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At home, Torrence lies in her and Johnny's bed before Johnny wakes her up. "Hey, let's go over to the Diaz's." He says, rubbing her back as he scans her over. She's gained a little bit of weight, but nothing too noticeable unless you're looking for it of course. His eyes focus on her stomach. She sits up, stretching and fixing her shirt. "Let me get something to eat and we can go over." She says, kissing him quickly before climbing out of bed. He nods, following her to the kitchen. The first thing she grabs is a spoon and a jar of peanut butter. "You've been eating a lot of peanut butter lately." He mentions, hoping this would get her secret out of her. She stiffens. He knows. She knows he knows but he won't say something.

"Just been wanting it." She shrugs, looking down. He sighs, nodding. They walk over to the Diaz's, Johnny opens the door, apologizing for being late. "Graffiti's a bitch to clean off. You should see my van. Should be illegal to deface someone else's property." He says as he sits, pulling Torrence into his lap. "It is." Carmen answers. Johnny glances at her before shrugging. "Well, this looks different." Torrence says. "Yeah, I made it. Oh, I forgot the orange juice. Uh, one second." Miguel says. "Everything okay with you and Robby?" Carmen asks Johnny. "Yeah, really good. Ride home was a little quiet though. I think things between him and Miguel are gonna take some time." Johnny says softly, shaking his head.

Carmen hands a fork to Torrence, offering to share her food. Torrence smiles, taking it. "Okay, orange juice." Miguel says. Rosa then asks about Sam and when Miguel was gonna visit her, stating she must miss him. "Yeah, I think I need to make an apology meal for Sam too." Miguel says as Torrence gags, quickly getting up and going to the bathroom, throwing up. "Maybe you guys should order in instead." Johnny jokes before looking at Carmen as she raises a brow at him. Johnny helps by dumping the food in the trashcan as Torrence sits with Carmen at the table, sipping at a ginger ale with her hand on her stomach. "You sure you're okay?"  Carmen asks.

Torrence glances at Johnny. "I know I'm not the best cook, but I can teach the kid a few things." Johnny says. "It's not that." Torrence says, looking down while grabbing her bag. "I've felt sick a lot lately. I thought it was a bug, but..." She trails off, pulling the test out of her bag and setting it on the table. Johnny's jaw drops. He thought Robby was joking but this is serious. He stands. "Okay. Okay. Okay, okay. This is a good thing, right?" He paces back and forth. "Or is this a bad thing?" He asks. "I shouldn't have said anything." Torrence says, her eyes welling up with tears, looking away from him. "Why don't we take another test to be sure?" Carmen says, setting her hand on Torrence's. Torrence nods as she stands. Johnny reaches for his keys

He drops them, looking at Torrence quickly. "Why don't I drive?" Carmen says, setting her hand on Johnny's shaking one. At the drugstore, they walk in, Johnny and Torrence going to the counter. "Hi." "Morning after pill or pregnancy test?" The woman asks. "Is that obvious?" Torrence asks. "One pregnancy test, please. Or two, or however many come in a box." Johnny says. "Aisle two. Plenty of options." Torrence nods, walking away. She stands there, scanning them over before Johnny walks over. She grabs one off the shelf. "Is that the best one? We can buy the premium version, whatever you like." He says. She chuckles, shaking her head lightly.

"Johnny, take a breath." "Sorry, yeah. It's just when Shannon was pregnant with Robby, I wasn't ready. I felt useless. I don't wanna be that guy again." He says. "I get it. I'm scared too. But you're not gonna be that guy again." She says, kissing his cheek as a baby starts to cry. "Oh God, now I think I'm gonna get sick." He says. "Looks like you're still not ready. Why don't you go wait in the car with Carmen?" She grabs a test, walking past him. "Shit, Torrence, wait." "Johnny, this should be simple, and you're making me nervous. Look, I'll take the test later. Maybe in the meantime, you can figure how not to be that guy again." She walks away, going to the counter. He sighs, knowing he fucked up.

The ride back to the apartments is silent, Torrence staring at the bag with the test. "I'm gonna be with Carmen. You go back to ours, okay?" She says to Johnny as they climb out. "Yeah, okay." He says softly, pulling her in and planting his lips on hers. She sighs, melting against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. It feels like they haven't been intimate in forever. She's been distant since she missed her period, she was worried what would happen. When Miguel leaves, Carmen whisks Torrence to the bathroom. They sit, waiting for the lines to either show or not. When they do, Torrence does break down, tears rushing down her face. Carmen carefully pulls her in for a tight hug.

Torrence buries her face in her shoulder, crying. "I can't believe it." She says softly when she pulls away. "You're gonna be a great mom, Tor. You're caring, and patient. And I can't wait to see how you handle this." She says, wiping her face carefully. After calming down, Torrence decides she should tell Johnny. She opens the door. "Johnny... What's going on? You did all this today?" She asks. Johnny turns to face her, smiling softly. "Yep. Just trying to be prepared. You know, just in case. This whole apartment is baby-proofed. Go ahead, just try to stick your finger in any of the sockets. It's a lost cause. Oh, and did you know that babies can hear music in the womb?" He picks up headphones.

"I adjusted the headphones to fit around your stomach." He says, placing them around her. She smiles. "There's some Sabbath in there now, but you could put in Metallica, Dokken, whatever." "Metallica. Always." She says. "Look, this morning I didn't think I could be one of those lame dads with the baby carriers, the diapers, and all that crap. But if it means I'm doing it with you, our child, I'll do whatever it takes." He steps closer. "I know you would." "I can't promise I won't screw up from time to time, ya know. But I can promise I won't run away. I won't back down." He states. "I have something to confess. I couldn't wait. I took the test." She says nervously. "All right, whatever it says, I'm ready."

"Good. Because... we're having a baby." He stays silent for a moment, before nodding. "Badass!" "Yeah?" He nods again. "Yeah." He grabs her jaw, pulling her in and kissing her roughly. She giggles, wrapping her arms around him. He smiles, hugging her tightly. "You're gonna be a great mom." He says, kissing her head. She smiles before grimacing slightly. "We have to tell my mom." She says. Johnny pales. "Oh no." "Yep. Grab your keys, I wanna tell her in person." She kisses his jaw. Once at Eliza's, Torrence knocks, waiting for her mom to answer. "Hey, honey!" Eliza smiles at her daughter. "Hey, mom! There's something and Johnny and I have to tell you."

Eliza's face lights up and she smirks. "Am I gonna be a grandma?" She asks, clasping her hands together under her chin. Torrence laughs, nodding. "You're not mad?" "Of course not!" Eliza welcomes them in, sitting in the living room as Torrence sips at the tea her mom was making when they showed up. "How long ago did you find out?" Her mom asks. "I knew the other day. Johnny found out today." Torrence says, leaning against Johnny. He kisses her forehead. "I'm so happy for you, Tor." Eliza says tearfully. "Oh, momma, don't cry." Torrence quickly moves over to her, hugging her tightly. "I hope you're ready for this, but I am always here to help." She hugs her back, sighing. "Thank you, momma."

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