A Secret Weapon - abandoned warehouse (7-20-2018)

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It wasn't likely to work. But she was going to need every bit of assistance she could get if she was going to meet up with a vampire. Even if he were human, he would still be terrifying. C.R.O.W. Their names were constantly mentioned. Everything she had seen led her to believe that they were well versed in dealing with vampires. It wasn't quite tangible proof that this wasn't merely a wild conspiracy, but it was her best bet. There are far too many people who spend too much time online and are bored with the real world. But C.R.O.W. seemed different. They had glamorised nothing and made their claims based on science.

She continued on her solo journey to an abandoned factory. When she first saw it, she believed it was a joke. This building was only three stories tall, making it quite short. Rust formed on the metal siding. Walls were ripped out of their frames in several spots, leaving enormous holes. The dying sun reflected off the metallic surfaces, making it difficult to see.

What was going on here was ridiculous; she hadn't even heard their voices. She may very well have been talking to 14-year-olds for all she knew. She solely communicated with them via email. Despite the thoughtful and well-written notes she received, she still felt uneasy. The information provided her with no insight into the commitment she was making. She considered going back the way she came, but the massive loading doors opened. A towering, military-looking man loomed in the doorway. The bright light from within silhouetted his features.

"Amy?" A middle-aged man with a slight drawl called out to her. If his camouflage cargo pants and pucker green tee didn't give him away as military, his jet-black flat top certainly would. He braced himself with his hands behind his back and stood straight. His appearance was both reassuring and a cause for concern. If this was a joke, at least they were committed to it.

He made her get within several feet of him before he moved in closer. Putting out a hand, "Rex." His hands were calloused, and he had a firm grasp. "I'm delighted you'll be able to attend. The truth is that I probably shouldn't tell you anything. But we need people who will acknowledge the problem and are also willing to help address it."

"For the time being, I have not committed to anything." Amy declared, making it plain where she stood on the issue.

Rex smiled at her in a way that reassured her. "That is considerably more equitable than I expected. However, you are present at this time. More than I can say about most people, actually. Any assistance is greatly appreciated." He seemed to lose his train of thought as if he was thinking of someone, but didn't want to name them. "Shell we." He stepped aside so Amy could enter the building. She did not know what to anticipate. She had been having a lighthearted email conversation with this person up until this point. Quite the opposite vibe from what this guy was putting out. It's great to put a face to the person I've been talking to, she added as they started up the creaky stairway.

Rex, who was close behind her, remarked, "That wasn't me. That was Devion. He's our computer expert." She was unsure if his tone betrayed displeasure or merely stair-induced fatigue. There may have just been three stories in the structure. But the ceiling was quite high, and the staircase felt as if it went on indefinitely.

"You probably haven't been doing this for too long." As they neared the top of the stairs, he inquired.

She responded sheepishly, "No. There's a small part of me that still doesn't think it's possible. All of that at once? That's a lot to take in."

"It is. Being the bearer of bad news is not something I enjoy doing. However, the road ahead is filled with increasingly difficult obstacles." Brings her up to a pair of doors. No matter how bad the building appeared from the outside, the inside was considerably worse. The spectre of death accompanied every step she took. When was the last time she got a tetanus vaccination? Even the thought of touching something terrified her.

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