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Torrence wakes up in the morning, Johnny's arm tight around her waist. She moves, kissing up his neck and jaw. He hums, holding her tighter. She smiles, pushing out of his grip. "Are you hungry?" She asks, sitting up. "I could eat." He mumbles, rolling over and curling into his pillow. "Johnny, babe, come on." She shoves his shoulder, laughing when he grunts, pushing himself into the mattress to get away from her hand. "My love, sit up, I'm gonna make breakfast." She says. His face breaks out in a grin and he sits up. "My love?" She goes red. "I like it." He mumbles, smiling at her.

"You're so dumb." She laughs, pushing his shoulder. "You love me." "That I do." She leans over, kissing him quickly. He slips his hand around the back of her head, pulling her closer and kissing her again. She smiles, pulling back and climbing out of bed. "Come on, my love, I'm gonna make breakfast." She says, motioning him to follow. He follows, standing behind her at the stove, arms wrapped around her waist. "Johnny, I need to make breakfast. You gotta let go." She laughs, turning and kissing his jaw. He groans, pulling away. "Go watch tv. I'll be done soon." She promises.

His laptop dings and he moves from standing behind her to the table where it sits open. "Who's it from?" She asks, looking over at him as the eggs cook. "Ali. She wants to get lunch." He answers, rereading the message again. Her mood drops and her smile falters. "She's in town?" "Apparently." He shrugs. She nods, turning back to the stove. He looks at her, noticing how she didn't say anything. "Hey." She hums, not acknowledging him. "Torrence." He stands, walking to her. "Princess, look at me." "I'm cooking, Johnny." She doesn't look at him. "And? Look at me." He orders softly.

She proceeds to face away from him, going to reach for the fridge handle. He shoves it shut, pinning her against the fridge. "It's just lunch, princess." She winces slightly, remembering what happened the last time he went out with a friend and left her with her friends. "Promise?" She mumbles, looking up at him. "I promise. I've got you." He cups her cheek, kissing her. The smoke alarm goes off and Torrence quickly pulls away, grabbing the skillet and lifting the lid. "Get the thingy to shut off." She tells him, emptying the contents of the pan into the trash. He laughs, shutting the alarm off.

"I told you I was cooking, ass." She grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest. "You're hot when you're mad." He says, smirking and grabbing her hips. Her face goes red and she looks down. He lifts her chin, kissing her roughly, stepping toward her causing her to step back, her back pressed to the counter. She moves her arms from crossed over her chest to wrapping them around his neck, kissing back just as roughly. He moves kisses down her neck, lifting her onto the counter behind her. Her fingers tangle in his hair, pulling just slightly before Johnny lets up, pulling away.

He had darkened the marks he left the other night, smirking proudly at the art across her skin. "Let's get you home." He says, kissing her forehead. "You can go to lunch with her." She mumbles softly before pulling him closer, kissing his jaw and down his neck, leaving marks across his skin as well. She smiles when she pulls back. "Now she'll know you're mine." She says proudly. "Torrence." He laughs, helping her off the counter. "Go grab your phone and get some shoes on. You gotta get home before your mom flips." He says. She groans, dropping her head back dramatically.

"Oh, don't be that way." He laughs, grabbing her hips. "I'll walk. You go to lunch." She says, kissing his jaw. "No, princess-" "Johnny, I don't wanna make you late to your little date." He rolls his eyes. "For one, it's not a date. Two, I'm driving you and that's final." He drives her home, kissing her quickly before she climbs out. She goes inside, sitting on the couch with Buster, petting his head as he sleeps. "Why did she have to come back to town?" She questions quietly. The day continues to pass, Torrence getting nothing from Johnny. He should be back from lunch, but she can't call him.

He threw his phone a while back and never got a new one. She paces her floor, chewing on her nails. "Why isn't he home yet?" She asks aloud, looking at the dog. And, as if she expects him to answer, she stays quiet for a moment. "I know, I worry too much." She says. Buster rolls over, offering his stomach to her. She laughs lightly, walking over to her bed and petting him. "I love you, dude." She smiles, kissing his head. She would call Miguel, but he's busy with Sam, and Eli obviously doesn't want to be around her anymore, he just... stopped showing up. She never understood what she did wrong.

She never understood how she has a thing that just... drives people away. Even Demetri doesn't speak to her all that often. All she has is Johnny. As she lies in bed with Buster, her phone rings. It's gotten almost dark out and Johnny still hasn't called so she expected it to be him, but it ended up being Miguel. "Hey, I'm gonna swing by and pick you up. We're headed to a Christmas party." He says before hanging up, not giving her a chance to object. She huffs, sitting up. Miguel shows up a few minutes later, texting her to let her know he's there. Miguel barely waits for her door to shut.

He quickly pulls away from the curb, driving over the speed limit. At a house, Miguel rings the doorbell. Sam opens the door. Torrence stiffens slightly. The last party with Sam fucked up everything. "What? Oh, dude." Chris starts. "Oh, hell no! You gotta be kidding me." He continues. "What the hell are you doing here? This isn't a keg party. I bought this hat for nothing?" Mitch angrily asks, tearing the hat off his head. "Wait. You Parent Trapped us? Why?" Demetri asks. "Look, I know we haven't always gotten along, but Cobra Kai is the bigger threat now. To all of us." Sam states quickly.

"We think we'd stand a better chance against them if we joined forces. Two dojos are stronger than one. Look, I know we've all done shitty things to each other." Miguel starts. "Yeah, like breaking Demetri's arm." Chris snaps. "You guys started that fight." Mitch snaps back. "After you almost got me fired!" Chris steps toward the other boy. "God, I hate your stupid face so much." Bert glares at Nate. "If you died, I wouldn't even attend your funeral." Nate claps back. Torrence laughs, finding the boys' rivalry kind of funny. They're children, they'll grow past this hatred.

"This isn't gonna work." Miguel says. "It has to. We have one last chance to make things right. Alone, we're nothing. But if we work together, we have a shot. If we can't get over the past, the fighting will never end. We have to confront our enemies. This rivalry has to stop. One way or another." Sam says as Torrence checks her phone again, one missed call and a voicemail from Johnny. She steps off to the side, clicking on it. "Hey, princess, headed to the Hills for a while, don't wait up." His voice says through the speaker. She sighs, shaking her head. "Ass." She mumbles, looking up at everyone again.

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