Chapter 23: An Attack in the Dark

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The High King's and my prank war was at an all time high now. I had gotten back from breakfast with the inner court to find my things gone through. The servant had been subtle, but her scent lingered, however disguised by pine as it was. No wonder the High King looked so pleased this morning. As angry as I was to admit it, he was winning our silent war. And oh how it frustrated me that he was. The revenge I had would be even sweeter now. The High King would now find himself unable to attend the court functions tomorrow for he would be overcome with unbearable rashes and itching all over. And I mean ALL over. Fae that went through my things in the past learned, just as the High King would learn, to not get servants to snoop through my things. Luckily, I had hidden my weapons well, so they had not been detected.

I went to putting my room to exactly as it had been when I had left and when I had straightened the final book on my vanity, Karasi popped in to drag me to another court function. She had attended so many this past week, they had become unbearable and I had started to make excuses to leave them early. At this point, anything was better than attending those dreary things. "C'mon Aerilynn! We're going to be late!" I trudged slowly to her side and we left our wing of the palace.

Who's function are we attending today?

"You mean you don't remember?"

I wouldn't be asking if I knew.

"We're not going to a court function today. We have to help the High Queen pick foods for the feast before the second competition." Ah, one of my favorite things to do at court. Picking out foods for a feast. I was a glutton as much as I tried not to be. Sampling foods until I was ready to pop was a good way to pass the time. It took a second for the second part of Karasi's words to take hold.

Wait, the second competition, already!

"Why are you so surprised? The High family is keen to hurry up the competitions, for totally different reasons, of course. The High King wants to hurry it up, so the guests will leave sooner, while the High Queen wants to better showcase eligible fae noble ladies to the High King in the hopes that he'll find a bride."

I don't understand why she's rushing it. The High Kings got decades, probably centuries, until it is deemed time for him to find a bride or be an eternal bachelor.

Karasi pauses, as if holding some words in and continues, "Those years are closer than we'd all like."

He's the one that you said is the oldest you'd met before me, isn't he.

Karasi glances at me with a shocked look, "How'd you know?"

You get this twitch above your left eye when you are holding in a secret you desperately want to share.

Maradi touches the exact spot with her hand, "Is it that obvious?"

Not to the normal fae, no , but to me, yes.

Karasi makes an oh sound and ushers me to the door, "C'mon lets go. I do not want to be late for this!" As excited as Karasi about the food tastings, we hurry our pace to the royal kitchens a floor below. There is much hustle and bustle when we arrive, servants brining dishes to a long table in the center of the room. Already, there are so many covered dishes just waiting to be sampled. My mouth waters at the thought of the meal we will be eating today.

The High Queen spots is as we arrive and ushers us over. No other members of the High Court have arrived yet, so we approach the High Queen and the feast arrayed out in front of her. "Glad you both could make it, gods know I can't eat all of this by myself."

We wouldn't miss it. Karasi expresses the same sentiment and eyes the foods in front of us, even with must being covered by silver dishes.

"We're almost ready to eat, we're just waiting for... Ah, there you are dear." The High Queen speaks directly to an new arrival. I don't bother to look behind me, I could feel his presence the minute he entered my vicinity.

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