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At the doctor appointment for Torrence, she gets an ultrasound. Johnny stares at the screen. "What the hell am I looking at? Our kid is a human, right?" He asks. She giggles, shoving him. "Yes, Johnny. Look, there's our baby's nose, and lungs, and little legs." "Holy shit! That was a kick." The nurse stifles a laugh. "Well, they don't kick this early." "Yeah, my boy's a kicker. Just like his old man." Torrence rolls her eyes. "It's also too early to know the gender." "How does everything else look, Dr. Howard?" She asks. "Oh, your baby looks very healthy. You can start telling your family and friends if you like." Torrence goes red. "I already told quite a few people. I've been too excited to shut up."

The nurse hands her the ultrasound picture with a smile. "I'll let you get cleaned up, give you some privacy." She leaves. Torrence sits up, looking at the picture. "Oh... Can you believe we made this thing together?" She leans against Johnny. "Wow. With Robby, I never went to the appointments. I didn't realize what it'd be like to see how our kid starts out. He's perfect. Or she." She looks up at him with a smile before he kisses her. In the elevator, she looks at him. "Do you remember where we parked?" "Punched twice. P2." The doors close and she looks up at him. "So, Lawrence-Miller." She says, talking about the baby's last names. "Lawrence-Miller, huh? Sounds good." The elevator doors open.

"Mr. Lawrence." Terry smirks when Torrence gasps slightly. Johnny steps in front of her slightly as Terry steps into the elevator. "And I don't believe we've officially met." He smirks at the girl. "I know exactly who you are." "What do you want?" Johnny asks. "To congratulate you. What you and your partner accomplished is a joy few get to experience." Terry says. "Who told you about the baby?" Johnny almost snaps. "I was talking about you and LaRusso landing a coveted spot in the Sekai Taikai, but... apparently, there's lots to celebrate." Terry says with a smile in Torrence's direction. Johnny seethes, going to step forward. "Now, now." Terry taunts him.

"Johnny." Torrence grabs his arm. "I'm not here to fight. I understand how important the next generation is. Everything I do is for the future. Theirs..." Terry looks at her again. "And mine. So savor every moment before it's gone." The doors open and Terry steps off without another glance. At LaRusso Auto, Johnny tells Daniel about what happened as Torrence is tucked into his side. "And then the ponytailed prick left. I can still smell his shitty cologne." He snarls. "I bet he has you under surveillance. Which means we should counter-surveil that son of a bitch." Daniel's cousin, Louie, states. "For all we know, he might have been there for some board meeting or to sell black market kidneys. I really don't think he's coming after us right now." Daniel says.

"Because I walk perimeter. All clear." Chozen says as he walks in. "Yes. That, and because he can't jeopardize his spot in the tournament. I mean, I think we can breathe easy. For now, at least." Daniel says. "I agree with Daniel on this one. We've all earned a night off. And by that, I mean I need a night off. I'm sure Carmen and Torrence would love to help me finish an entire bottle of tequila, yeah?" Amanda learned from Torrence's stories how much she likes to drink when she can. "In her state, not a good idea." Johnny says, glancing at Daniel. "Yes. Always good to have clear mind in case of attack." Chozen nods. "Oh, no, no, no, Chozen. Johnny, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Amanda grins. "Yeah." "Torrence's pregnant? Oh my God, that's wonderful!" She rushes forward, hugging the girl. "Oh, hey, man. Nice, bro. Good for you." Louie says, patting Johnny's arm. "Congratulations." Chozen says with a smile. "Now we have to go out and celebrate." Amanda says. "Hey, maybe we try that new place on Laurel? The Portuguese place?" Daniel says. "No, no Portuguese." Johnny shakes his head. "No, no, no. Please, you gotta let me plan this." Louie begs. "Johnny, you gotta let me make it up to you, ya know, for blowing up the car." He says. "All right, there has to be dancing. Torrence loves dancing." Johnny looks at Torrence with a smile. "Absolutely, there's gonna be dancing."

Louie looks at the others. "My boy Reggie, he can hook us up with a free limo. We'll get drinks, laughs, get in trouble. Come on. Hey, Anoush. We're going out. You in? We're gonna celebrate. Johnny knocked up his girl." He calls to the guy behind the counter. "As much as I'd love to celebrate the guy who punched me in the gut at work, I have a date. But, uh, congrats on procreating." He points his pen at Johnny. "Dude, you're gonna miss out. So, here's the deal. We're all going out like adults. So, you know, put something nice on, and, uh, I'm gonna pick you guys up at eight o'clock. Sound good?" Louie walks away. Torrence pulls her head from her hands. "I guess we're going out." She says.

That night, they climb out of the limo. They're scanned with a metal detector before going into the club. At the bar, Torrence looks at Johnny. "What are you getting?" "'White Claw' sounds badass." He answers. She snorts. "I'll have one of those and a water for the lady." The bartender sits the can in front of him. He takes a sip before spitting it out. "Tastes like watermelon took a piss." He says before taking another sip as Torrence laughs. "Oooh, I got shots, kids." Louie comes over, sitting the tray down. "None for you. Let's do this." He points at Torrence. "This stuff's really strong, it's almost like a kick to the face." He looks at Johnny with a smirk. "Torrence, Johnny, we are so thrilled for you!"

Amanda shouts over the music, everyone clinking their glasses. "Thank you." Torrence grins. "To the future! Karii!" Daniel says. "Karii!" Chozen shouts. "Karii!" Johnny says despite obviously not knowing what it means before downing the shot. Soon enough, they're sitting on a couch, listening to Daniel tell the story about him and Chozen. "Then the weight just snapped in half. I never would have uncovered your sinister plot if it wasn't for that basket of carrots." He says. "Wait, if the weight was fake, wouldn't that mean you were scamming yourself out of money, and not the villagers?" Torrence questions with a small laugh. "Eh, not one of my smarter plans. Oh, strange to think of those days." Chozen says.

He glances at Daniel. "We were so different." "It's crazy, but looking back on it, how we all ended up..." He looks around at the group. "I think it all worked out. I see we're almost ready for a refill I'll get the next round." He stands. "I can get the-" Chozen stands as well. "Uh, no. I will get." Daniel points at him. "Okay, that dance floor? It's calling my name." Amanda states. "Mine too." Carmen and Torrence say at the same time, looking at each other with a laugh. "Come and get it, girls." Amanda stands, dancing off. "You coming?" Torrence asks Johnny when Carmen follows Amanda. Johnny looks at Chozen. "I'll catch the next one." He says. She smiles, kissing him quickly before following the other two. Torrence dances with Carmen and Amanda.

She looks over to see Johnny watching her. She laughs, winking at him. After a little bit, Torrence walks up to Johnny, grabbing his arm as he talks with Daniel. "No more talk. You're mine." "Gotta go." She pulls him to the dance floor. She dances against him as Daniel and Chozen join the group. After a moment, people around them groan, they turn to see a girl smack Louie. Him and the girl argue loudly but indistinctly. Anoush tackles Louie. After getting kicked out, they're by the limo, about to head to another bar. "Come on, everybody! Party time!" Chozen shouts when he joins the group before running off. "Oh, I think I'm gonna call it a night." Carmen says. "Yeah, you know what? It's way past my bedtime."

Amanda agrees before looking at Torrence. "I could absolutely sleep." She states. "You go have fun. Go have fun." Amanda shoos Daniel away. "You sure?" He asks. "Yeah, the girls and I will take an Uber." She says. "All right. Make sure it's an Uber Black, all right? Some of the other ones can be a little sketch." Johnny says. "All right. You just be safe, promise me." Torrence says to him, grabbing his jacket and pulling him closer. "Of course I promise." He kisses her. "Oi, suck face later!" Chozen sticks himself halfway out the limo to shout. "All right, bye." Johnny kisses her one last time before leaving. Carmen wraps her arm around Torrence. "Wow." "Let's go to bed." Amanda says. The other two quickly agree.

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