A Deal with the Devil - St Ivies Cathedral / Motel Dam Sanctum(7-31-2018)

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On the verge of a storm, the sky darkened fast that night, and the wind swept through the streets. Before Amy's head was soaked by the rain, they made it to the cathedral steps. Then, a huge crack of thunder shook the sky. Simultaneously, they saw a silhouette of a guy standing in the archway above the steps as the sky above them suddenly lit up.

Rex stood at the top waiting for them. Amy hated lying to Justin. Especially given their earlier assurances of complete transparency. However, Rex refused to provide the details without his presence. She failed to provide Justin with a full introduction. But he would have to forgive her. Ultimately, it was his life that was at stake.

Amy felt a terrible sensation after all pleasantries were put aside. A thought she hadn't considered, Is Justin even allowed to enter the church? What would happen if Rex detected signs of pain from Justin? She recalled how much pain the small metal object appeared to cause the vampire when Rax fought it. The few steps required to cross the threshold were nearly agonising. But nothing happened. Amy finally let out a relieved sigh about halfway down the grand hall.

Amy was finally able to appreciate the church's massive ceilings and intricate sculptures for what they were. If she was looking for religion, this would be the type of place she would have enjoyed visiting. On a sunny day, the stained glass windows above the congregation's heads must have been breathtaking. The walls were covered in large tapestries. Amy thought she saw the movement for a split second. Alas, it was nothing more than an optical illusion.

They made their way over to a man who was standing at the altar. "Hi, my name is Malichi." The minister reached out and first took Amy's and then Justin's hands. None of this seemed out of the ordinary until she thought about how his hands were moist. And he was so adept at grabbing their wrists with one hand. Was he checking for a pulse? Amy looked up at the priest who was beaming down at them and said, "Holy water?"

"Clever girl," Malachi replied beaming at Amy. "But in this line of work, one can't be too careful." He then turned to look at Rex. "I believe I can handle it from here. We'll head to my office. Personal concerns, in my opinion, are best spoken behind closed doors."

He put his hand behind Amy's and Justin's backs leading them up the stairs to the altar and threw a side door. In contrast to the openness and spaciousness of the cathedral, the office felt cramped and stuffy. He danced his way around a massive desk that dominated the area. In the meanwhile, Justin and Amy sat down on the too-big leather armchairs.

"Have no fear; I have not shared our phone conversation with Rex," Malachi said when he noticed the fear in Amy's eyes.

As he filled two black wine glasses from a bottle, Malachi remarked. "He can be. Well lest say enthusiastic about his job. But I would hate for him to take action if there was a miscommunication."

Justin turned to Amy. "What exactly did you tell him?"

"Just that she was worried you were sharing a house with a vampire." While talking to Justin, Malachi kept his gaze on Amy's expression, handing her alone of the cups. "If your roommate turns out to be a vampire, we will definitely let Rex know. So that he and his crew can... deal with him."

"He's not," Justin spoke so rapidly that he scarcely had time to take in what he had just said. "That is. Is that necessary?"

Amy stared at him in disbelief as Malachi began pouring Justin's water as she gulped down her own. "The only option if he really is a vampire is to eliminate him." He offered Justin a glass. "Unless you are attempting to shield him, that is?"

When Justin's fingers touched the glass, he immediately retreated. He sprang from his chair and screamed as he put his fingers to his lips as if they had been burned. Fearfully turning around to stare at Malachi.

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