Awakening to Darkness - Motel Dam Sanctum - 4/16/2018

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Justin kept telling himself that the concept of the undead, blood drinkers, and vampires were not real. He pondered this as he got dressed. He found it unsettling that Milo had gone to his home to get him new clothes. But in the grand scheme, it was the least of his worries.

This thought drowned out Milo's words about presenting a certain way. He wondered how old Milo had been. Had he been old enough to be a slave? They would explain why he was now obsessed with his appearance. But he sounded like he was more European. He was sure that they had slaves, but was it as bad as in America?

He shook his head. Milo was not a vampire. He was just some crazy person he had to get away from. So why hadn't he tried to get away yet? As they left the lobby, neither of them noticed a bald man raising from one of the side rooms, trying in vain to get their attention.

"You said there was a place to get tea around here?" Milo asked for the third time as he placed the top hat on his head.

"Yes, I already said." Justin pointed across the street. "Just over there."

Milo glanced across the street. "I don't know if I care for it. Are there any others we could go to?"

"No, it's the best one in town. At least for coffee, or. Never Mind, just come on." Justin was often called pretentious, but this was ridiculous. Milo could at least appreciate something for what it was worth and not just judge it for its appearance. Yes, the place wasn't crisp and clean, but they made do with what they had. And making it steampunk-themed made the exposed ceilings work. The lighting may look cheap at first glance, but with very little effort, you can see it wasn't. And most of the rust was just paint. He just couldn't appreciate the beauty in it.

This was all exacerbated by the fact that Milo wouldn't even give it a proper look. It didn't matter how good his eyes were. You can't see through people. If he just took a few steps forward to the curb, he could see it better. Instead, he put as much distance between himself and the coffee shop, practically hugging the walls of the buildings they passed.

"No, I don't think it will suit me." Continuing to walk forward until they hit the intercession. Jumping back as a car blasted his horn, and nearly hit another pedestrian. Milo glared at the driver as it swerved past.

"It wasn't honking at you." Of course, he would be the kind of person who takes everything personally. Justin slammed his hand into the crosswalk button. "Well, it's the one we are going to. It's my favorite, and I'm not going another six blocks to a generic chain store just because it looks nicer." At that point, Milo hadn't been talking. But Justin was determined to hold his ground.

The white walking man flashed as people crossed in all directions and all traffic was brought to a halt. Milo picked up his stride as he crossed the street, waiting at the corner of the building until Justin could make it over.

Crazy Bean was the best place to go. And he knew everyone that worked on a first-name basis. Perhaps they would know something was wrong and could help him. It was only as he reached for the door handle had he realized he did not know how he would ask for help without Milo noticing.

At that same moment, as if he read his mind, Milo placed a hand on Justin's shoulder. He could hear Milo speak, but not with his ears. The voice came from his mind. It wasn't his thoughts but Milo's. "It would be in the best interest of you and your friends not to tell them what has happened between us." A threat. It was clear as day that was what it was. He could feel it in every fiber of his being. They said, If you out me, I will make you pay. I will make you wish you were never born. And I will harm everyone you love before turning on you. Justin turned to Milo's vacant expression. "Shall we go in?" he asked as he gestured to the door with a pleasant smile.

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