28 - Into the New World

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- 3rd Person PoV -

Jungwon and Yeona completely forget that they're not the only ones in the room. As they continue to become fully emersed in their kiss, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Riki stare at them in shock, while Heeseung and Jaeyun slowly cover Riki's and Sunoo's eyes.

"H-Hyung, what are they doing?" Riki questions with his eyes covered by Heeseung.

"I told you guys," Heeseung shrugs also staring at the couple kissing.

"Sieun told me everything," Jaeyun then says joining in the watch party.

"I would say get a room but..." Sunghoon says frozen.

Sunoo smacks Jaeyun's hand away, "Ya!"

Jungwon's lips slowly move away from Yeona's as he then looks over at his buddies.

"Oh..." is all he manages to say when he snaps back into reality.

One look at Yeona and it was like he was in heaven. Them two only. Her and him. Yeona and Jungwon. Together again.

"Oh?!" Sunoo repeats dramatically with wide eyes. He can't believe Jungwon's nonchalant behavior.

Sunoo who has been committing week after week after week to become King is all at once being rejected by a dude who left so many times.

"When did this happen?" Riki questions moving away Heeseung's hand.

Sunoo and Riki approach Yeona wanting an answer, but Jungwon quickly stands in front of them creating a wall between them and Yeona.

"I'm sorry," Jungwon says. "I couldn't help falling in love with her."

Jaeyun covers his mouth nearly squealing.

"Love?" Riki raises an eyebrow.

"Jungwonie... you love her?" Sunoo softly questions.

Jungwon nods with a smile, "I do... yes..."

"What about Yari?" Sunoo then questions.

Jungwon gulps as he then gets stiff.

Yari? Yeona questions to herself. She grabs his hand forcing him to turn towards her.

"Yari?" She questions out loud. "Who's that?"

"Supposedly his first and only love," Riki answers crossing his arms.

"Ya..." Yeona looks at Jungwon in shock. "You never told me about that girl."

"Because Jungwon is a player," Riki glares.

Jungwon sighs heavily in frustration, "Yeona, let me explain."

"Wow, they're even on a first name basis," mumbles Sunoo still in disbelief.

"Yea, he didn't have any intention on falling in love with you because he was desperately looking for that Yari chick!" Continues Riki angrily.

"Wait," Heeseung approaches. "Wasn't her name Nari?"

Yeona freezes at the name.

"Does it even matter? Jungwon's intentions aren't pure!" Shouts Riki.

"Nari?" Yeona then questions to Jungwon.

Jungwon looks into Yeona's eyes, "Yes... Nari..."

Sieun softly gasps remembering the conversation she once had with Jungwon.

"What-what is it?" Jaeyun questions Sieun but she quickly shushes him.

At that moment, Jungwon notices the blood seeping out Yeona's shoulder.

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