Chapter 71: Defiance in the Dark

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Thank You to @KxxxZxxx for your support of A Song of Silence. Your support means the world to me!

Warning! There is partial sex in this scene. Do it read if triggering or uncomfortable for readers!

Karasi woke me the next morning bright and early for training. She threw a barrage of pillows at me, "C'mon! Get up! I've got to kick your ass so you can train me in alchemy later today!" I groaned and rolled over, ignoring her. She pulled my sheets off me next. I looked up blearily at my closed windows and saw that it was dark. Not a light could be seen.

"Go away and let me sleep or I'll make sure you regret it in training." I hissed as I slumped back down into my pillows. She shook me next. I pushed her energetic hands away as I grumpily fell out of bed. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you!" Huffing, I throw on my training clothes and put my hair in a messy ponytail.

Karasi is already jumping with excitement as she waits by the weapons and the training pit. Swinging my tired body over the training pit ropes, I get into a defensive stance as Karasi mirrors me across the sand. Well, better to get this over now so that I can go back to bed.

Advancing on her slowly, i encircle Karasi and back her into a corner. No matter her excitement, she is still reluctant to throw a punch. Ready to get this over with, I do an underhand punch that knocks the breath from her as I twist her arm and throw her over my shoulder. She lands roughly on the ground before springing back up and backing away from me. Ah, so she wants to play today. Unluckily for her, I'm not in the mood. My foot flies out and stomps the floor in front of her. She doesn't hall at the scare tactic as she usually would and instead goes to stomp and trap the foot I had just put out. She wasn't quick enough and her unbalanced stature allowed me to quickly push her to the ground.

"Enough of this," I say before turning my back on her. I knew this would provoke her to charge me, so I quick twist and Karasi is thrown over my back quicker than she can blink. I look down at her bartered form and say, "Emotion has no place in this. As soon as you let emotion have a place, you let your opponent win." I give her my hand and lift her up from the dusty floor. "Twenty laps, then you can wash off."

Karasi gapes at my words, "Twenty Laps!"

I nod and say, "I told you I would make you regret waking me. Next time wake me st a reasonable hour and you won't be running laps after you get your ass kicked." With that I grab my things and head back to my room. Dropping my dirty clothes on the bathroom floor, I sink into the warm water. My muscles relax at the touch and I don't notice my eyes close so big until it is too late.


A deep chuckle woke me out of my slumber. I jerked awake and prepared to defend myself before recognizing who the deep chuckle belonged to. Azazel stood there and had probably done so for quite a while before he woke me with his amusement. I assessed my surroundings. I still sat naked in the tub, the water much cooler than when I had first gotten in. I must have been more tired from the early morning than I had realized and had fallen asleep in the warm water. My hands are pruny and matches the rest of my body as I leverage myself out of the tub. Azazel pulls the stopper in the tub as I grab my robe. "Any particular reason you fell asleep in the tub in the early hours of the morning?" He asks, amusement in every feature.

I scowl at him as I reply, "Karasi waking me up hours before the sun rises is excuse enough for me."

The his only causes him to chuckle again before he wraps his arms around me in a tight hug, "Get dressed, firefly. I'm taking you somewhere special today."

I arch my brow at him, "What's the magic word?"

He huffs in fake exasperation as he replies, "Please." I smile in satisfaction at his response and go to get ready but am stopped him who's muscled arms once more.

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