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A few days later, Miguel had called Torrence, telling her she had to meet him outside Cobra Kai. When he arrives he takes her hand, pulling her inside. "What are we doing here?" Torrence asks. Miguel ignores her, looking at Johnny. "My mom says I can train again." He says excitedly. "She did?" Johnny asks, glancing at Miguel and Torrence's intertwined hands. "Yeah. I mean, if we still have the dojo. You'd have two students." Miguel raises their hands. "We do for now. But I need to know, are you ready to take things to the next level?" "Yes, Sensei." Miguel says, unlocking their hands.

Torrence and Miguel stand in front of Johnny, listening as he talks. "You got your ass kicked because you didn't have any defense, so I'm gonna teach you the best defense that you can know. And the best defense..." He fakes a punch to Torrence's face, she doesn't even blink as her eyes stay on Johnny's, a smirk on her face. "Is more offense." He says. Over the following weeks, Miguel and Torrence worked out as much as they could, spent most of their time at Cobra Kai, going back and forth with a blocking exercise. Johnny then decided they needed to learn how to get out of a headlock.

Torrence went first, learning pretty quickly. Miguel, on the other hand... took him a little longer to learn how to slither. As Johnny and Miguel are sparring, Miguel knocks Johnny's feet from beneath him, smirking triumphantly when Johnny clicks the remote, sending a ball right into Miguel's ear. Torrence looks over from where she's standing as he holds his ear on the ground. "Don't be such a baby." She tells him when the door opens. She keeps practicing her kicks on the dummy before Johnny calls for her. "Jett. Over here." She walks over, staring at the women that had walked in.

"Hello." The lead woman says. "Aw, shit." Johnny groans. "It's five o'clock. Twilight is upon us." "Oh, right, right." He says. "What's going on?" Torrence asks, watching the women kick her platform boots out of the way. "Hey, watch the shoes!" She exclaims, running over to them. "Uh, I had to sublet the dojo for a few hours. Just 'til we get more students." He tells them, smiling slightly at Torrence as she glares at the woman that kicked her boots. "We need to change the energy in here." The lead woman states as two other women put up a poster that says 'love is here to namaste.' Torrence rolls her eyes as they roll out yoga mats.

The following days, Torrence practices as much as she can on the dummy as Miguel practices with Johnny. "What's the second rule of the Way of the Fist?" "Strike hard." Miguel answers. "That's right. There's only one reason to hit someone. To inflict pain. Striking hard is about giving your all." Johnny says as Miguel punches the gloves he has on. The door opens and Torrence looks over with a grin, running to the girl at the door. "What the hell? No yoga 'til five. No matter how bad you need it."Johnny scowls as Torrence hugs the girl quickly. "Are you trying to join?" "I'm here for karate."

"I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today." Aisha continues. "I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." Johnny says. "I'm a girl." Torrence points out. "That's different." Johnny tells her, his eyes scanning over the girl as she grips her sleeves tightly, he makes a mental note to ask her why later. "That's ridiculous." Torrence states. "It doesn't make sense. No girls in karate." Johnny states, waving the girls off dismissively. "Uh, Sensei, I need to show you something in the office." Miguel says to Johnny.

Both walk to the end of the mat, bowing toward the girls before walking to Johnny's office. Torrence turns toward Aisha. "If anyone can convince Lawrence to let you join, it's Miguel." She says matter-of-factly. "You don't call him Sensei?" Aisha asks. "Sometimes." Torrence shrugs. Johnny and Miguel walk back out, cutting off the girl's conversation. "Okay, take off your shoes. Hop on the mat." Johnny says. Torrence goes to stand beside Miguel. "Okay, after further review, I've decided to allow female students. But if you wanna be in Cobra Kai, you can't act like a girl." Johnny continues.

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