s3 e10

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a/n: i know i published yesterday but i wanna thank you all for 10k reads !! <33 only two more shorts after this then this book is done :(
"I don't know how to say this any plainer. Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do have to work together." Sam says, standing with Miguel as everyone else sits. "Even if we wanted to team up, it'd never work. I was in Cobra Kai. Their style mixes with ours like..." Chris trails off. "Oil and vinegar?" Nate tries. "No, not salad dressing. I would say like the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation." Chris says. "They were friends, dipshit." Mitch pipes in. "Not in WrestleMania 3, Penis Breath." Chris snaps. "Okay, you can't call me Penis Breath. Only they can call me Penis Breath." Mitch states.

"Why are you okay with anyone calling you Penis Breath?" Chris asks as Torrence bites back a laugh. "You know what? Screw this. Come on, let's go." Mitch stands, reaching a hand to Torrence. "Hey, pussies!" Demetri shouts, standing. "This is exactly what those assholes at Cobra Kai want. Since you were one of 'em. you're an asshole too. So are you." He motions to Mitch then Chris. "I ain't no asshole." Chris shakes his head. "So was I. Well, at least I wanted to be one. But now Cobra Kai is the worst collection of assholes in the Valley, run by the king of all assholes."

Demetri continues as Torrence nods. "So if by merging with Eagle Fang... Weird name, by the way." He throws his hands out. "...can keep us all from getting shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it. I'm sorry for all the 'assholes.' I usually take pride in my grandiloquence, but... it's an emotional time." He finishes. Mitch helps Torrence sit back on the floor where she was before sitting down with Bert on the couch again. Demetri nods. "Now... where do we start?" He asks Sam and Miguel. After figuring things out, they're all sat at the dining room table, Torrence picking at her nails nervously. Something feels wrong.

"We're all in agreement that our new combined dojo should train at Miyagi-Do. But deadlocked on a new name, gi design, post-training snacks, and sensei dispute resolution protocol. Okay, not good, but still, it's a start." Demetri says, slapping the table. A cat meows. "Aw, I think your cat wants to come on. Here, kitty, kitty." Bert says, standing and walking outside. "I didn't know you had a cat." Miguel says. Torrence's stomach sinks. "We don't." Sam answers just before Bert gets thrown through the window. Torrence stands, rushing over. "Bert!" "Bert, what happened?" Miguel asks. "No cat." He answers. Eli and Kyler walk in.

Eli's gaze softens, he didn't come here to hurt Torrence. The last person he wants to hurt is Torrence. He quickly fixes his gaze, glaring at the girl before Kyler notices his hesitation. The front door slams open and in walks Tory and more cobras. "Heard you were throwing a party. Hope you don't mind if we crash." Tory says. "Tory, you don't have to do this." Miguel states. "It's too late. This ends tonight! No mercy!" She shouts. Fights break out, Torrence trying as hard as she can to fight but she's still not up to where she could be psychically. She's very quickly put into a position where she could have her arm broken as she gets beat on.

She whimpers, trying not to move as they kick her in the stomach and hold her arm in position. "Fuck. You too?" Demetri says when his arm is put in the same position. "Hey. Yo, Hawk. Two free shots!" One cobra shouts, holding Demetri. Torrence looks over, her tear filled eyes locking with a fuming Eli's. He almost softens before his gaze hardens again. He runs forward, causing Torrence to quickly look away, not wanting to look when her arm gets broken. Eli kicks the guy holding Torrence in the chest before flipping the guy holding Demetri. She straightens up, eyes wide.

Eli walks toward Demetri and Torrence, the former pushing the latter behind him to protect her. "Look, man, I'm sorry. For all of it. Do you wanna help me win this thing?" Eli smiles when Demetri agrees. "Sweetheart?" Eli asks, looking at the bloody and beaten Torrence. She nods, holding her ribs. She's convinced she at least fractured one or more. Demetri and Eli high five before two cobras come up, they fight them off as Torrence fights another. She twists, kicking the cobra in the face. Her eyes widening and a proud smile forming on her face as Eli looks at her.

"You did it!" He grabs her hips, wrapping his arms around her. "Where's Sam?" Miguel asks. They all turn, following Miguel out to the dojo. "Guys, stop!" Miguel shouts. "Tory, the fight's over." Eli says, keeping his arm around a barely conscious Torrence. "It's not over. This will never be over, LaRusso. You hear me?" Tory says, glaring at Sam. "You know where to find me." Sam states. "Traitors! Especially you, Torrence. You better watch your back!" Tory says, starting to walk out. "They won't have to. They've got friends watching it for them." Demetri states. Tory scowls, walking out.

"I can't go home like this." Torrence says to no one in particular. "Stay at mine. My mom's a nurse." Miguel says, wrapping his arm around Torrence and walking her out. "I'll see you around, Moskowitz, Alexopoulos, LaRusso." She smiles as much as she can at them. At Miguel's, Johnny figured Torrence was there. He wanted to apologize for being away all day. He knocks on the door, Carmen opens it, a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?" He asks. Carmen opens the door all the way, showing Torrence leaning against Miguel, both of them have blood dripping down their faces.

Each is holding ice to their shoulder. Miguel because Kyler kicked him, Torrence because her arm was in a breaking position for so long. "What happened?" Johnny seethes, his heart aching at Torrence's appearance. "I've gotta call your mom, Torrence." "Carmen, please, she can't see me like this. Not again." The girl begs, wiping at her nose with her sleeve. "Torrence-" "I'm begging you. Please. Let me clean up and then we can call her." Johnny watches the interaction before walking to Torrence. "We need to talk." He whispers before looking at Carmen, rage in his eyes.

"I've got something to take care of." He tells her, turning on his heel and walking out. At home, Torrence is sat on the couch, ice on her ribs, and Eliza pacing back and forth in front of her. "Who did this? I want names, Torrence. You can't keep protecting who did this to you!" Eliza cries. "I'm fine, mom. No need to bring anyone into it." Torrence sighs, shaking her head. "You got hurt... again! They can't keep getting away with this!" Eliza exclaims. "They're not getting away with it. Johnny and Mr. LaRusso have got it covered." Torrence says calmly. "Oh, yeah, okay." Eliza scoffs

Johnny shows up at Torrence's after a little while, knocking sharply. She opens the door, looking up at him, she quickly steps aside, letting him in. He grabs her face carefully, noticing her bruised and broken nose. Bruises cover her body. "Are you okay?" He asks, worried she had been hurt like before again. "I'm okay, my love." Her hands come up, gripping his wrists. "Promise?" "Bruised ribs but I'll get over it." She says, smiling softly. He picks her up and walks to the couch. "You'd tell me if you got really hurt, right?" "Of course, Johnny. But I'm okay." She promises, laughing.

They spend the night curled together in her room, talking about the deal they had struck up with Kreese. And what happened with Robby and Daniel. The next day, all the Miyagi-Dos stand outside the dojo as the Eagle Fangs and Eli join. Eli walks to Torrence and Demetri, dapping up the latter and kissing the former's forehead softly, and standing beside her, hands intertwined. Torrence smiles, looking up at Johnny as he walks in, a small smile on his face. Everyone bows at Johnny and Daniel before they turn to each, bowing. "You ready?" Daniel asks. "Let's begin!" Johnny shouts.

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