A Moment of Reflection - Ritchard's home (2-15-2016)

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Going into the new backyard was weird for Molly. She and Olive put in a lot of time and effort to make their garden beautiful. She was torn between the desire and the reluctance to begin over.

However, there was more to it. No, it wasn't because she had any doubts about Richard's reliability. In every way, he excelled. Yet there were occasions. When his drive for competition became overwhelming. And Fabian seemed to bring out the worst in him. Or it had in the past.

It was years since the two had worked together. However, she had a strong disdain for Fabian. She realised, though, that he would not have been so bad if it hadn't been for the receptive nature of what they brought out in one another. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she failed to notice anyone open the front door or the back.

She was fixated on the bare backyard. But the feel of Richard's arms around her waist broke her out of her growing hatred of the empty square with a whitewashed fence and her anxieties for the future.

She jumped a little as he placed his head on her shoulder. "Are you going to work your magic back here?"

She tried to respond, but all she could manage was a shrug.

"I assure you, It will not be like last time." He kissed the back of her neck softly.

"I know," and she mostly meant it.

"You're a terrible liar." He said this while quietly smiling at her.

"And you're a good one." she turned to him, not sharing the same playful nature. It was primarily due to exhaustion, however, some of her fear also played a role. That she may lose Ricard is some crazy power trip he may sir come to was a small part of it. But the prospect of their not locating Milo worried her more.

Richard took Molly's hand in his and led her to the edge of the yard, where a small tree stood. Protecting them from the crimson light early that morning. Subsequently, he dropped to the floor and sat down. "You're upset," he said, drawing Molly closer. "Let us discuss it."

She sat down next to him, putting her head on his chest as he surrounded her with an arm. He was well aware of what was hurting her. The ability was common to their species. Especially those with whom they share a bloodline. And because Richard was the one who had changed her, their link was incredibly strong. It was unusual for him to be unable to determine how she felt.

"We will find Milo." Even before she could respond, he had spoken. She knew he was just as worried as she was. But at least he attempted to make her feel better. "We need to track him down. If not, Grendel will remain our problem forever." Adding the last part to easy the tension. But If they didn't find Milo. It may be true.

"He's not so bad," Molly said as she made rings on his chest with her finger.

He pulled away from her slightly. "Not so bad?" The look on his face was one of shock. "For someone to party with? Yes, he's great fun. However, his inability to keep clothing on plus the fact that he is high 90% of the time makes him an unsuitable flatmate."

Molly ignored this as she made herself comfortable on Richard once more. "He's not so bad. And he's only high about half the time, tops. He just got a lot going on. Besides, if it wasn't for him, who knows where you would be? He's the one that completed your change."

Richard had been born a Kaw-Sekhmu as both his parents were. But as his parents died when he was very young, it took up to meeting Grendel to fully know what he was. And stopping his ageing by fully turning him.

"Yeah, and he stocked me for nearly forty years before he ever spoke to me." Richard sounded bitter as he spoke. But understanding that his existence was as strange for Grendel as it was for Richard himself made sense in retrospect. After all, realizing Richard was the child of two people who Milo had turned years before had thrown him off. And worried he may have been mistaken, he didn't want to rush into introducing himself.

Manifestation of a Monster (Warm-Blooded Vampires) Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें