6 - Good, Bad, Ugly

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- Yeona PoV -

I take a big gulp looking at his lips. This is it... this is the moment!

I grab his collar and pull him closer to me.

"Ya!" He shouts looking at me as if I'm crazy... I think I may be at this point. "What are you doing?!"


Lord Jungwon turns his head revealing the merchant with an armful of brushes in arms. He looks at us with his mouth slightly open.

We're frozen in this position as me and Lord Jungwon are staring at the shooketh merchant. 

"My lords," he giggles. 

Lord Jungwon pushes me away and looks at me up and down in disgust.

"You're mistaken!" Lord Jungwon yells.

The merchant slyly smirks at us, "I can keep a secret y'know."

I laugh seeing the merchant teasing us.

Lord Jungwon snaps his head at me, glaring through my soul... my ancestors can feel his stare...

My laugh fades away from his piercing eyes. When people say a look can be deadly, I finally understand.

"Just give me the biggest brushes you have!" Jungwon yells at him.

"Sure thing my lord," the merchant smirks. He kicks his leg up before walking away towards the side of the store.

I raise my eyebrows at the sudden flair from the merchant.

Lord Jungwon heavily sighs. "Stay away from me!" he warns me before following the merchant.

I shrug following Lord Jungwon.

"What are the brushes for?" I question right on his back.

He stops walking making me crash into him.

"You paint too? Oils? Acrylics? Watercolor?-"

"Are you deaf or do you have selective hearing?!" He shouts.

"Personally, I like painting with oils," I ignore his question.

He crosses his arms furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Scratch that. You're just stupid," he insults. 

"I know someone who can cut off your head within a few hours," I threaten in a whisper.

His jaw intensifies. 




"It's funny because, I also know someone who can do the exact thing," he suddenly says before walking away.

My eyes start to blink, shocked about what he just said to me!

"Your highness!" Sieun grabs my arm before I can follow Jungwon any longer.

"Ya! Why are you screaming that out loud!" I whisper-yell at her.

"Well you can't be associating with Lord Jungwon outside of palace walls!" She panics.

"He came up to me!" I defend. 

Sieun relaxes, "You don't say..."

"Yea..?" I cautiously say confused by her response.

"You think he has fallen for you?" She questions grabbing my arm hopeful.

"You think?!" I get excited. 

Maybe Lord Jungwon is the "everyone knows my feelings before I do" type of guy, or the "play hard-to-get" type. He's rather mean and obnoxiously annoying... but I guess that's how he shows his feelings...

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