13 - Feel Special

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A few days later...

- Yeona PoV -

Lost in my thoughts in my bedroom, I replay everything that Lord Jungwon did for me. The braid... the dandelion... his hand holding mine. It was like it wasn't him at all.

Even though it seemed odd, it didn't feel uncomfortable. Why is that?

Despite the looks and hurtful words that were around me, he came around making me feel... special.

"Yoohoo~" Sieun waves her hand in my face trying to get my attention.

"Oh Sieun!" I snap out of it.

She puts her hands on her hips, "I've literally been talking to you for 30 whole minutes!"

"Sorry.. I was thinking about something," I quietly answer.

"Like... Lord Jungwon?" She smirks.

I groan as I push my face into my pillow.

Talks about me and Lord Jungwon has circulated around the palace after the our whole scene the other day. I am just in the center of the gossip nowadays...

I've been avoiding him, and everybody, since then. 

"I think you've fallen for him," Sieun suddenly says.

I jolt up from my bed. "I am not!" I instantly deny. "Why would I fall for him when it's not in our plan at all!"

"Plan?" Sieun cocks her head confused.


I just blurted it out without even thinking about it. I guess it's about time to tell Sieun anyways...

"Don't you know his father?!" Shouts Sieun after I explain everything to him.

I sigh knowing very well of the villain of our plan. 

"If you try to get in his way, who knows what he would do to you!" Worries Sieun.

"What can I do huh? Lord Jungwon can not be my king!" I defend.

Sieun crosses her arms, "And why not?"

"Huh?" I let out.

"I understand the job of a King is ridiculous, so him not wanting to be it is valid, but it's not like he wouldn't have you by his side helping him," she explains. "You set it out on the table that you wouldn't want him as your king because of your mutual hatred against each other, but I beg to differ."

"You object?" I let out shocked.

"I do," she answers. "Lord Jungwon not only has all the best qualities of a King, but it seems like he really cares for you..."

I look down at my lap fiddling my fingers. 

It really does seem like he cares...

"And it seems you like that he cares for you," she then says. "I mean... why else would you still have the same braid in that he made for you."

I touch my hair slightly embarrassed that she had noticed. 

It wasn't intentional to keep it in... 

I shake my head and my hands, "Nonsense Sieun! He will not be my King and that is final!"

Even if I do like that he cares for me... I have to shake that all away.

There's no way I can ever like him.

- Jungwon PoV -

"What the heck are you doing?!" Questions Jaeyun to Sunoo.

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