8 - Sorry Not Sorry

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- Yeona PoV -

"You're hiding something from me, aren't you?" Sieun questions as she braids my hair the next morning.

I let out quite an awkward laugh, "Why would I hide anything from you??"

"You're acting suspicious," she points out.

"Me? No!" I dramatically say. 

Park Yeona, lets not make it obvious now. I've known Sieun for 10 years. If there's anybody who can tell what's wrong with me, it's her.

"You're a bad liar y'know," she says finishing my braid.

"I am?" I question knowing damn well I'm a bad liar.

She stands in front of me observing me, "Why didn't you let me dress you today?"

I start to fiddle my fingers and avoid eye contact, "Felt a bit insecure today..."

When really I have so many bruises all over my body because I fought with big foot, plus my injury on my ankle.

"Your highness, I've been taking care for you for so long. You have nothing to feel ashamed of," she assures me.

"I'm a growing woman," I pout still avoiding eye contact. If she meets my eyes, she'll know right away that something is up.

"You're past that age your highness," she corrects. 

"Well won't you look at the time!" I jolt up walking past Sieun. "Isn't it time for the suitor's lessons?"

"Why do you ask your highness?" Sieun questions.

"I thought I'd pay a visit," I smile still looking away.

"Is there a reason why you're not looking at me?" She then questions.

She's on to me. 

I turn to face her, only holding eye contact for a few seconds before looking past her head.

"You are hiding something from me!" She notices.

"I am not!" I protest. 

"Okay," she puts her hands up. "I won't argue."

"Good," I let out a sigh of relief. 

Weird how she quickly gave up. Maybe it's my good day-

Suddenly, she swiftly picks up my dress revealing my injured ankle.

"You did go out last night!" She points.

I smack her hand away and adjust my skirt. "I did not go out last night," I mumble looking away.

"What? I can't hear lies," she holds her hand behind her ear.

"So what if I did!" I shout fed up.

"I clearly told you not to," she says exasperated. "You didn't meet up with Lord Jungwon right?"

"I think it's time to go," I say walking towards the door.

She grabs my arm, "You did!"

"Ya!" I shout snatching my arm away.

"I'm starting to think you actually like him," She says making me slowly turn around in disbelief.

"Ya... don't say that ever again or I'll have the ancestors pull and bite your legs at night," I threat pursing my lips.

"And if you keep going out, I might actually report to Queen Dowager," she then threats.

I loosen up my composure, "You wouldn't."

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