A Risky Move - Motel Dam Sanctum (7-18-2018)

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Amy had travelled halfway down the hallway. Examining the name plates that were affixed to each door. She had luckily been alone. Facilitating her ability to take her time. The walls were covered with nameplates, except one, being a supplies closet. Looking up into the narrow band of frosted glass that covered the door from the handle to the top. Stopping at the Last one that read Richard.

She heard footsteps from within as she peered through the door. To avoid being seen, she moved to the bathroom and waited till all was clear. She peered out and saw the tweed-clad man depart Richard's office, looking somewhat dejected. Before rushing into the office, she waited till he was out of sight. Underestimating how small it would be.

She slammed against the wobbly desk as she walked in. She briefly believed she would tip it over, but something at the other end caught it. But she didn't have time to consider that. She jumped between the sofa and the file cabinet as the door opened behind her. It wasn't far-just a few feet away.

Just as she crammed herself inside, the door opened. To put it mildly, it was unpleasant. Her legs twisted, her arm caught underneath her. She couldn't risk moving, though. Every sound she made could reveal her position.

The door slammed shut once more. It was impossible to tell if the individual had left or if they were still there. After plenty of time passed, she finally heard a sound coming from the chamber. It emerged from beneath the desk.

"Jesus Christ, Richard, were you hiding under your desk?" Fabien's voice encoded through the room in amusement.

"Don't be ridiculous," a second man's voice said. It had to of been Richard's voice." I misplaced a pen." A moment later, something that sounded like a pen hit the desk surface. "What do you want? Why are you just standing in my office?"

"Your wife stopped by earlier," Fabien said as he wiped his finger across the front of the desk as one would if they were checking for dust. Only to be unsuccessful.

"Oh?" Richard gathered some papers in front of him and inquired in a dry voice, "What did she want?"

"Is Isabel doing okay?" Fabien inquired. sounding less enthusiastic and more antagonistic. "So long has passed since I last heard from her. You can bet your wife is." She couldn't see his face as he halted. However, She could precisely picture the expression he was wearing. One of those arrogant looks one might flash when they knew they were in the driver's seat. "Well, to put it politely, I'm sure she misses the services she offers."

Richard replied, "Yes, Isabel is a terrific family friend," but he hardly looked interested in talking to the other. "We find it difficult to communicate now that we live over here, and we miss her company." "That's not what I meant!" After snapping, Fabien collected himself. "I just." He began. "I simply mean. A man who shares your faith. That you would let your wife and child be around someone like her intrigues me. Additionally, her line of work." Amy did not know of the circumstance. However, she soon realized that she was feeling sorry for the man. While this individual tried to draw a rise out of Richard, Richard sat motionlessly. If only she could see what was going on.

"It's not really my concern what Isabel does for a living." Richard's tone was calm as he talked. If he truly didn't care or if he was just adept at masking his feelings, Amy couldn't tell.

"Richard, the Bible doesn't like whores!" Fabien declared with utter conviction.

After a brief slam on the desk, there was silence. Richard had spoken, but he did it in the same collected tone as previously. "Fabien, what is your knowledge of the Bible?"

"Nothing," Fabien answered with delight in his voice. "Are you a cuck, Richard? Do you like to watch your wife fuck other women?"

Amy expected a blast. There might even be a few punches. But silence filled the space. She was so worried that someone would notice her by her breath. She stayed as still as she could. Her throbbing hand almost became unbearable.

Amy could now see Richard properly because he had leaned back in his chair. He didn't have the angry or malicious expression she would have expected. But instead, he had a smile on his face. As he looked at Fabien, his hands neatly coiled around his head. "Isn't it a peculiar choice of words now? Fabien, it doesn't really seem like my wife and I make a suitable topic for work. That word, however, seems to fit you better than it ever would for me."

"There are still a few things to finish up before you depart tonight." Fabien's voice no longer carried any of the happiness that it had just minutes ago. "I've already included them in your itinerary."

"Isn't this a janitorial job?" Richard asked in the same lifeless tone as before as he cast a glance at Fabien's identical tablet.

"Well, they are significant clients who are requesting these things." When Fabien realized he would not be getting a rouse out of him, his smirk faded. "I thought you would have wanted to take care of them yourself."

"In a couple of minutes, I'll take care of them," Richard responded courteously, without even giving Fabien a second glance.

"Do you know where Grendel is?" Fabien inquired without amusement this time but seeking genuine conversion. "As far as we know, both Milo and the other remain missing. This doesn't look good if we have yet another person pissing."

Richard hesitated before responding. "Unfortunately, I have the same lack of knowledge that you have." Richard interrupted Fabien just as he was about to begin. "I would strongly advise you to leave me to it if you want me to handle this, in addition to my janitorial responsibilities. I'll make sure to mention it in the weekly report if any of this is delayed or performed incorrectly as a result of your wanting to sit here and chat." Moments afterwards, Fabien departed. Then Richard followed suit shortly after. After opening, the door shut. Amy chose not to risk getting up. Even as her legs dozed off. When the motion detector lights turned off, she slid out of the corner she had been hiding in.

Amy could have been a rag doll for all the work Richard was putting into her. "Now respond, and I want the truth. What brought you here?" She could talk and feel his pulse under his thumb as his grasp around her neck loosened. However, she couldn't move without severing her air supply.

Richard wriggled his fingers in a snake-like motion, luring Amy's gaze into his while she attempted to break free. "Now, we're not having any of that. I stated that I needed the truth young lady."

"I was looking for evidence since I believed vampires owned this hotel," Amy said. Even as she was speaking, she didn't think it could be true. But there she was.

For a brief period, Richard stepped back and allowed his hold on Amy to ease. "Let me be clear on this. You believed that bloodthirsty vampires ran this hotel, and what exactly were you planning to do? What goals are you pursuing?" He peered puzzledly about the space. "And you believed that hiding in a vampire's office was the safest option?" Amy then realized the man's ruby eyes. They might be mistaken for brown from a distance. But from this distance, there was no error. They had a deep blood crimson hue.

She experienced the same sense of dread she had the night Milo was asleep. Her feet carried her to the door before she had time to consider. When Richard smashed her back against the wall with ease and speed.

The most horrific, revolting thing she had ever seen was the smile he wore. "You came to see the vampires, right? It is my responsibility as the establishment's manager to provide for the needs of my customers." His two canines expanded at that point, splitting at the ends as his mouth widened.

When she shouted out, she felt the fang scrape her neck. "Milo." She was unsure about her motivation. But since her neck wasn't assaulted, it was the appropriate decision. Before carefully drawing away from her, Richard stayed still for a time. "I know where he is." She cried out. The only thing on her mind was not wanting to die.

"Why should I believe you?"

"How come I'm here? I think he hurt my partner somehow." She choked as Richard's fingers fell off her throat, struggling to breathe in the air she had just been deprived of.

He quickly went to his desk. He grabbed a sticky note and started writing stuff down right away. He appeared in front of her shortly after. "I'm unable to speak here. Do not allow anyone to view this. He placed the message in her hand. I'll murder you if you tell anyone about this, but not before I kill everyone you care about."

He dragged her to the door by grabbing her arm. He pushed her out after looking both ways down the hallway. "I never want to see you around here again," he said, closing the door behind her.

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