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Johnny didn't waste any time climbing in his car, driving to the canyon. He calls Torrence's phone again the let them know he's there. Hawk walks up, Torrence beside him. Johnny leans over the center console and throws the door open. "Oh shit. Am I in trouble?" Torrence asks when she sees Johnny's stern looking face as he sits there. "Not right now, but maybe." Johnny answers as Eli helps Torrence into the car. "Fuck." She mumbles. "I'll make sure she gets some sleep." Johnny tells Eli. "Thank you, Sensei." Eli says quickly, kissing Torrence's forehead. "Call me tomorrow." He says before closing the door.

Johnny sighs, looking at the girl falling asleep in the passenger seat beside him. "You're gonna be the death of me, Jett." "You love me." She teases sleepily. The rest of the car ride is silent. He reaches the apartments, carefully picking her up bridal style and carrying her inside. He sets her in his bed, covering her up. He starts to walk out when she grabs his wrist. "Stay with me." She whines, not wanting to be alone. She fell for Johnny completely and being drunk is only amplifying those feelings. "I can't, princess." He says, pushing hair out of her face. "Just 'til I fall asleep?" She tries to bargain. He sighs, nodding. "Okay."

He climbs in the bed beside her. "I like you, Johnny." It's always special when she calls someone by their first name. "I like you too, Torrence." He tells her. "No, Johnny-" She sighs, sitting up, dropping her head into her hands. "I like you. I want to be with you." She says. "Torrence-" "I know, I'm crossing a line. But I can't help it. I can't keep it quiet anymore." She starts to mumble near the end, looking over at him. He sits up as well. "You're drunk, Torrence. You don't mean this." He says, shaking his head. She grabs his face, pressing her lips to his. He quickly reacts, kissing back before pulling away.

"You're drunk." He repeats, climbing out of the bed. "Go to bed, Jett. We'll talk in the morning." He kisses her forehead, walking out. She goes over the events in her head, knowing she's completely stepped over a line. If it makes things too awkward, she'll just quit Cobra Kai. The next morning, she wakes up with a groan, holding her head. She stumbles out of the room, remembering everything after Yasmine's front wedgie. Meaning she also remembers kissing Johnny. She walks into the living room/kitchen area, finding Johnny leaning against the counter. "We've gotta talk."

She gulps nervously, nodding slightly. "Torrence, I'm your sensei, and not to mention, a grown man. I can't... We can't-" He shakes his head. "I'm sorry." She whispers, messing with her sleeves. He steps forward, lifting her chin. "I can still teach you, but-" He cuts himself off. His eyes drop down to her lips and he can't help thinking about the short kiss they had shared. "Torrence." "Yeah?" Her eyes stay on the floor. "Look at me." He says. She looks up, caught off guard when he pulls her closer, pressing his lips to hers. She kisses back, carefully wrapping her arms around his neck.

Soon enough they pull back, her arms still around him as his hands sit on her hips. "Wow." She mumbles. "No one can know." He says quickly. "I won't tell anyone." She promises. Suddenly he remembers what happened last night with his son and he looks at Torrence, reminded of something else. "Your mom called. Call her, let her know you're okay." He tells her as he pulls back completely, handing her the phone. "Okay." She clicks her mom's contact, walking farther away from Johnny. "Hey, momma." She says when Eliza answers. "Did you have fun at Aisha's?"

"Of course. Aisha and I always have fun." She says, keeping up with the little lie. "Yeah? I'm on my way. We can go to the store together." "I'm actually at Miguel's right now. Aisha had family stuff to do, so she dropped me off at Miguel's." Torrence lies, holding her head again as it starts to pound. "Oh, do you wanna stay there a bit longer?" "If that's okay." She wants to be with Johnny more. "Of course that's okay. Call me when you wanna come home." Eliza tells her daughter before they say their goodbyes. Torrence shoves her phone in her pocket before looking at Johnny.

He's got a bottle of Tylenol and a glass of orange juice in his hands. She smiles at him gratefully. "You're a life saver." She mumbles. "I know." He says, kissing her forehead as she leans against him, taking the objects from his hands. She practically chugs the drink before setting the glass on the counter. "So, your mom didn't know you stayed here last night?" "She'd kill me, Lawrence." She states then speaks again after a moment of silence. "I'm glad I got wasted last night." She says, looking up at him. "Yeah?" He asks. "It meant I finally got the balls to make a move." She smirks at him.

He laughs, grabbing her hips, pulling her toward him. "I'm serious. I never would've been so forward if I were sober cause I knew I was crossing a line." She says, looking down at her hands. "Look at me, princess." She slowly looks up at him. "I'm glad you made a move." He tells her with a smile. "Yeah?" "Yeah." He kisses her forehead before lifting her chin, pressing a kiss to her lips. She smiles, looking down at her hands again. "I've gotta make sure Diaz's gonna cover for me, I'll be right back." She says, kissing his cheek before walking to Miguel's. She knocks on the door and waits.

Miguel answers after a moment. "Tor, hey, what are you doing here?" He asks, confused. "I can explain later, can you vouch that I've been here since about-" She pauses, checking the time on her phone. "10:30 ish?" She asks. He looks around behind him for a second before nodding. "Yeah, of course. Need to be over here when your mom comes?" "Yep." He nods before smirking. "Are you with Sensei?" "What's that supposed to mean?" She asks quickly. "Dude, it's obvious you like him, did you call him last night after you got wasted?" "It's not obvious! I do not!" She objects.

"You totally do." He states, leaning against the doorway. "Plus, I saw you through the window. If you guys wanna keep it secret you've gotta close the blinds completely." He shrugs nonchalantly. "Diaz, I'm gonna kick your ass one of these days." "You guys'll be good together. You seem to complement each other." He says. "Like you and Sam?" She teases but he only winces. "Oh shit, what happened?" She asks. "I'll explain later. Go back to Sensei." He smirks again. "You're so dumb, thank you, Diaz." She kisses his cheek before walking back to Johnny's. "Okay, so," She starts nervously.

"So, what?" Johnny asks, sitting on the couch, flipping through stations on the tv. "So, Diaz might know about us." She says quickly, barely breaking up the words. "Shit, what?" He sits up from the couch quickly. "He just teased me about it because he saw us through the window." She, yet again, speaks quickly. "Fuck. You don't think he'll say anything, right?" "I don't think so. He said we'd be good together." She still hasn't met his eyes as she bounces on her heels. "Come here, princess." He says. She slowly walks over and he grabs her hips, pulling her into his lap with a smile.

"Johnny!" She laughs, wrapping her arms around his neck. "When are you going home?" He asks. "What, want me to leave already?" She teases. "No! That's- I didn't- No." She laughs again when he scowls lightly. "You little shit." "Am not." She objects. "Are too." He nods, leaning toward her. She jokingly pulls back. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He says, leaning in to kiss her again. She smirks, pulling back again. He grabs her jaw, pulling her closer to him. "Don't be a brat." He scolds softly. She nods before he presses his lips to hers. She runs her fingers through his hair. He smiles when she pulls back. "Let's watch tv."

She smiles, kissing him quickly before looking at the tv. They sit and watch for a little while before her phone rings. "Hey, I know I said to call when you wanna come home, but I'm on my way to Miguel's." Eliza says. "Okay, thanks for letting me stay longer, momma." "Of course, honey." They say their goodbyes before Torrence faces Johnny again. "I gotta get to Diaz's." She says, kissing him softly. His hands tighten on her hips. She pulls back, smiling. "I'll see you at the tournament tomorrow." She says. He kisses her forehead, nodding. "Call Hawk, you gotta let him know you're okay." He says to her before she leaves.
a/n: full chapter of johnny and torrence, thank me later

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