Uncovering the Truth - Motel Dam Sanctum / St Ivies Cathedral (8-5-2018)

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The night was spent poring through the documents by Milo, Richard, and even Grendel on occasion. It was like trying to put together a puzzle with simply the pieces, with no box to guide them. Eventually, it began to feel as if the pieces belonged to other puzzles.

"I'm just going to give up now." After much struggle, Grendel gave up and held out his hands. Nothing here makes any sense at all.

It wasn't just him who felt this way, either. It seems that Milo had given up hope that anything would eventually make sense. Even if his anger wasn't showing on his face. Richard was the only one who appeared to care about uncovering the truth.

At the last minute, before Grendel gave up to find something more interesting on TV. Richard had received a text message, and his face turned pale.

He seemingly ignored the message and resumed his frenzied search through the files. "This, right here." He indicated one of the documents they had all read extensively. I think Milo was onto something there.

Milo reviewed the priest Malachi's paperwork. "How did I miss that before? He seems to have had ties to the group CROW... a group of vigilantes that..." Richard halted, an expression of grave worry on his face. "It seems they are vampire hunters."

Grendel jumped to join the other two. "What, I didn't see anything about vampire slayers. Where does it say that?"

He met Richard's annoyed gaze. "Clearly, they don't go around shouting that they are what they are. This is only a rumour at this point. However, if our suspicions prove correct." Richard thought about that for a while. "No, it doesn't make any sense at all. In theory, I could face off some posable vampire slayers, but I'd rather not." Richard gave Milo the impression of asking if the latter shared his thoughts.

Are you implying that we should take a field trip?" Milo inquired


Upon arriving at St. Ivie's Cathedral, Richard briefed Milo and Grendel on his attack strategy. Meaning force would only be used if absolutely necessary. Richards's intention for that evening wasn't to fight his priest. After all, he was still an upstanding member of the church and didn't want to tarnish his reputation.

He did, however, say that Milo and Grendel remain vigilant. For the reason that he may be connected to vampire hunters.

"None of them seemed like a safe bet to me," Grendel said mockingly.

"Well, that's why we have a plan," Richard replied. "We need to be careful and not let our guard down. We don't want to cause any unnecessary problems, but we also need to protect ourselves if we are attacked."

Milo nodded in agreement. "I understand. We'll be ready for whatever comes our way."

"Good," Richard said, "Now let's go inside and see what we can find out."

The three of them entered the cathedral, their footsteps echoing on the stone floor. As they walked down the aisle, they noticed that the place was empty except for the priest, who was sitting in a pew near the altar.

"Father, we need to speak with you," Richard said, approaching the priest.

The priest looked up at them, his face a mixture of surprise and concern. "What is it that you need to talk to me about?" he asked.

"It's about the recent attacks on the town," Richard said. "This may sound crazy, but there are some who think they might be connected to vampires, and we need your help to stop them."

The priest's eyes widened in shock. "Vampires? Are you serious?"

"I'm afraid so," Richard said. "We have reason to believe that there are vampires in this town, and we need your help to stop them."

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