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a/n: torrence talks to rosa, translations will be in the comments, correct me if im wrong. almost forgot to publish this lol
Training over the following days started with her looping through cones on her crutches and going over little obstacles. She trips over one, landing on the ground. Johnny groans and Miguel helps her up. Then it was sit-ups while holding a keg. "Let's go, Miller. Ok, there. Hold it, hold it, hold it." Johnny says, filling up his cup with the beer as she's mid sit up. "Feel the burn. Feel the burn. Looking good. All right. Ten more!" He encourages. Then he's got rope squares between cones, making her try to get through them to a beam on cement blocks.

On the beam, she smiles. "All right, I think I'm getting the hang of it." She says. "Oh, yeah? Think fast." Johnny throws a ball at her, she catches it but topples backward as her legs don't hold her up. Inside, she pushes up the coffee table as Johnny rests his feet on it, flipping through a magazine. "Lookin' good. Lookin' real good." Johnny says. "Me or the magazine?" Torrence snips. Miguel pokes her side with his foot making her laugh and drop the table. The following day, they're outside on the beam again. She catches the ball when Johnny throws it at her, stopping and staring.

Her legs continue to hold her up. "What are you waiting for? Keep going!" She tosses the ball back, making her way across the beam. She finishes and smiles at him. He wraps his arm around her, smiling in return. The next day, she walks between Miguel and Johnny. Miguel with her crutches, Johnny pushing her wheelchair to the dumpster. She beams as they toss them in. Miguel wraps her in a bear hug, both arms tight around her waist. "Congrats on being back on your feet!" He says excitedly. Johnny just watches them. He realizes he shouldn't have messaged Ali back because now he can't get his mind off the blonde.

The day after that, they're in Johnny's apartment, trying to figure out names for a new dojo. "What about 'Johnny Lawrence Karate?'" Miguel asks. "Or 'Strike Hard Karate?'" Torrence suggests, sitting upside down on the couch, her feet against the wall. "Come on, Johnny, we're trying to think of names for our new dojo." She groans. "How long does it take for Facebook messages to get delivered? Ali lives in Colorado so probably a while, right?" Johnny asks. "It's instantaneous."  Miguel answers. Torrence sits up, starting to walk to the door. "I'm leaving." She grumbles angrily.

Johnny closes his laptop, watching Torrence slam the door shut as she leaves. "What are you doing? Why aren't you going after her?" Miguel questions. "She's being bitchy, why should I?" Johnny asks obliviously. "You're so dumb." Miguel scoffs. Torrence stands outside for a moment, hands on her knees as she tries to hold back the tears. Rosa, Miguel's grandma, looks out her window, recognizing the girl and immediately going out to her. "Is everything okay?" She asks, pushing hair out of the girl's face. Torrence sniffles, nodding. "Yeah, I'm just... I'm just going home." She says softly.

"Come. Come inside." Rosa turns without another word, walking into her apartment. Torrence sighs, following. "Tea? Coffee?" "I'm okay." Rosa sits on the couch, patting the spot beside her. Torrence sits, taking a deep breath. "Spill." Rosa practically demands. The young girl laughs, nodding. "It's nothing, Ms. Diaz. I'm okay." "Spill." She reiterates. "It's stupid." "If it hurts you, it's not stupid." Rosa says, patting the girl's hand. "I don't think Johnny loves me anymore." Torrence mumbles, looking down at her lap. "Why?" "I know I technically broke up with him, but..."

She takes a deep breath, preparing to let it all out. "He's been messaging an old girlfriend of his, and he's been super distant lately, and I feel like he's slowly pushing me out of his life." She rants, so stressed she's started talking with her hands. "I just don't wanna be a second choice to him because he can't get the girl he really wants." She finishes, looking at Rosa again. "If he doesn't choose you he's an idiot." Rosa says plainly. "Nunca me gusto ese hombre." She states with disgust. Torrence laughs, having picked up on a bit of Spanish from being around the Diaz's so often.

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