4 - Stereotype

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- Yeona PoV -

Lord Jungwon looks back and forth between me and Sieun. The pure shock and confusion on his face only leads me to do one thing...

Quickly, I punch him right in the nose and make a run for it while holding Sieun's hand.

Back in the crowd, I hold my hair up so that no one else will recognize me.

I cringe at the thought of him actually knowing my true identity. What if he reports it to his father?! What if he uses this against me?! Maybe I should go back and threaten him... but I'll be in more trouble!

Me and Sieun enter the palace through the back entrance.

We both slide our bodies down against the wall trying to catch our breaths.

"What do we do your highness? Lord Jungwon for sure knows it was you," Sieun says concerned.

If it was up to me, I would simply cancel the ceremony and hide away in my chambers for the rest of my life!

Besides the fact that he knows it was me, he knows I dressed up as a guy!

I lay on my side closing my eyes.

"Your highness! Are you okay?!" Questions Sieun as she shakes my body.

"I can never recover from this. I must simply... pass away. Bury me here," I dramatically say.

"You can't do that your highness!" Whines Sieun.

I sit up and sigh. "Well what do I do? Lord Jungwon despises me for whatever reason! He's for sure going to say something to Chief State Councilor Yang, and I'll be in trouble with Queen Dowager."

"Then make him your King," Sieun advises.

"What?!" I shout standing up. "Now you have completely lost it!"

She then stands up, "It'll be the best way to cover everything up. He'll get what he wants, and you won't get in trouble."

I shake my hands at her.

"First, Lord Jungwon hates me... like HATES me. Second, how does him getting to become King to prevent me getting in trouble is equivalent at all?! I would rather die!" I cross my arms angrily.

"How about this," She starts pacing back and forth. "You make him believe he's going to become King. Set him up! Get him on your good side then in a snap, choose someone else! Once you become Queen, no one can over power you."

"Lets be realistic here, none of the suitors have chance," I flip my hair.

"Your highness," Sieun groans.

"He's just another suitor who wants to be King! He's the type who would have me killed once our wedding ceremony is over!" I freak out.

"That's why I'm saying just have him fooled!" Sieun grabs my hands and looks into my eyes. "What's one of your favorite things to do?"

I laugh knowing exactly what she's talking about.

"Tricking men."


The next day

"Wah~ Your highness!" Admires Sieun as she look at me through the mirror.

I smile at myself seeing my extra bedazzled dress and exquisite hairpins. I'll do what the men would like to see, a beautiful young lady.

I'm going to follow Sieun's advice. I'll trap Lord Jungwon to a point where he absolutely can not resist me, then I'll send him away!

I do a twirl fully admiring myself. There's no way he won't fall in love with me.

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