Doubting the Mission - St Ivies Cathedral(8-04-2018)

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Amy and Justin made their way back up the steps of st Ivies cathedral that morning. Amy reflected on what had happened the night before. Just now did she realize the gravity of the situation she was in. Hearing that Malachi still hadn't arrived. They were instructed to wait in his office. Given what she now knew about Ma'at and everything else, it was clear that she was never safe in the city.

This was the twenty-first century and somehow the existence of vampires felt out of place. The computer and all the other modern conveniences seemed strange. Nothing in the room suggested the presence of anything supernatural. Computers and magic shouldn't go hand and hand.

She felt the strain in her bones and the weight of anxiety in her chest. She hugged Grendel the night before and stole a blue stone from him. Her fingers curled around the stone now.

She looked at Justin, who was deep in thought, and wondered what he was thinking. She knew he had been through a lot in the past few months, and she was grateful for his presence. She felt a sudden surge of affection for him and reached out to hold his hand.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly.

Justin looked at her and nodded. "I'm fine, just thinking about what we need to do next. I need to find a way to get out of this, to distance myself from Milo."

Amy nodded in agreement. "I know. I'm just worried about Malachi. Do you think we can trust him?"

Justin squeezed her hand. "I don't know, but we can't worry about that right now. We need to focus on ourselves and figure out a plan. We can figure out all of that later."

Amy sighed and looked around the room, taking in the modern furnishings and the lack of any hint of the supernatural. She wondered what was in store for them and if they would ever be able to return to a normal life.

It seemed logical that the church would be on the right side. They wanted to protect people. She still had no idea what the stone did. She wondered if she should hand it over. Just as the overpowering feeling came over her to get up and leave the door swung open.

"Malachi," Amy breathed in relief as she saw the tall figure of the priest standing in the doorway. He looked exhausted and worried, but otherwise in good spirits.

"I'm glad you're both safe," he said, his voice grave."I'm so happy to see you this morning. "I hope you hadn't waited too long." Taking a few steps, he stood over Amy. "Do you have the stone?"

"I'm glad you're both safe," he said, his voice grave."I'm so happy to see you this morning. "I hope you hadn't waited too long." Taking a few steps, he stood over Amy. "Do you have the stone?"

Malachi looked at Amy, his expression serious. "The stone is a powerful ancient artefact known as the stone of Ma'at. It has the power to restore balance and order to the world. In the hands of someone like Grendel, it could be used to wreak havoc and destruction. We must keep it out of his hands at all costs."

Amy's heart was pounding in her chest. She realized the weight of the situation they were in and the importance of the stone. "I understand," she said, still hesitant to give it up. "But why do you need it? What will you do with it?"

Malachi sighed and looked at Justin. "We need the stone to help us in our fight against the warm-blooded vampires. We are a group of vampire hunters, dedicated to protecting the world from the darkness. The stone will give us the power we need to defeat both the cold and warm-blooded vampires."

Justin nodded in agreement. "Amy, we need to trust Malachi. He knows what he's doing and he can help us. We need to work together if we want to survive."

Amy took a deep breath and handed the stone over to Malachi. "I trust you," she said, her voice shaking. "I hope this is the right thing to do."

Malachi smiled, his eyes shining with determination. "It is the right thing to do. We will use the stone to restore balance and protect the world from darkness. Together, we will defeat vampires once and for all."

Manifestation of a Monster (Warm-Blooded Vampires) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now