12 - Heartbeat

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- 3rd Person PoV -

In the back of the palace where the river flows, Sieun sits in front of the river clutching onto her braid as she sobs quietly. 

As a court maid, they're treated lowly. Nobody thinks about them since they can be easily replaceable. They're taken advantage of and are constantly disrespected. 

Everyone forgets... that they're human too with feelings, morals, and values.

Sieun, and many other women in Joseon, value their hair. A piece of her is gone.

Not just beauty, but her legacy.

She's more than a court maid. She's more than what anybody thinks of her. To simply be handled like a stray dog made her feel at her lowest...

Sieun becomes alarmed when she hears the sound of footsteps approach her.

She closes her eyes tightly thinking she can turn invisible.

That's when a hand softly touches her shoulders making her flinch.

"Hey... it's Jaeyun," softly says Jaeyun as he sits next to Sieun.

He saw everything... well, the whole palace did. He saw Sieun run away, so he followed.

Sieun glances over at him. She tries to contain her tears so she wouldn't embarrass herself, but they won't stop.

Jaeyun slowly rubs her back, "everything will be okay..."

"No!" She snaps. "It's not going to be okay..."

She sniffles as she looks at her braid. 

"I've never met my parents," she starts to say. "My father worked here in the palace when he met my mom... apparently he was one of the richest noblemen at the time whereas my mom was a mere commoner."

Jaeyun looks at her with his upmost undivided attention, not saying a word as he continues to rub her back.

"My father's parents were livid when they found out about me... so... they killed my mom," Sieun says with her voice shaky. "When my father found out... he killed himself... leaving me with my maternal grandmother."

"She knew his parents were going to come for her and I next, so... she took me to the place they least expected... the palace," Sieun says. "Babies aren't taken in by court maids, but... my grandmother begged and pleaded for the head court maid to take care of me... I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Court Lady Kim or my grandmother..."

Sieun tears intensify as she stares at her braid, "It feels as though he cut off any connection I had with her... my mother... and my father..."

"Not only that... but I'M UGLY!!" Sieun tilts her head back as she completely breaks down into an ugly cry.

"Hey hey hey," Jaeyun slightly panics. "Who said that you were ugly?"

"No one has to say it, I JUST KNOW!" She cries.

"You're still beautiful," Jaeyun says with a soft smile.

Sieun looks at him with her adorable teary puppy eyes. A look like makes Jaeyun heart melt even more.

"Your legacy is still with you," he assures Sieun. "Your mother, father, and halmeoni are still apart of you."

Sieun sniffles, "Really?"

He nods smiling, "I would know... I lost my halmeoni too."

She places her hand on top of his, "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be," he says. "Because she's still in my heart... I'm sure your halmeoni would want you to know she's still in yours..."

"Besides, hair grows... soon you'll be able to braid your hair again! But personally, I think you look better than the whole kingdom with your new look," he compliments making Sieun giggle.

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