19 - Oh Sweet Love

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- Jungwon PoV -

"Don't you think the princess should know?" I question to Jongseong as we make our way through the tunnel underneath his chambers.

"And let her cause a ruckus? No," he dismisses. "If she found out her mother was down here, all hell would break loose then everyone in Joseon would call her a schizo."

With all the rumors about Yeona, I wouldn't be surprised that would happen, but she's been trying to find her mother for 10 years. If Queen Yue is indeed underneath here, shouldn't the first person to know be her very own daughter?

"When should we tell her then?" I then question. Gosh... Am I turning into Yeona?

"Now is not the time to discuss that," he dismisses me once again. "We're getting close."

Our pace slows down as we start to see a light shine down the tunnel. 

"Guards!" I whisper pulling Jongseong behind a wall.

They pass by us not taking any notice.

"You can't keep me in here forever!" Shouts a woman.

"Oh shut up!" We hear the guard yell back. "If you want your daughter to live you better stay quiet!"

Me and Jongseong look at each other in shock.

"Queen Yue."

- Yeona PoV -

"Where are we going your highness?" Questions Sieun as we walk through the palace.

"Oh um.." I look over to Jungwon's chambers.

It's not like I was going to visit him or anything! Perhaps I may or may not bump into him. He may want some fresh air!

"Just a stroll Sieun," I reply trying to manifest Jungwon to come out of his chambers.

On the steps of his chambers is a pouty Lord Riki. What's up with him?

"Lord Riki?" I question approaching him.

He instantly stands up and bows, "Your highness..."

"Why the gloomy mood?" I ask.

He sighs heavily, "The guys treat me like a child."

I giggle, "Well they can't help it when you're the youngest."

"No, they don't understand that I'm growing up as a man!" He pouts. "Not to mention that brat Jungwon trying to steal you away from us."

I shake my head with a giggle as I pat his arm to comfort him.

"He's not stealing me away. What would make you think that?" 

"Stupid Jaeyun was saying all this crap about him and you playing and having fun together but not in the way that I think," he explains.

"Not in the way that you think..." my voice fades realizing what Lord Jaeyun may have met.

"What a pervert!" I cringe.

"Pervert?" Lord Riki innocently questions.

I shake my hands, "Don't mind him. He must have some issues."

"Your highness!" Scolds Sieun. "Why would he have issues? He's perfectly fine!"

"Clear your eyes with some soap and water and check back with us," Lord Riki says. 

"How about we take our minds off of those weirdos and play some ball?" I suggest making his face light up.

"Let me get my ball!" He runs off to his chambers.

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