Chapter 16: Forgiveness in the Dark

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Days later and the wardrobes from Xyla finally arrived. Brynn merely took her dresses, turned to go to her room, and locked the door. I wasn't one to give up easily, but Brynn was resilient. She wanted me to give up and run back into her waiting arms. Both of us had unknowingly forgotten that I was as stubborn as they came. I had forgotten that resilience and determination back at SilverHollow, but now that we had been at the court of silver teeth for days now, my old instinct had started to come back.

My wardrobe was nowhere near as extravagant as Brynn's, as requested, but Xyla knew me well. The outfits suited my simpler tastes compared to Brynn's newfound expensive ones. I put on a dress suitable for the competition later today and made sure to strap a dagger in its sheath to my thigh. Walking out the door without a look to Brynn's locked bedroom door, I went out to meet Karasi. We had made plans to eat together before all the performers were summoned to the inner palace to get ready for the competition.


We had set out a table and chairs in the gardens. Bees buzzed around us as we conversed. "You've got to be kidding me!" Karasi shrieked.

Not even a little bit. She was seen with her hair and makeup askew, leaving Lord Relyon's quarters. Apparently she I didn't show up for morning tea today.

"Well I wouldn't if I was her! It's her own fault for getting caught when she's married to such an influential male."

Indeed. I take a cautionary sip of my tea trying to hide my laughter. I didn't succeed. Giggles escaped before I could stop them.

"Great heavens, you can laugh!" Karasi says.

What do you mean? Of course I can laugh. My silence only applies to words.

"Oh, I'd just never heard you make a sound before. I thought your silence applied to everything." Karasi says.

Sorry, no, just the voice. I'd be relegated to a boring existence otherwise. I've got to moan and laugh while enjoying life's pleasures don't I?

A mischievous smile covers her face. "Speaking of moaning, any males catch your eye?"

There are many pretty males here, but none have caught my eye. I respond. It's a slight lie. The only male that has caught my attention is the one I've forbidden myself from having. And what's worse I can't get his delicious muscles or striking silver eyes out of my mind.

"Females, then?"

I like both, but none have caught my eye. Fae were free with who they loved. Be it male or female or none at all, fae didn't judge. Pleasure was pleasure, no matter the source. The only forbidden and rightly ridiculed from of pleasure though, was those that preyed on children. Boy was I glad I got to kill those kind of males. If it's any consolation, my last lay was the first in a long while so it may take me some time to find another.

Karasi only hmm's in response. Any fine males of females catch your eye, Karasi dear?

"Oh many, many." She gushes, "but once we exchange a touch I see their futures and most everything about them. They run away rather quickly after that." She sound despondent once her words leave her mouth.

I awkwardly put my hand on her knee. I've never been the touchy-felt kind so I hope the touch offers some sort of comfort. I'm sorry Karasi, is there anything I can do?

"Nothing I'm afraid, but not to worry. I'll persevere until I find a fae that isn't such a coward." She sound determined at the thought.

I wish you luck Karasi, fae who aren't complete cowards are few and far between. I'd know.

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