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Everywhere Torrence looks, there's Cobra Kai. Whether it's a t-shirt, or a poster, hell, even a Cobra. It's taken over the Valley. She stands with Johnny, Daniel, Amanda and Chozen at LaRusso Auto, a map with all the Cobra Kai locations on it. Since she can't fight, she's almost like an honorary sensei. "Another location just opened today in Toluca Lake. Silver's dividing and conquering." Daniel says. "All we gotta do is get our hands dirty. Pull some skeletons out of his closet. Know any of his old friends?" Johnny asks, Torrence at his side as she stares at the map. "We've gone down that road. It, um, didn't go well." Daniel says with a glance at Chozen. "Well we have to do something. He's got the damn Valley in a stranglehold." Torrence states.

"Silver thinking beyond Valley." Chozen says. "Whatever he's got up his sleeve, he's keeping it very quiet right now." Daniel shakes his head. "Well, there is... someone who may know. Someone who knows Silver best?" Amanda suggests. "You're not talking about who I think you're talking about it." Daniel says. "Don't even say it." Johnny scowls. "To beat a monster, maybe we need a monster." She says. "I can be monster." Chozen tries. "Oh, I bet you'd make a great monster. But in this case, only one monster fits the bill." She looks between Daniel and Johnny. "No. Kreese is locked up. Hopefully, in a deep dark hole. And I have no interest in crawling into it." Johnny states almost angrily.

"Listen, we wouldn't be having this conversation if we weren't desperate." She says. "Kreese might be out best weapon if he's just pointed in the right direction." Torrence agrees. The door opens and a man stares at them in confusion. "Do any of you work here? I'd like to buy a car if it's not too inconvenient for you." He says. "These guys work here." Johnny points at Daniel and Amanda. "Uh, yeah, you wanna..." Daniel trails off, looking at Amanda. She nods. "Yep." "Thank you, honey." Once home, Torrence sits on the couch, throwing her feet up with a small groan. "Johnny, I know you don't wanna go, but Kreese might be our best bet." She says, looking at him. "I know but... It's Kreese. He's not a good man."

"And I get that, I do, really. But who's worse? Kreese or Silver? Sometimes you have to pick your poison." She shrugs slightly, lifting her hands as if weighing objects in them. He nods, agreeing. "Yeah, you've got a point." Someone knocks on the door and Johnny takes that as his clue that Daniel is there. "Stay here. I don't wanna risk you getting hurt going out somewhere." He kisses her softly before kissing her forehead. "I'll be fine. We need a few things from the store, so I'm gonna get them. I'll keep you updated, okay?" "We'll go together when I get back. Until then, you stay here." She huffs, nodding. "Yeah, yeah." Daniel knocks again before opening the door. "Johnny?" "Coming."

Johnny kisses her one more time before leaving. She sits on the couch, watching tv and scrolling on her phone intermittently. Although her and Tory haven't been friends since the school fight, she still follows her on Instagram. Her posts have been different than usual. Normally she posted whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. But recently, they've been small posts about Cobra Kai, most of which she looks unhappy in. Torrence hasn't posted since she was in Mexico and even then it was only on her story. She assumes training has ended when Eli texts her, asking her where she was and why she wasn't at training before sending another text saying he forgot she was pregnant. She laughs at that, quickly texting him back as the tv drones on.

Johnny comes home, happier than when he left. "What's got you all giddy?" She giggles when he plants himself beside her, kissing her cheek. "We know what Silver's planning and Kreese gets to rot in his cell." "That's amazing! Kreese agreed to rat out Terry?" She asks as he pulls her into his lap, making her straddle him. "He was under the assumption LaRusso was giving him a lawyer's number." He says smugly. She nods, looking down at him. "So what's Silver's plan?" He shakes his head, pulling her closer and kissing her neck softly. "I don't wanna talk about it too much right now. I just wanna be with you." He mumbles against her skin, smirking when she shudders. "Johnny, I-" He cuts her off with a kiss.

She quickly kisses him back, forgetting all about the conversation at hand as her thoughts fill with him. They end up in the bedroom, him pushing her into the mattress by her hips. Everything around him mutes except the noises he's eliciting from her. He wants to tell her to be quiet because Robby could come home at any minute, but he enjoys her moans far too much. She flips them, straddling his waist and leaning down, attaching her lips to his neck. He grinds her hips against his, groaning. "Fuck, princess." He bites his lip as her hands slip under his shirt. He sits up, his hands pulling her shirt over her head. She shrinks slightly, not wanting him to see the weight she's gained despite it only being a little.

"Hey, look at me, Torrence." He lifts her chin, shifting to sit up completely. "You're gorgeous." He coos, fingers prodding her stomach gently. "That's our baby in there. You're making a human, Tor." She goes red, looking away from him. He grabs her jaw softly. "I love you, Torrence. Baby weight and all." She laughs, kissing him. "I love you, Johnny." He smiles, hands moving to the inside of her thighs, slowly trailing higher. Her arms wrap around his neck as she plants her lips on his hungrily. He kisses back with just as much force as his fingers start to undo her shorts. She pulls at his shirt, only breaking the kiss to get it over his head. His lips attach to her neck, leaving marks across her skin.

Before they go too far, he stops. "I don't have a condom." She laughs. "Johnny." "Yeah?" Pointing to her stomach, she laughs again. "I'm already pregnant. It's not like you can get me double pregnant." He pauses. "Right." Afterward, they're curled together, blankets wrapped around them. The front door opens and Johnny pulls his boxers and a pair of sweatpants on before heading out to talk to Robby. "How was training?" He asks his son who shrugs. "Wasn't bad. You find anything out about Silver?" Robby questions, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "Yeah, Kreese is helpful when he assumes he's getting something that benefits him in return." Johnny scoffs slightly, shrugging.

princess -johnny lawrence-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें