The Edge of Control - Cliff Side - 4/16/2018

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No longer in control of his actions or emotions, Justin stormed out of the cafe. He was angry. He had every right to be. He should have been spending the day with his new fiance. Instead, Milo had plucked him from his own life. His path and the road he wanted Justin to go down didn't look good. He was forced to keep Amy in the dark and would turn into something without his consent. His anger had to be related to what Milo had done to him.

But at that moment, none of these things were clear to him. If he knew where his path was heading. He would have stayed there with Amy. He would have put as much distance between him and Milo, right then and there. But as he stood, he just knew he was angry, and not feeling he had any control, he followed Milo outside.

Justin reached for his shoulder when Milo grasped his arm. "Don't touch me," Milo growled, and rage in his eyes burnt through Justin's soul. But Justin was too angry to let it bother him.

"Don't threaten my girlfriend," Justin barked. The next thing that happened was a blur. At first, Justin had thought Milo had punched him in the stomach as all the air left his body. It was only a few seconds later when he realized he couldn't catch his breath and his feet were no longer on the ground. It was like being on a rollercoaster, but the downfall wasn't slowing. It finally ended with him hitting the ground with a thud.

It took him a second to gather himself, and a few more to realize he was no longer in the city. And the cement was now cold wet grass as the crashing of waves could be heard in the distance. It wasn't until then he saw a billboard on the side of the road. It had been there as long as he could remember. All who seek salvation have a place to go. At one point, there was the name of the church on the corner. But Justin had never seen it. Old and routing away when he was young. There was no way of reading it now. He knew where he was. They were about thirty miles out of the city. They somehow traveled in what would normally take forty-five minutes in less than thirty seconds.

"Are you alright?" Milo asked, circling him like a wild animal. Justin could barely nod his head when he was lifted into the air once more. This time when he got his barrens back, he was dangling over the side of the cliff, Milo holding him by the collar of his shirt.

"Starting now, you will show me respect." Milo hissed as Justin clung to his arm.

"Don't drop me." Justin pleaded as both glanced down at the crashing waves and the jagged rocks below.

"I would probably survive this fall with little to no injuries," Milo said. An ominous grin formed on his face. He was enjoying this. He enjoyed seeing Justin in distress. "I believe any other human would have no chance of survival. I'm not sure with my blood in your veins this will kill you." He paused long enough for Justin to understand the implications. He wouldn't die, but it would hurt. Maybe enough that he would wish he died.

"Are you going to start to listen to me now?" Milo asked. The chilly wind wiped through Milo's clothes but did not have any visible effect on him. He stood tall and unmoving.

"Fine, Fine, I'll listen. Whatever you say." Justin wailed, trying to reach the ledge with his foot. He could feel the tip of his toe touch it, but was unable to get a grip. When he felt his stomach fall. Milo loosened his grip for a split second before pulling him back to the safety of the ground.

"What the shit," Justin panted, tears forming in his eyes from the wind that still wiped through the air. "Why me? What do you want?"

Milo stooped next to him as Justin set up. "I told you. I have been asleep for over a hundred years. I know nothing about what is going on. I should have been awakened by my kind. But instead, I woke up in a morgue. I needed someone's memories and thoughts of this time to help me figure out what was going on. To navigate this whole thing."

All the signs of anger in Milo dissipated. "I chose you because you were there. But it didn't work. I know no more than what I did before. Aside from understanding the new language." He stood up, dusting his pants off. "You're not the only one who is unhappy with the circumstances." He turned, walking to the side of the cliff.

A moment ago, Justin hated this man more than anyone in his entire life. But now. But now he didn't know how to feel. At that moment, he pitted the man. It wasn't long ago that he lost his family. He reasoned with himself that this feeling resulted from losing his family as well. He had no reason to believe otherwise. He did not know the implications of being turned by Milo. He did not know that he would have little choice in how he felt about Milo on some level.

Instead, he began justifying Milo's actions to himself. He, too, had done things that were out of character when bad things had happened. Justin stood up. Standing next to the man, neither of them spoke. Watching the waves of the ocean go in and out as the sun quickie rose high in the sky.

"What body of water is this?" Milo asked, breaking the silence.


"So this must be the colonies?"

"Well, the USA now. But yeah."

Neither of them looked at each other. There was a strange understanding that occurred without either of them having to say it. Now that he examined what was going on, he understood what Milo wanted from him. He needed help to find his family. Neither of them wanted to be stuck with one another. And after he found them. Justin could go back to his normal life.

"You can stay with me until you find them." Justin offered without being asked, immediately regretting it as the words left his lips.

"How kind of you?" Milo answered, already knowing Justin would offer even before the question was asked. 

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