall get them to fetch my carriage then." She says this and then her servants move around us to do exactly as she nods them.


Almost within the hour, Lady Roseline finally says that she is ready to leave. She is in quite a richly decorate carriage they will attract too much attention, but it is too late now. We will be delayed another hour if we change carriages. As Lady Roseline gets into her carriage, she turns around and addresses me, "He doesn't know about our arrangement yet, does he?"


She practically giggles in delight, "Oh, I hope I am there when he discovers our bargain. Oh that will be a sight to see!" With that she turns and hope into her carriage, slamming the door shut behind her. Oh indeed it will. Azazel's face might purple in rage or his eyes might glint like coins in anger. But it was a bargain he wasn't able to make and it is something I know that I can fulfill. He will go along with this because he has no other choice. Mounting Millie, I kick her into a trot and begin the journey we are all about to make.

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