7 - Blooming Day

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The next day

- Jungwon PoV - 

"Hyung, did you hear that someone painted all over the palace walls yesterday?" Questions Riki as we're taking a stroll.

It was me. Clearly me. I was ready to leave and turn away from this place for good, but my father came into the picture.

I could've showed the brushes and the paint I used and somehow my father would prove it wasn't me. Who knows what actually happened to that eunuch.

"If I were to suspect anyone, it would be you hyung," he correctly guesses. "You always get in trouble."

I put my arm over his shoulder, "It's quite a flex if you ask me."

"You better be careful here. Queen Dowager is really scary," he warns.

I shake my head with a smile. She's nothing but  an old hag. My own father has her wrapped around his finger.

"I heard that the princess had her hair down yesterday. They're saying she looked like a commoner," Riki says.

She did look normal... different... she reminded me of someone...

That's not important though.

I need to come up with a way to get out of here, a new way...

"Is that Prince Jongseong?" Suddenly questions Riki.

We notice a tall, sharp looking guy going through a rack of dresses. Only a prince can be that good looking.

The outcast prince who was never welcomed because he was simply an add-on to Queen Sena. The could've, would've been King, but because of his mother, he didn't stand a chance.

I'm sure if Queen Dowager approved of Queen Sena, the 6 of us wouldn't be "competing" to be the King right now.

"I'll see you at our lessons later," I tell Riki as I walk away from him.

"Be careful! He's bad luck!" Riki warns as I keep my focus on Prince Jongseong.

I walk up to him with confidence. 

"Prince Jongseong," I bow smiling.

"What the.." he says. "No one calls me that anymore."

"You are a prince," I clarify. "It's lawfully right to call you so."

He sighs going through the rack of dresses, "If only Queen Dowager thought the same thing too."

He raises his eyebrow, "Who are you anyway?"

"Lord Yang Jungwon, suitor for the Crown Princess," I introduce. 

He scoffs, "Good luck. My step-sister is a piece of work."

"Definitely," I groan annoyed. She's like a flea. Itchy and annoying. Once you think you have gotten rid of her, she pops up biting your skin once again!

"A good-looking guy like yourself shouldn't be wasted on a girl like her," he compliments. "She's odd I tell you."

"You don't say.." I mumble. 

"Run away if you can," He suggests. "Once Queen Dowager have you on a hook or better yet, the Chief State Councilor, you're stuck here forever!"

Well... there goes any of my luck. 

"May I ask why are you messing around with these dresses?" I ask.

He sighs, "Because the maids always give me low-quality fabrics for my robes. These right here are for the princess, so I'm stealing them so I can make my own robes."

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