The Final Showdown - St Ivies Cathedral (8-5-2018)

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"Are you the one that changed, Justin?" Malachi spoke to Milo, who still didn't appear to have his strength back, and was leaning on his cane for support. "Go ahead and lock the front doors." Malachi addressed the enormous man who had escorted them back to the main hall. "We don't want any unexpected visitors."

Amy gazed around the room quietly, hoping to find an exit. Justin was jealous of her. However, unlike Justin. She did not know what this meant if she were to be turned. She probably expected it to be all rainbows and sunshine. Or that she would be able to overcome the difficulties it posed.

Malachi, the man he had seen as his saviour recently, was now asking him to do the unfathomable. He was willing to assist him in exchange for the potential of not having to kill anyone.

He was now undecided. Ma'at is obviously still feeding off of people. And he might still have agreed to it. But he refused to change Amy. He would not condemn her to the horrors that his life would become from now on.

"I'm sorry, Malachi, but I can't do what you're asking," Justin said firmly. "I won't change Amy or anyone else for that matter. It's not right, and I won't be a part of it."

Malachi's face hardened, and he took a step closer to Justin. "You don't have a choice, Justin. You either do as I say or you suffer the consequences."

"I don't understand. Why are you doing this? To what ends? What do you get out of this?" Justin shouted, unable to keep his anger down.

"To what ends?" Malachi answered as if he had just been asked what one plus one was. "Don't you see? Don't you understand? This town, this world, is under the control of demons. I need an army of faithful believers to put a stop to them all."

His strong conviction quickly stands melted to one of pity. "Don't you see, boy? You are already dammed. There is nothing you can do about it. So give in and help our cause. And pray that God will see your good deeds and have pity on you."

"And you will have Amy subjected to the same fate as me?" Justin protested.

"He doesn't give a damn about souls or salvation, Justin." Milo finally spoke up. "He just needs people who are willing to do his work. People who are strong and able to make more Kaw-Sekhmu. Ones that will have a will of their own and listen to him."

Malachi's expression turned dark, and he narrowed his eyes at Milo. "You should watch your tongue, Milo. You are in no position to speak against me, especially when you are just as guilty as the rest of us. You have been feeding off of people for years. Don't act like you are better than me, because you are not. But there is a difference. The people I take in are still alive. Which is more than I can say about your victims."

"It's true," Milo's answered. "I am not condemning you, simply pointing out the facts. But what I do is for my survival. I need human life energy to keep going. If I don't, then I die."

Justin felt his pity turn to anger as he saw no lack of regret, nor any guilt on Milo's face. He knew Milo did what he must, but that didn't change what he did.

Malachi sneered at Justin and Milo. "You won't be able to escape me, Justin. I have people all over this building, and they will stop you if you try to leave. You will do as I say, or you will suffer the consequences."

Justin and Milo exchanged a determined look. They were not going to let Malachi control them or force them to change into something they didn't want to be. They would find a way out, no matter what it took.

Malachi's sneer turned into a scowl, and he took a step closer to Justin and Milo. "You think you can just walk out of here? You are both foolish and naïve. You have no idea the power I hold or the resources I have at my disposal. You will do as I say, or you will regret it."

As he stood up to Malachi, Justin felt a surge of determination and bravery. He realised they couldn't just stand there and let Malachi rule them. They needed to act and find a way out.

"We will not do as you say, Malachi," Justin stated emphatically. "We will not turn into monsters like you. We will not be controlled by you anymore. We'll find a way out and keep you from hurting anyone else."

Justin charged at the man, thrusting him to the ground. Malachi, to his surprise, grinned up at him. As though it was exactly what he intended him to do. "I can still help you, Justin," Malachi said softly. "But I want you to know. Whatever happens next is on you."

There was a commotion behind him. He could see the enormous man scurrying around on fire by the time he turned around. He tried to pat his arms down at first, but it seemed that the more he tried to put out the fire, the stronger it burned.

"Milo, it's Milo, you fool," Malachi said from beneath Justin. "Disrupt his focus."

The enormous man pounced at Milo, who quickly moved out of the way. As a result, the man threw himself into the pews. This happened a few more times. The enormous man would pick himself up from wherever he landed and go after Milo again. Still on fire, and still missing.

It took Justin a moment to realize what had happened only moments before Milo set the man on fire. But it was becoming too much for him to ignore. His nostrils were flooded with the odour of fresh blood. And time seemed to stand still.

As he turned, he saw Amy with her hand around her throat, gasping for air. Wet, warm blood dripped from her fingers. She whispered Justin's name. Leaping up, he raced over to her, which was the only thing he could think of. He put his hand over her hands.

Fighting desperately between attempting to stop the blood from flowing out of her and ripping her hands away and plunging his teeth into her neck.

"Amy hold on, you'll be ok." Justin sobbed as he held his hand tightly against her neck. Know if he had loosened his grip it was all done for. Just a moment of weakness and she would be dead.

Manifestation of a Monster (Warm-Blooded Vampires) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now