22 - Try Again

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- Yeona PoV -

I instantly pull away from Jungwon, shocked about what just came out of my mouth. 

There is no way I actually just said that. No way!... but I did , and I feel like it ruined this moment! 

My eyes don't even meet his. I'm too afraid to see his reaction, and I'm more afraid to hear what he says next. What if he doesn't reciprocate?

"I-I should really go," I mumble shooting up.

"Yeona," he calls out trying to reach for my hand, but I'm too quick for him.

"Yeona!" He shouts out, but doing so causes him pain.

I stop in my tracks hearing him groan in pain, but I'm still afraid to see his face. 

It feels as though my heart has sunken to the pit of my stomach. 

I can't face him right now.

- 3rd Person PoV -

"Oh?" Lets out Sieun when Yeona walks out of Jungwon's room. 

She was quite shocked that Yeona didn't decide to stay longer with him. At one point she thought she might've fell asleep because there was period of silence, but she thought wrong.

They were for sure not sleeping.

She notices her dejected expression though. Could she possibly be feeling this way because he's hurt so badly, or maybe something else has happened...

Yeona manages to give Sieun a smile, but doesn't pull it off so convincingly.

"Lets go," she softly says trying not to let Sieun hear her shaky voice.

They walk slowly outside on the way to Yeona's chambers.

Sieun feeling hesitate to initiate the question on "What's going on?" and Yeona feeling more embarrassed as each second goes by as her mind keeps replaying the scene.

She's definitely not going to be able to sleep tonight.

"Sieun, I have a question," Yeona finally says something making Sieun light up.

"Yes, your highness?" she's all ears. 

"What does it mean if you tell someone you love them... but they don't say it back?" She questions quietly.

Sieun takes in the question, but doesn't necessarily know how to answer it herself. She isn't a love expert, even though Yeona always goes to her for advice.

Well, who else can Yeona go to? Her curiosity is never ending. Her mother always knew the answers, and when she was gone, she heavily relied on Sieun.

Even though Sieun doesn't know much, she always tried to answer, but this time... the cat got her tongue.

Mainly because Jaeyun told her he loved her... but she didn't say it back.

She felt the same way, but... she knew her place...

"You told Jungwon you love him?' Questions Sieun.

Yeona nods feeling more embarrassed than ever.

"It just came out, and I understand that it may be too soon to say something like that-"

"No," Sieun cuts her off. "When you feel it so heavily in your heart, it's right. Don't feel like it's your fault that he didn't say it back."

"I mean... I know how he is," Yeona starts to say. "He doesn't really express his feelings through his words-"

"But you do," Sieun cuts her off again. "He knows how you are too."

Yeona becomes quiet knowing that Sieun is right. She was kind of hoping that maybe he didn't say it was because of his personality, but why should she only accommodate to him?

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