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While training, Miguel's phone goes off. He walks over to it, checking it with a laugh. "What's so funny?" Torrence and Johnny ask at the same time. "Oh, nothing, just this funny picture my girlfriend posted." Miguel answers, switching his phone to his other hand to show them. "Wait a second." Johnny snatches Miguel's phone, swiping through the pictures. "Is that Daniel LaRusso's daughter?" "Yeah, you know Samantha?" Miguel questions. "You're dating a LaRusso?" "Yeah, why?" He asks. "Is something wrong?" Torrence asks. "We need to talk." Is all Johnny says.

After getting changed, they sit outside, Johnny with a beer in his hand, Miguel with a Coke, Torrence stealing sips of Johnny's beer. "It was the summer of '82." Johnny begins. "Rocky three had just come out. My buddy Dutch was a huge Mr. T fan, so we went to the local theater to check it out. Sitting in front of us was this group of cute chicks, eating popcorn." He continues as Torrence takes a large swig of the drink before handing the can back. "I'm gonna head inside, this sounds like a guy thing." She says, not wanting to hear Johnny talk about other girls. Jealousy bubbles in her chest.

"Jett-" He starts as she stands, walking inside. She starts training again, harder this time to try to work out the feeling of jealousy. She hates that she's jealous, but how else can she feel? She hits the dummy harder, not noticing when the boys walked back in. She jumps up to kick it, landing on her right leg before crumpling down to the floor with a cry as the pain spreads through her leg. Johnny rushes over, lifting her off the floor. "I'm fine." She snaps, pulling herself away. "Jett, you're not fine. You shouldn't even be doing this." He tells her, knowing her wounds are even healed.

"I'm fine." She says again. "I've gotta get this. Cause I'm gonna win the All Valley." She gets into position, trying the kick again. This kick knocks the dummy over. "With lethal weapons like those, of course you're gonna win." He tells her with a laugh. She takes a deep breath as Miguel looks at her. "Everything okay?" He asks. "Yeah. Everything's good." She nods, her eyes switching between Miguel and Johnny, both with disbelieving looks on their faces. "Everything's fine." She states, pulling her sleeves up to cool off. They stare at her arms.

"Eyes are up here, boys." She snaps her fingers, pointing to her face. "How did your mom not know you were doing that?" Miguel asks. "I was pretty good at hiding it." She shrugs, feeling guilty for hiding it for so long when people like Eli and Demetri just wanted to help. "I gotta go." She says, grabbing her bag and kissing Miguel's cheek. "I'll see you guys around." She calls Eli, wanting to spend time with him like before. "Hey, Moskowitz, you busy?" She asks, heading toward his house. "Not at all. You coming over?" "I'd like to if that's okay." She says. "Of course, dude."

She knocks on the door and Mrs. Moskowitz answers. "Oh, Torrence! What a surprise!" She says with a smile, welcoming her in. "Is Eli in his room?" Torrence asks. "Yeah, head on up." Mrs. Moskowitz smiles again as Torrence turns and walks up the stairs. She knocks before opening the door. "Hey, Moskowitz." She grins as he stands, running over and hugging her. "Oh, I knew you were still a softy." She hugs him back with a laugh. "We haven't spent time together in a while." He says when he pulls back. "Especially without Demetri." He continues. "Ugh, don't even mention him."

"Everything okay with you two?" "Absolutely not. He told my mom I was self harming. When I've been clean since the Halloween dance." She flops down onto Eli's bed, rolling onto her side to look at him. "You've been clean?" Eli asks excitedly. "Yeah. I haven't even thought about doing it since I started karate with Lawrence." She tells him as he lies beside her. "How many months is that?" He asks. "I'm not sure. I don't really keep track." She lies her head on his shoulder, messing with his fingers. "I've missed you, Moskowitz. We don't hang out like we used to." "I know." He mumbles.

He pulls her tighter into his side, running his fingers through her hair. "How've you been sleeping?" He asks her. "I haven't. You and Demetri haven't been there." She mutters. "I'm sorry." "No need to be sorry. You guys can't be there all the time." She tells him. His free hand comes up, setting on her cheek and carefully running his thumb over the scar. "How'd you get this one?" He asks. "You don't remember?" She laughs. "You and Demetri dared me to ride down that one path in the woods on my bike. That tree hit me in the face." He laughs, nodding. "I totally forgot about that!"

"You wanna watch a movie?" He asks. "Harry Potter." She says. "Nerd shit." "Shut up. You used to be a nerd if I remember correctly." She laughs as he shakes his head. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." She kisses his cheek, sitting up and walking to his tv stand where he kept his movies. She slipped in Harry Potter, climbing back into bed. "You can sleep if you want." He says when she yawns. "You're sure?" She asks, not wanting to spend the entire time sleeping. "I'll wake you up when the movie's over. Then we can talk. Mostly about karate." He smiles at her and she laughs.

After the movie, Eli wakes Torrence up, stating his mom had made dinner and she should come down and eat. At the table, Mrs. Moskowitz stares at the scars on Torrence's wrists. "Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom." Torrence excuses herself, walking up the stairs. "Mom, you gotta stop staring. You're gonna make her uncomfortable." Eli tells his mom, shaking his head. "How can someone do that to their body?" Mrs. Moskowitz shakes her head, feeling bad for the girl. "She thought it was her only choice." Eli says. Torrence comes back, sitting down.

"This food is delicious, Mrs. Moskowitz." She says, continuing to dig in. She heard their conversation, she hadn't gone to the bathroom, she just needed to calm down so she didn't yell at Mrs. Moskowitz. "So, how's karate going?" His mom asks. "Oh, it's awesome. I'm training to win the All Valley." Torrence answers. "I feel like you could." Eli says, shoveling more food in his mouth. "Don't talk with your mouth full." Torrence scolds him. He laughs, nodding. "Sorry, sweetheart." She shakes her head, laughing at the pet name. Mrs. Moskowitz smiles, watching the two interact.

After eating, Torrence decides she should probably head home. "I'll see you around, Moskowitz." She kisses his cheek before walking out. The next day, she's sat between Eli and Aisha at the movie theater. She doesn't remember what movie they decided to see but it doesn't matter cause she wasn't paying attention. Miguel had called and told her the story that Johnny told him, and she sat and listened, it made it easier to hear it since it was coming from Miguel and not Johnny. Miguel sighs loudly catching the attention of both girls. "Everything okay?" Torrence asks.

"I can't stop thinking about what Sensei told me about Sam's dad." He answers as Eli throws candy into the popcorn bucket of the girls in front of them. "So Sensei and Sam's dad had some beef." Aisha says nonchalantly. "What's that have to do with you?" Torrence asks. "Do I have to spell it out for you?" Miguel asks the girls. "Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai. I'm part of Cobra Kai. So, by the transitive property, Sam's dad is gonna hate me." He continues. "Jesus Christ, you're such a nerd." Eli laughs, continuing to throw candies. "I'm telling you, it's not just on my mind. Sam was acting weird the other day when her dad walked by."

Miguel sighs. "Listen, I've known Mr. LaRusso since third grade. He's a really nice guy. You just have to talk to him." Aisha says. "Yeah, as far as I know, Mr. LaRusso isn't that bad." Torrence says, looking at Eli. "You're gonna piss someone off, stop it." She tells him. "I haven't even been invited over yet. She's probably too afraid to introduce me." Miguel says. "Dude, just go over there. It's an alpha move." Eli says. Torrence snorts as Eli throws another candy, hitting a big man in the front row. "Who the hell did that?" He asks as he stands. Eli quickly grabs Torrence, pulling her face in and planting his lips onto hers.

After a moment he pulls back, winking at her. Aisha and Miguel just stare at them as Torrence goes red. The movie ends and they all walk out, Eli wrapping his arm around Torrence. "Why'd you do that in there?" She asks him, confused why he kissed her. "So that scary dude wouldn't beat my ass." He tells her, shrugging. They laugh as his mom pulls up to the curb. "I'll see you guys around." Eli tells them all. Torrence kisses his cheek. "Kiss me like that again and I'll kick your ass." She promises. He nods quickly, knowing she could. "Sorry, sweetheart." She waves at Mrs. Moskowitz as she pulls away from the curb.
a/n: a little elixtorrence moment because their relationship is everything

princess -johnny lawrence-Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora