The Weight of the Past - outside (7-19-2018)

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A new moon had risen. He knew that this would have resulted in a dark night, but no longer. His eyes couldn't adjust as they formerly did because of the illumination from residences and street lights. He liked the dark better. He frequently lounged in an unlit space when he was alone. His vision was superior to that of any human. Additionally, he felt out of place because of the constant street lights and TVs.

He had been attempting to adjust to several other things as well. He had the impression that he had lost control of his mental wanderings. He had never fully lost any recollection of the past. Include his time spent as a human. However, the majority of it was shoved to the back and remained there until needed. But he continued to have setbacks related to his human life. He didn't know why he would think about these things right now. But there were, which made him miss the folks who had long ago passed away. This was coupled with his desire to reconnect with the folks he last saw 150 years ago. He felt all alone.

He was pushed into this new world with no prior knowledge of how it operated, which didn't help. You would receive refined blood from a trustworthy source to begin the process of waking up. You wouldn't be given any particular memories like you would when you turned into someone. However, it would provide you with a general understanding of the social scene of the time. It wasn't at all like turning someone where you would learn all of their memories and perspectives on life. Both the first and second options were out of the question. Like the blood he wanted to swallow right now, everything was rejected.

He reflected on the day in 1850 when he almost passed away. That night, he could feel pain for the first time in a long time. Genuine pain that cut to the core of his being. Pain served as a signal to the brain that the body was in danger. This section of his brain had been switched off, knowing that almost nothing could kill him. However, it hurt to feel the dark blood piercing his veins. He felt a surge as a result. In comparison, the anguish he was experiencing today was far worse, and he had grown weary of it.

But his thoughts wouldn't stay still. Moving back and forth between ideas. From his human days with his previous family to the last few months when he had to Indore his new life with Justin. Every time he attempted to cling to the pressure of his thoughts, they would pull away from him, substituted by another

Grendel and Isabel were on his mind. Where were they now? He considered what might have happened to them, to Molly or Richard. He compared it to finding a needle in a mound of hay. Only that period of time stood between him and the truth. The words and the facts seemed foreboding. In actuality, he could quickly provide Justin with the answers if he provided him with the appropriate information. But the thought of being completely alone was intolerable to him. And he feared not knowing would be easier.

Even while he had never been one to believe in fate and destiny, he eventually realized why so many people believed. All the unplanned events that led to the events that moulded his life today occurred long before he was even born. And he might not be here, thousands of years later, strolling down this side street if any one of them had altered.

If his mother never made friends with the queen of the pharaoh. If only she hadn't grown accustomed to her way of life inside their walls. If she hadn't thought to do so, she would have made her own son accompany one of the pharaoh's younger children. An existence that is torturous in and of itself. Now, where would he be?

Like stepping through time. His thoughts were flooded by the extensive building's pillars and walls. He remembered his mother's voice and face, which had been in the background for some time. More beautiful than he could recall. He had lost sight of his affection for her. How he would have fulfilled whatever request she made of him.

"We live a lovely life here, lessen Alu. Nothing we do must be able to undo this. Do you understand?" She nervously peered into the adjacent space. I promised her I would do everything in my power to support her in raising this child, but I also need your assistance.

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