14 - Love, Maybe

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- Yeona PoV -

I freeze with Lord Jungwon's lips against mines. Everything went by so fast. In a flash... my lips are met... with the softest lips ever...

Slowly, I close my eyes and hesitantly wrap my arms around his neck.

Oddly enough, this feels so familiar. Our lips knew exactly what to do with each other. With no awkward hesitation, biting, or discomfort. 

Like a puzzle piece, they match perfectly together.

The sound of guards passing by us makes me anxious. I grab Lord Jungwon's collar and press him against myself as a reflex.

"I think there's a woman over here!" I hear a guard yell.

Scared, I become more passionate with the kiss. A kiss that no one would dare to interrupt.

If this doesn't work, I'll be humiliated! Imagine they see that it's me AND Lord Jungwon?! The palace would erupt!

I hear footsteps approach us, but they come to a halt.

"Is that a woman?" Questions a guard.

"Um.." The guard who was closer to us starts to say cautiously. "I-I think this area is good to go!"

The sound of the guards quickly become faint meaning... the plan succeeded...

We slightly pull away from each other with our breathes mixing together. We try to catch our breathes from being under each other's spell for so long.

It felt hypnotizing and... hot.

It was like I was kissing cotton candy. Sweet and soft.

I never thought in a million years that we would kiss.

Catching my breath, I think about whether I should I meet his eyes. I feel embarrassed, so embarrassed that not only my cheeks are flushed but my whole body. 

We're so close to each other that I notice all the details on his face including the mole he has on his jaw. 

Was it always there? I was never this close to find out...

I decide to look up into eyes to notice that he was already gazing at me.

"You okay?" He questions softly.

I gulp. No, not at all. My heart is about to explode any second from now.

Oh no, what if he can hear it?! Better yet... feel it...

His chest is right up against mines...

"Y-Yes," I answer with a stutter.

Liar liar pants on fire!

"You sure?" He smirks.

"P-Positive!" I continue to stutter.

"Your heart begs to differ," he whispers with a sly smile.

That right there lady and gents made my heart stop pumping.

Here is my death.

"Y-Ya!" I hit his chest trying to dig myself out of this embarrassing moment.

He laughs holding his hand onto his chest, "You must have liked my lips, huh?"

Is... Is he really teasing me right now?!

How is he not even fazed?! 

I-I mean... he literally kissed me... THE CROWN FREAKING PRINCESS! If I was him I would be shaking in my boots right now!

"Wah! I was just scared about the guards!" I defend completely shocked that he's making fun of me.

"Mhm, alright," he laughs. "What about when you pulled me in? Huh? Couldn't get enough?"

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