The Horror of the Zompires - St Ivies Cathedral (8-5-2018)

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Amy awoke with a headache and the feeling that her body was fighting a cold, and she didn't recognize anything around her at first. As she gazed around the meeting room, the previous hour came back to her. Justin was lying next to her. They were in the same position as before they passed out. Ma'at, on the other hand, was now seated in her chair between them and the door.

"What will it be?" Ma'at said, her steely eyes fixed on Amy's. "Will it be me or him who converts you tonight?" Amy was about to respond when she heard a loud wooshing sound from behind her. followed by the horrifying stench of burnt flesh

The two young women exchanged glances toward the doorway. To begin with, Amy was terrified that one of the zompires had broken loose. As soon as Milo entered, though, a wave of relief washed over her. She considered him among the scariest things she'd ever seen the night before. However, at this point, that was irrelevant. Happily, he was there to save the day.

Milo walked into the room, his eyes blazing with anger. "Ma'at, what have you done?" he growled. "What are you planning?"

Ma'at sneered at him. "I can do whatever I want, Wakhakwi. Oh, that's right, you don't go by that name anymore do you?" She turned to Amy. "I wanted to turn her, but sadly you have seen what happens when I try. I'm going to make the boy do it."

Milo moved ahead a few steps. "You will not do such a thing; you cannot compel someone to do so for your own personal gain."

Ma'at burst out laughing, and a nasty snap rang across the room. Ma'at's smile had completely disappeared. "You made me break a rib," she said to MIlo as she turned to Justin, then to Amy. "I'm curious why he's here; surely he's not come to help you; it's a bit of a coincidence, don't you think?"

He turned to face Milo, who was inching closer. "Is Alu with you, or is he too scared to face what he's done?"

Milo shook his head, his eyes never leaving Ma'at's face. "Alu is not here, and he has nothing to do with this. This is between you and me, Ma'at. You have no right to try and convert anyone against their will. They are not your pawns to manipulate and use for your own gain."

A coy smile formed as she looked up at Milo. "Pretending to be the hero are we now?" She gave a quick glance to Justin and then back to Milo. "Isn't that what you did to him? The only reason you care is that you two still have a bond and you're afraid if he turns Amy before that bond is severed it will harm you."

Amy's mind was racing, trying to come up with a plan to get them out of there. She didn't know what Ma'at was capable of, but she knew that Milo was their only hope of escape. She whispered to Justin, hoping to wake him up. "Justin, wake up. We need to get out of here."

Justin stirred, groaning softly. He opened his eyes and looked at Amy, confusion etched on his face. "What...what's going on?"

"Ma'at is trying to turn me into a vampire, and Milo is trying to stop her. We need to get out of here, Justin. Can you move?"

Milo moved forward for Ma'at at that same moment. As he rolled her charge, she flinched. He was on one knee, facing her. Turning her so the door was no longer visible to her. Quickly eyeing Justin and Amy, then the door he came from. Grendel had been very visible. Waving her and Justin to follow.

Milo had now positioned himself he was eye to eye with Ma'at. "What are you playing at? What do you get from any of this?" Milo asked his ton back to his normal subdued manner.

"Anser your question?" Ma'at scoffed. Are you not even going to consider mine?"

"How did you do it? You were entombed. There should have been no way for you to communicate with anyone."

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