17 - Confession Is Not Flashy

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- Yeona PoV - 

I lay in the middle of my room with my arms and legs spread out. I don't know how long I've been in this position. I don't have any concept of time at this point.

Me and Jungwon's conversation circulates through my head nonstop. His words, his voice, his face is imprinted in my brain. 

I can't stop thinking about him.

"Your highness," walks in Sieun. She crouches next to me and pokes me. "You've been like this throughout the whole night. Did you not get any sleep?"

"Oh, is it morning already?" I question emotionless as I continue to stare straight at the ceiling. 

"Last night, it was like watching an entire break up," says Sieun. "Funny because you two were never together."

"Right," I say soulless.

"Your highness... I've never seen you like this," Sieun says. "Why try to suppress your feelings? It's obvious that you have fallen for him."

I finally sit up thinking about Sieun's words.

"You know Sieun," I start to say. "I... I really do like him."

She softly chuckles, "I know your highness."

"I actually care that he left, and I actually want him to be my King," I confess.

"Your King?" She questions quite shocked.

"Yea," I let out a soft sigh. "It's not what he wants, and just because I'm the Crown Princess, doesn't mean I can force him into anything."

"I say you confess," Sieun suggest making me snap towards her.

"Are you actually insane?" I look at her with wide eyes. "You want me to have a heart attack?!"

"It's quite obvious that he likes you too," Sieun says.

I roll my eyes falling back down to my original position, "Didn't you hear him last night? He wishes he never met me. Plus, I can't just go talk to him. He created a line."

- 3rd Person PoV -

Councilor Yang approaches Queen Dowager's chambers with rage. To be the last to find out about his son's dismissal sent him over the edge.

He feels betrayed by Queen Dowager. He thought he had gone on her good side when he informed her on Yeona's outings, so why the shift?

"You are permitted from visiting Councilor Yang," Queen Dowager's head court maid, Lady Oh, informs him.

"Bullshit," he mumbles as he enters Queen Dowager's chambers anyways.

"Councilor Yang!" Shouts Queen Dowager.

She knew he would be coming soon. She tried to keep Jungwon's leave hidden for as much as she can, but the whispers travel quickly and far in the palace. It was only a matter of time an angry man with a ugly beard would appear in front of Queen Dowager.

"I thought my son was in your favor your majesty," Councilor Yang says a bit more calm than what he looks like.

Queen Dowager breathes out heavily through her nose. She never liked Councilor Yang.

Always controlling her late son, and he was the prime suspect for her son's death. Power hungry is what he is, but that's what he and Queen Dowager have in common.

They feel as though no one shall be above them.

There was a moment where it seemed that she had Yeona strapped down, and it was all thanks to Councilor Yang ratting out on her.

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