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At the convenience store down in Mexico, Robby rubs Torrence's back as she throws up while Johnny's inside. "You okay?" He asks when she straightens up, wiping her mouth. "I think it's just a bug." She says, standing and looking at him. "Don't tell Johnny. I'll get over it." She says. Johnny walks out, holding up bags with red sunglasses on his face, the tag hanging off the arm. "Got us some choice supplies for the next leg of our road trip." He says. Torrence smiles at him. "Mexican Cokes." "I think here they're just Cokes." Robby says. "Mexican candy. Chicharróns. And just picked up this badass cell phone. It's got like 60 minutos on it. That's, like, 300 American minutes." Johnny states.

Torrence laughs. "And I got you both a little something to say, 'Welcome to Mexico.'" He holds up two litters chihuahuas with sombreros. "Don't tell me it's offensive. We bough it in Mexico. It's their idea. And here. Gift number two." He holds up a shirt that says FBI on the front. Robby takes it. "Turn it around." Johnny says. "Isn't that great?" Johnny asks. The back says 'Female body inspector.' "I got one for all of us." Johnny says. "So what are we actually doing here?" Robby asks. "And don't say it's a family bonding thing. We could've done that 500 miles ago." "All right, look." Johnny pulls his sunglasses off. "This is a family bonding thing."

His face contorts slightly. "There's just something I have to take care of first." He says. As they drive, Robby looks at Johnny, Torrence lying across the back seats. "You've got to be kidding me." He snaps. "You have every right to be upset. "How could you take me to Mexico and not mention once we're coming to get Miguel? 'Come on, Robby, let's go down to Mexico together. Come back with some stories.'" "I wasn't bullshitting you, Robby. I wanna fix out relationship. But when I heard Miguel was in trouble, I had to do something. I just couldn't leave you at home. I'm done doing that. Besides, I need your help to find Miguel." Johnny says.

"My help? Do you even have a plan?" Robby asks as Torrence falls asleep, her arms wrapped around herself. She's woken up when she's thrown from the seat, stopping suddenly. Her stomach lurches. She throws the door open, quickly climbing out, throwing up again. "Torrence?" Johnny jumps out, pulling her hair back. Robby knows something's up, and that Torrence knows what's up, this is the third time she's thrown up. After getting her re-situated in the van, Robby and Johnny go to the trunk. After getting what they need, Johnny and Robby talk, he's about to bring up what's happening with Torrence when Johnny straightens. "I'm gonna call Carmen. I'll be right back. Finish these off."

Robby sticks his head in the van, looking at Torrence who's got her headphones in. He taps her shoulder. "When are you gonna tell him?" He asks quietly when she takes them out. She pales. "What?" "When are you telling him? He's gotta know." She swallows nervously. "I don't even know if it's for sure yet." "You taken a test?" She shakes her head. "I don't wanna know. I'm only almost nineteen. Johnny doesn't want another kid with someone he isn't even officially dating." She tears up, looking away from Robby. "He never asked you again after everything happened?" "We haven't thought about it. We're together, that's how we see it. Why does it need a label?" She shrugs slightly, shaking her head.

Robby quickly goes back to what he's supposed to be doing before Johnny turns around. "You've gotta tell him." He says before looking away. Torrence knows she has to tell Johnny, it does involve him after all. They start driving after getting the tire fixed, Torrence up front again, Johnny's hand on her thigh. At the spot where the bus comes, Johnny talks to a man as Robby presses his foot against the tire. Torrence sits in the van, trying keep her stomach at bay with the ginger ale Johnny bought her. Robby glances at Torrence as he picks up his bag. "Tell him." He says softly. Johnny walks off toward the surfers, Torrence climbs out, following him. She takes his hand, walking with him. "English?" Johnny calls.

"Australian." The man answers. "All right. Good enough. I'm looking for a kid. Seventeen, Ecuadorian. Slight build, but we're working on that. Have you seen him?" Johnny asks. "I gave him directions, yeah." "All right, great. Can you tell me which way he went?" The man snaps his fingers and Torrence immediately gets a bad feeling. "You know it might be easier if I showed ya." He says. She blocks out everything they say until she can feel her wallet being tugged on. She spins, catching the guy's wrist, twisting his arm behind his back. "That's a bad idea." She states. She snatches her wallet back, kicking the man in the stomach, shoving him away. Johnny watches before facing the man with the map again

"All right, so what's the scam? Give me some bum address, try to steal my girl's wallet?" Johnny asks. "No, the address is real. As for your money, I'm gonna end up with it either way, mate. So we can either do this the easy way or the fun way." The man states. "Listen, asshole, you have five seconds to tell me which way that kid went or I'm gonna take that surfboard and shove it so far up your ass your friends are gonna be surfing you." Johnny says, the man chuckles. "Okay. The fun way. Good." "Yeah, the fun way." Robby comes out of nowhere, kicking the guy behind Torrence. "Get to the van." Robby says to her, pushing the small of her back. She nods, not wanting to risk herself getting hurt.

Johnny and Robby fight, Torrence watching. "Adios, dickheads." Johnny says, walking to Torrence. "Why didn't you fight? You love a good fight." He asks. Torrence pales as he wraps his arms around her waist. "I'm not feeling good. I didn't wanna upset my stomach any more." A little bit later they're all leaning against the van, sipping their 'Mexican Cokes' as Torrence assess their wounds. Thankfully they're minor, just bruises and little scrapes. Johnny leans forward, kissing Torrence's head. "This trip was a disaster from jump." Johnny says, shaking his head.

"You're right. It was a mistake to bring you here." He states. "No, it wasn't. Okay, I mean, some of it was. Technically, you kidnapped and transported a minor across the border." Robby says. Torrence laughs. "But we got a good story out of it." "Yeah, we did. Your bus'll be here soon. You should go. This is my mess to clean up." Johnny says. "You're right. But... But I'm gonna stay. You're trying to make things right and I wanna help you." Robby says. "At least now we know where we're going. X marks the spot, right?." Torrence shrugs nonchalantly holding up the map. "All right." Johnny smiles as Robby grins, playfully punching her shoulder. "How'd you get that?"

"It was easy. He dropped it." She shrugs again. They laugh as Torrence leans against Johnny. He's a good dad. She's just worried that he won't want the baby on the way since he's already got a kid. "What're you thinking?" Johnny asks the girl as she stares out at the horizon. Robby looks over, waiting for her to tell him. "Nothing. You ready to get back on the road?" She asks. Robby's shoulder slump forward slightly. Johnny nods. "Yeah." 'Later.' She mouths to Robby. He nods, climbing in the back seat. As they drive, Torrence leans her head against the window, falling asleep. "You know why Tor's been throwing up?" Johnny asks. Robby pales, thankfully his dad can't see him. "She said it was just a bug." He answers.

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